Android selinux策略文件的编译与加载
本文分析了selinux策略文件 在开机时的加载过程.selinux文章很多,写这个的应该不多.
make sepolicy -j48 或 make selinux_policy -j48
把生成的文件 \out\target\product\XXXX\obj\ETC\vendor_sepolicy.cil_intermediates\vendor_sepolicy.cil push(out\target\product\XXXX\vendor\etc\selinux\vendor_sepolicy.cil)到 /vendor/etc/selinux 目录下
注:当前以规则文件 vendor_sepolicy.cil 为例。
- 备份后删除/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy文件
- 重启手机后生效
make selinux_policy -j48
make编译大约 3~17分钟 如果make编译过了,可使用ninja编译,不到一分钟就可以编译完成
time prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/ninja -f out/ -j48 selinux_policy
time prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/ninja -f out/ -j48 sepolicy.recovery
- 备份/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy文件
- 把生成的文件out\target\product\klein\odm\etc\selinux\precompiled_sepolicy,push到/odm/etc/selinux/目录下
- 重启手机后生效
注:App上下文seapp_contexts,文件上下文 file_contexts ,属性上下文 property_contexts 的修改生效方法,见文末
手机启动后,进入加载selinux政策流程,会使用/odm/etc/selinux/目录下的两个sha256文件中的值分别同/system/etc/selinux,/product/etc/selinux 目录的sha256文件中的值对比,如果都相等,则加载/odm/etc/selinux/目录下的/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy 预编译的selinux二进制政策文件。如果不同,则使用/system/etc/selinux 和 /vendor/etc/selinux 等目录下的文件重新编译 selinux二进制政策文件,然后加载新的 sepolicy 文件。
1、selinux政策加载流程(加载sepolicy 二进制文件流程)
---> selinux.cpp ---> int SetupSelinux(char** argv)
---> SelinuxInitialize();
---> LoadPolicy()
---> LoadSplitPolicy()
---> FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy(std::string* file) // 关键函数
开机启动时会加载selinux政策。main.cpp 中调用 selinux.cpp 中的 int SetupSelinux(char** argv) 函数,SetupSelinux 调用SelinuxInitialize(),SelinuxInitialize() 调用 LoadPolicy() 函数
int SetupSelinux(char** argv) { ··· // Set up SELinux, loading the SELinux policy. SelinuxSetupKernelLogging(); SelinuxInitialize(); ··· return 1; }
void SelinuxInitialize() { ··· LOG(INFO) << "Loading SELinux policy"; if (!LoadPolicy()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Unable to load SELinux policy"; } ··· }
LoadPolicy 方法中会判断 /system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil 文件是否存在,存在调用LoadSplitPolicy,不存在调用LoadMonolithicPolicy方法从根目录/sepolicy(此路径在 /external/selinux/libselinux/src/android/android_platform.c sepolicy_file变量写死)下加载selinux政策(这是以前的版本)
【根据此处代码逻辑,make sepolicy 后,把生成的文件out\target\product\klein\root\sepolicy,push到根目录下,顺便删除/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil 文件
应该也可以使新的selinux政策生效(经测试无法push到根目录:Read-only file system)】
bool LoadPolicy() { return IsSplitPolicyDevice() ? LoadSplitPolicy() : LoadMonolithicPolicy(); } constexpr const char plat_policy_cil_file[] = "/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil"; bool IsSplitPolicyDevice() { return access(plat_policy_cil_file, R_OK) != -1; } bool LoadMonolithicPolicy() { LOG(VERBOSE) << "Loading SELinux policy from monolithic file"; if (selinux_android_load_policy() < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load monolithic SELinux policy"; return false; } return true; }
static const char *const sepolicy_file = "/sepolicy"; int selinux_android_load_policy() { int fd = -1; fd = open(sepolicy_file, O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) { selinux_log(SELINUX_ERROR, "SELinux: Could not open %s: %s\n", sepolicy_file, strerror(errno)); return -1; } int ret = selinux_android_load_policy_from_fd(fd, sepolicy_file); close(fd); return ret; }
LoadSplitPolicy() 方法
use_userdebug_policy 由环境变量 INIT_FORCE_DEBUGGABLE 决定,使用adb shell命令 echo $INIT_FORCE_DEBUGGABLE 查看此变量为空,所以 use_userdebug_policy == false
代码进入 FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy方法.
