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OFX插件 360°/VR三维全景跟踪合成插件版 Mocha VR Plugin v5.5.0 特别版

OFX插件 360°/VR三维全景跟踪合成插件版 Mocha VR Plugin v5.5.0 特别版



Mocha VR是一款Imagineer Systems公司新推出的360°/VR三维全景跟踪合成软件,包含了mocha Pro软件的所有功能,高级遮罩功能,创建/插入/删除对象,跟踪,稳定等,Mocha VR 可作为独立程序使用,也可以作为插件在别的软件中使用。本平台提供Mocha VR AE插件破解版,欢迎下载!

OFX插件:The Foundry Nuke,Blackmagic Design Fusion


2.拷贝 libmochaVRPlug.dylib 文件到以下路径
Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0(或者其他版本)\MediaCore\Imagineer Systems\mocha VR Plugin V5
3.拷贝mochavr.lic 文件到以下路径
C:\ProgramData\Imagineer Systems Ltd\Licensing

【Mocha VR – 主要特点 】
360° Planar Tracking: Imagineer’s award-winning planar tracking solution now supports equirectangular footage delivering the world’s most robust 360° tracking solution for post-production.

360° Workspace: Optimized workspace and toolset works simultaneously in rectilinear and lat/long views bringing 360° capability to a variety of applications. Editors and artists can easily track, roto, create effects and insert graphics without worrying about equirectangular seams or distorted pixels.

360° Masking Tools: Unlimited X-Spline tools for articulate shape creation and masking, saves hours of time versus traditional keyframing techniques. Roto-masks can be rendered back to host or exported to most editing and compositing systems.

360° Object Removal: Mocha’s famous Remove Module now works on 360° video by analyzing temporal frames and removing unwanted camera rigs, shadows, crew members and more for massive time-savings.
