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首页 > 软件编程 > Android > Android ro.debuggable系统调试





几乎所有应用市场中的 Android 应用,都处于非可调试状态。如果我们需要调试 Android 应用,往往需要反编译对应的 apk , 然后修改 apk 的 AndroidManifest.xml 中的 application 标签,将android:debuggable 属性设置为 true。然后进行回编译

<application android:debuggable="true">

这样做不仅麻烦,而且如果对应的 app 做了签名校验,可能会使 app 无法正常运行。

在 Android 系统中一个应用能否被调试是这样判断的: 当 android 启动时,系统属性 ro.debuggable 为1,系统中所有的程序都是可以调试的。如果系统中的 ro.debuggable 为 0, 则会判断程序的 AndroidManifest.xml 中 application 标签中的 android:debuggable 属性是否为 true。

所以,我们可以通过修改 default.prop 文件中的 ro.debuggable 属性来调试设备中的所有应用。

下面介绍二种修改 ro.debuggable 的方式


注入 init 进程,修改内存中的属性值,只要init进程不重启,这些属性值就会生效。但是如果设备重启,则修改的属性值就失效。

前提:需要有 su 命令(root)


方式二 (推荐)

前提:需要先安装 Magisk


MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
 Select an option below.
1 - Edit device fingerprint
2 - Force BASIC key attestation
3 - Device simulation (disabled)
4 - Edit MagiskHide props (active)
5 - Add/edit custom props
6 - Delete prop values
7 - Script settings
8 - Collect logs
u - Perform module update check
r - Reset all options/settings
b - Reboot device
e - Exit
See the module readme or the
support thread @ XDA for details.
Enter your desired option: 5
MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
 Custom props
 Select an option below:
Set or edit custom prop values for your device.
Currently no custom props set.
Please add one by selecting
"New custom prop" below.
n - New custom prop
b - Go back to main menu
e - Exit
See the module readme or the
support thread @ XDA for details.
Enter your desired option: n
MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
 New custom prop
Enter the prop to set. Example:
b - Go back
e - Exit
Enter your desired option: ro.debuggable
MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
ro.debuggable is
one of the sensitive props that can be
set by the MagiskHide props option.
Are you sure you want to proceed?
y - Yes
n - No
e - Exit
Enter your desired option: y
MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
Enter the value you want to set
ro.debuggable to,
or select from the options below.
The currently set value is:
Please enter the new value.
b - Go back
e - Exit
Enter your desired option: 1
MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
This will set ro.debuggable to:
Pick an option below to change
what boot stage the prop will
be set in, or set/reset a delay:
1 - Default (current)
2 - post-fs-data
3 - late_start service
4 - Both boot stages
d - Delay
Do you want to continue?
Enter y(es), n(o), e(xit)
or an option from above: y
Working. Please wait...
Working. Please wait...
Working. Please wait...
Working. Please wait...
Working. Please wait...
MagiskHide Props Config v6.1.2
by Didgeridoohan @ XDA Developers
 Reboot - ro.debuggable
Reboot for changes to take effect.
Do you want to reboot now (y/n)?
Enter y(es), n(o) or e(xit): y


通过上述两种方式修改 ro.debuggable 的值后,在手机 shell 中输入getprop ro.debuggble 应该会得到 1。此时我们就能愉快地调试手机上的所有 app 了。