bool LoadSplitPolicy() { // IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: Split policy consists of three CIL files: // * platform -- policy needed due to logic contained in the system image, // * non-platform -- policy needed due to logic contained in the vendor image, // * mapping -- mapping policy which helps preserve forward-compatibility of non-platform policy // with newer versions of platform policy. // // secilc is invoked to compile the above three policy files into a single monolithic policy // file. This file is then loaded into the kernel. // See if we need to load userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil instead of plat_sepolicy.cil. const char* force_debuggable_env = getenv("INIT_FORCE_DEBUGGABLE"); // 可使用adb shell命令 echo $INIT_FORCE_DEBUGGABLE 查看此环境变量的值 // 此变量为空,所以 use_userdebug_policy == false bool use_userdebug_policy = ((force_debuggable_env && "true"s == force_debuggable_env) && AvbHandle::IsDeviceUnlocked() && access(kDebugRamdiskSEPolicy, F_OK) == 0); if (use_userdebug_policy) { LOG(WARNING) << "Using userdebug system sepolicy"; } // Load precompiled policy from vendor image, if a matching policy is found there. The policy // must match the platform policy on the system image. std::string precompiled_sepolicy_file; // use_userdebug_policy requires compiling sepolicy with userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil. // Thus it cannot use the precompiled policy from vendor image. // 核心代码 !use_userdebug_policy == true ,进入 FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy 函数 if (!use_userdebug_policy && FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy(&precompiled_sepolicy_file)) { unique_fd fd(open(precompiled_sepolicy_file.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC | O_BINARY)); if (fd != -1) { if (selinux_android_load_policy_from_fd(fd, precompiled_sepolicy_file.c_str()) < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load SELinux policy from " << precompiled_sepolicy_file; return false; } return true; } } // No suitable precompiled policy could be loaded LOG(INFO) << "Compiling SELinux policy"; // We store the output of the compilation on /dev because this is the most convenient tmpfs // storage mount available this early in the boot sequence. char compiled_sepolicy[] = "/dev/sepolicy.XXXXXX"; unique_fd compiled_sepolicy_fd(mkostemp(compiled_sepolicy, O_CLOEXEC));//创建临时文件 if (compiled_sepolicy_fd < 0) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create temporary file " << compiled_sepolicy; return false; } ··· unlink(compiled_sepolicy);// 临时文件如果不再被使用后,文件会被自动删除 LOG(INFO) << "Loading compiled SELinux policy"; // 编译完成,加载新的selinux文件 if (selinux_android_load_policy_from_fd(compiled_sepolicy_fd, compiled_sepolicy) < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load SELinux policy from " << compiled_sepolicy; return false; } return true; }
FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy 此方法主要工作:
则会去/vendor/etc/selinux/目录下找相关的mapping.sha256去和system product 中的文件对比,
则FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy返回 false。
bool FindPrecompiledSplitPolicy(std::string* file) { file->clear(); // If there is an odm partition, precompiled_sepolicy will be in // odm/etc/selinux. Otherwise it will be in vendor/etc/selinux. static constexpr const char vendor_precompiled_sepolicy[] = "/vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy"; static constexpr const char odm_precompiled_sepolicy[] = "/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy"; if (access(odm_precompiled_sepolicy, R_OK) == 0) { *file = odm_precompiled_sepolicy; } else if (access(vendor_precompiled_sepolicy, R_OK) == 0) { *file = vendor_precompiled_sepolicy; } else { PLOG(INFO) << "No precompiled sepolicy"; return false; } std::string actual_plat_id; if (!ReadFirstLine("/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256", &actual_plat_id)) { PLOG(INFO) << "Failed to read " "/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"; return false; } std::string actual_product_id; if (!ReadFirstLine("/product/etc/selinux/product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256", &actual_product_id)) { PLOG(INFO) << "Failed to read " "/product/etc/selinux/product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"; return false; } std::string precompiled_plat_id; std::string precompiled_plat_sha256 = *file + ".plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"; if (!ReadFirstLine(precompiled_plat_sha256.c_str(), &precompiled_plat_id)) { PLOG(INFO) << "Failed to read " << precompiled_plat_sha256; file->clear(); return false; } std::string precompiled_product_id; std::string precompiled_product_sha256 = *file + ".product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256"; if (!ReadFirstLine(precompiled_product_sha256.c_str(), &precompiled_product_id)) { PLOG(INFO) << "Failed to read " << precompiled_product_sha256; file->clear(); return false; } // 核心代码 if (actual_plat_id.empty() || actual_plat_id != precompiled_plat_id || actual_product_id.empty() || actual_product_id != precompiled_product_id) { file->clear(); return false; } return true; }
