Drive SnapShot是windows系统下运行的磁盘镜像备份工具,用户通过该软件可方便的将指定磁盘中的内容,备份到另外一个镜像文件夹中,你还可以为所备份的文件添加上密码;并且软件采用了WindowsNT驱动器技术,可完美兼容windows任意版本系统下运行。本站点提供绿色免安装版本,启动程序即可使用,有需要的朋友快来下载使用吧。
1.Snapshot Backup ——在windows运行时建立磁盘镜像;
2.Snapshot View——以友好的方式浏览保存的磁盘镜像;
1.这使得一个非常快速和容易的方式来备份那些必须一天 24 小时运行的服务器和其他计算机。
4.这同样适用于您所选择的任何程序,(当然) 包括 Windows 资源管理器
6.还原系统分区需要 DOS ;可以使用 Windows 还原其他驱动器。
7.兼容所有的 Windows 文件系统 (FAT16,FAT32,NTFS,ReFS)。
8.兼容所有的Windows RAID方法。
9.在运行 Windows 时可以创建磁盘映像备份,备份过程将备份您的所有数据到一个文件,其中包含所有数据,包括系统数据和注册表,为了总体安全,应对计算机崩溃的时候。
10.重新启动(到 DOS) 没有必要。在备份过程中可以继续您的工作,新的快照技术可确保所有数据的一致性,并反映在备份开始时的 PC 机上的数据。
V1.50 - August 2022: Drive Snapshot 1.50
Changes to support recent operating systems: Server 2022 and Windows 11
Support of backups to a SFTP server
Extended free update period from 2 years to 5 years
V1.49 - August 2021: Drive Snapshot 1.49
Changes to support recent operating systems (Server 2019) and Windows 10 (20H2)
Changes in the encryption
Compatibility with UWF filtered drives.
V1.48 - December 2019: Drive Snapshot 1.48
Changes to support recent operating systems (Server 2019) and Windows 10 (1909)
Fixed some problems in the encryption
V1.47 - May 2019: Drive Snapshot 1.47
Changes to support recent operating systems (Server 2019)
Completely rewritten encryption. Improved speed and security. Instead of a plain text password you can use a public encryption key now.
New option (--EjectMediaAfterBackup) to eject a backup medium after the backup has finished.
V1.46 - March 2018: Drive Snapshot 1.46
Changes to support recent operating systems (Windows 10 (1709))
Improved speed when verifying images
Additional options to create differential images much faster (--FastDiff:)
Possibility to remove a removable drive after successful backup (--EjectDrive)
Improved image repair functionality (--repair)
Improved partition handling for Linux partitions
Support for recent versions of XFS (V5 with CRC) file systems
V1.45 - December 2016: Drive Snapshot 1.45
Support for Server 2016
Support for disk with a native sector size of 4k byte (4kn)