Android Compose学习之绘制速度表盘
这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了Android Compose绘制速度表盘的相关知识,文中的示例代码讲解详细,具有一定的学习价值,感兴趣的小伙伴可以了解下
@Composable fun SpeedContent(){ //添加数字动画,避免速度变化过于突兀 var mytargetValue by remember { mutableStateOf(0) } val progressInt: Int by animateIntAsState(targetValue = mytargetValue) Column(modifier = Modifier .background(color = Color.White) .fillMaxSize(), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Bottom, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { Slider(value = mytargetValue.toFloat(), onValueChange = { mytargetValue = it.toInt() }, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), valueRange = 0f..180f) SpeederMeter(progressInt) } }
@OptIn(ExperimentalTextApi::class) @Composable fun SpeederMeter(speedNum: Int,modifier: Modifier = Modifier .width(220.dp) .height(120.dp) .background(color = Color.White)){ val centerPointColor = Color.Blue val colorCenterPoint1 = Color(0xFF000000) val colorCenterPoint2 = Color(0xFFEE3E07) val mersure = rememberTextMeasurer() fun getPointX(centerX:Float,angle:Int,circleRdius:Float,step:Int):Float{ val angles = (angle*step).toDouble() val angle = Math.toRadians(angles) return centerX - cos(angle).toFloat()*(circleRdius) } fun getPointY(centerY:Float,angle:Int,circleRdius:Float,step:Int):Float{ val angles = (angle*step).toDouble() val angle = Math.toRadians(angles) return centerY- sin(angle).toFloat()*(circleRdius) } val myUnit = "KM/H" val speedTextList = Array(7){(it*20).toString()} Box(modifier, contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomCenter ) { Canvas(modifier, onDraw = { val centerX = size.width/2 val bottomY = size.height-50 val myColorStops = arrayOf(0.0f to Color.White,1.0f to Color.Black) //画指针底座 drawCircle( brush = Brush.radialGradient(colorStops = myColorStops), radius = 30f, center = Offset(centerX,bottomY+15.dp.value), ) drawCircle( color = Color.White, radius = 23f, center = Offset(centerX,bottomY+15.dp.value) ) drawCircle( color = Color.Red, radius = 20f, center = Offset(centerX,bottomY+15.dp.value) ) //画单位 drawText( textMeasurer = mersure, text = myUnit, style = TextStyle(color = Color.Black, fontSize = 12.sp, fontWeight = FontWeight(20), fontFamily = FontFamily.Serif), topLeft = Offset(centerX-50.dp.value,bottomY-90) ) //画刻度 repeat(61){ val fontWeights = if( it%5==0){ if(it%10==0){ 7f }else{ 4f } }else{ 2f } val lengths = if(it%5==0){ if(it%10==0){ 25 }else{ 22 } }else{ 20 } drawLine( color = Color.Black, start = Offset( getPointX(centerX,it,bottomY,3), getPointY(centerX,it,bottomY,3) ), end = Offset( getPointX(centerX,it,bottomY-lengths,3), getPointY(centerX,it,bottomY-lengths,3) ), strokeWidth = fontWeights, cap = StrokeCap.Round ) } //画数字 repeat(speedTextList.size){ val myTopLeft = Offset( getPointX(centerX,it,bottomY-70,30)-25.dp.value, getPointY(bottomY,it,bottomY-70,30)) val colorType = if(it > 4){ Color.Red }else{ Color.Black } drawText( textMeasurer = mersure, text = speedTextList[it], topLeft =myTopLeft, style = TextStyle(colorType, fontSize = 11.sp, fontFamily = FontFamily.Serif) ) } //画指针 drawLine( color = Color.Red, start = Offset( getPointX(centerX,speedNum,bottomY-30,1), getPointY(centerX,speedNum,bottomY-30,1) ), end = Offset( getPointX(centerX,speedNum,0f,1), getPointY(centerX,speedNum,0f,1) ), strokeWidth = 15f, cap = StrokeCap.Round ) }) } }
到此这篇关于Android Compose学习之绘制速度表盘的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Compose绘制速度表盘内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!