- 删除/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy.cil 文件,make sepolicy 后,把生成的文件out\target\product\klein\root\sepolicy,push到根目录下 【无法push:Read-only file system】
- make selinux_policy 后,把生成的文件out\target\product\klein\odm\etc\selinux\precompiled_sepolicy,push到/odm/etc/selinux/目录下 【已验证】
- make selinux_policy 后,把生成的文件out\target\product\klein\odm\etc\selinux\precompiled_sepolicy,push到/vendor/etc/selinux/目录下,复制/odm/etc/selinux/目录下的两个sha文件到/vendor/etc/selinux/目录 【未验证】
- 删除或修改/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy.plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 【已验证 删除方式】
- 删除或修改/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy.product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 【未验证】
- 删除或修改**/system/etc/selinux/plat_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256** 【已验证 修改方式】
- 删除或修改/product/etc/selinux/product_sepolicy_and_mapping.sha256 【已验证 删除方式】
- 删除/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy文件 【已验证】
4、开机 SELinux 相关 log
1970-01-01 11:56:20.738 0-0/? I/SELinux: Initializing. 1970-01-01 11:56:31.265 0-0/? I/init: Loading SELinux policy 1970-01-01 11:56:31.271 0-0/? I/init: Compiling SELinux policy // log中出现此日志表明在编译新的selinux,selinux将会生效 1970-01-01 11:56:32.034 0-0/? I/init: Loading compiled SELinux policy1970-01-01 11:56:32.255 0-0/? I/SELinux: policy capability network_peer_controls=1 1970-01-01 11:56:32.255 0-0/? I/SELinux: policy capability open_perms=1 1970-01-01 11:56:32.255 0-0/? I/SELinux: policy capability extended_socket_class=1 1970-01-01 11:56:32.255 0-0/? I/SELinux: policy capability always_check_network=0 1970-01-01 11:56:32.255 0-0/? I/SELinux: policy capability cgroup_seclabel=0 1970-01-01 11:56:32.255 0-0/? I/SELinux: policy capability nnp_nosuid_transition=1 1970-01-01 11:56:32.461 0-0/? I/selinux: SELinux: Loaded policy from /dev/sepolicy.ys2KNm // 新的selinux生效,如果没有编译新的selinux,此处加载的是/odm/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy 1970-01-01 11:56:32.467 0-0/? W/selinux: SELinux: Skipping /product/etc/selinux/product_file_contexts: empty file 1970-01-01 11:56:32.467 0-0/? I/selinux: SELinux: Loaded file_contexts 1970-01-01 11:56:32.524 0-0/? W/selinux: SELinux: Skipping /product/etc/selinux/product_file_contexts: empty file 1970-01-01 11:56:32.524 0-0/? I/selinux: SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
- App的上下文 seapp_contexts 文件,可以直接修改,push手机上。重启后生效。
- 属性的上下文 property_contexts 文件, 可以直接修改,push手机上。重启后生效。
- 服务的上下文 service_contexts 文件,可以直接修改,push手机上。重启后生效。
- 虚拟文件上下文 genfs_contexts 文件,通过chcon命令进行修改
- 讲下文件上下文 file_contexts 文件的修改与测试。restorecon 命令可使文件上下文selinux政策生效。 restorecon -R
chcon : 随意修改某个文件(夹)的selinux lable。Ex: chcon u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 /data/app
restorecon : 依照sepolicy Rule中定义的规则,重新relable指定的文件(夹)。
修改 /system/bin/toybox 上下文示例:把junkserver的上下文修改为 shell_exec
- 首先修改 /system/etc/selinux/plat_file_contexts 文件内容
- 把 /system/bin/toybox u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0
- 修改为: /system/bin/toybox u:object_r:shell_exec:s0
进入手机shell 执行以下命令
# restorecon 命令需要跟参数,无法执行单个命令 mobius:/ # restorecon system/bin/toybox -v SELinux: Skipping /product/etc/selinux/product_file_contexts: empty file SELinux: Loaded file_contexts SELinux: Relabeling /system/bin/toybox from u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 to u:object_r:shell_exec:s0.
- 可以看到文件上下文生效了
mobius:/ # ls system/bin/toybox -lZ -rwxrwxrwx 1 root shell u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 432976 2009-01-01 08:00 system/bin/toybox
# android chcon <安全上下文> 文件 chcon -R <安全上下文> 目录 # 示例 klein:/ # chcon -v u:object_r:junkserverd_d_file:s0 /data/junk-server/junk.txt chcon '/data/junk-server/junk.txt' to u:object_r:junkserverd_d_file:s0 # chcon -R -v u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 ./0 # linux: chcon -t <安全上下文> 文件 chcon -R -t <安全上下文> 目录
以上就是Android selinux策略文件的编译与加载的详细内容,更多关于Android selinux策略编译的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!