Well Organized
The best about pages we found were the ones that had a lot of information but were excellently organized, making them easily digestible. When faced with the task of creating an about page, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and put it off indefinitely because the subject you are dealing with is yourself. It is a subject we know more about than anything else and it can be difficult to know just how much and how little we should tell the world about ourselves. A good about page must be informative without being too wordy.
Jason is Creative Director for A List Apart and it’s clear why. He has pioneered the idea of the “fast design direction” approach to updating websites, a method where instead of doing a major re-design of a site after a long period of time, each article or update gets its own unique design. David and Dustin from above use the same sort of system. Jason’s about page is clean, organized, and personable. We can see at a glance what he has written elsewhere, what he’s about, and what he’s capable of.
Joseph makes sure to give thanks and credit where it’s due on his about page.
The 2-column layout used by Travis neatly encapsulates everything about who he is and what he does. You can easily scan for the information you need.
SimpleBits has always been an inspiration to many web designers and it’s no surprise Dan Cederholm’s about page is one of the best organized and informative out there.
Jon Tangerine is a master of typography. The first time I visited his site I was amazed at what he was able to accomplish without the help of sIFR or other font rendering engines. His about page is a joy to view. Every section is deliberate, informative, and attractive.
Douglas Bowman is a creative director for Twitter and has been working on the web for as long as its been around. His about page is succinct and entertaining. We as graphic designers get exactly what we want in the section devoted to previous design iterations of his website over the years. Check out his footer when you’re on the about page, too, for a bit of cleverness.
Bubs has quite a lot of information but it’s neatly categorized and amusing.