#include <conio.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <dos.h> #define HEADER1 " -------------------------------BOOK TICKET----------------------------------\n" #define HEADER2 " | number |start city|reach city|takeofftime|receivetime|price|ticketnumber|\n" #define HEADER3 " |----------|----------|----------|-----------|-----------|-----|------------|\n" #define FORMAT " |%-10s|%-10s|%-10s|%-10s |%-10s |%5d| %5d |\n" #define DATA p->data.num,p->data.startcity,p->data.reachcity,p->data.takeofftime,p->data.receivetime,p->data.price,p->data.ticketnum int saveflag=0 ; /*定义存储火车信息的结构体*/ struct train { char num[10];/*列车号*/ char startcity[10];/*出发城市*/ char reachcity[10];/*目的城市*/ char takeofftime[10];/*发车时间*/ char receivetime[10];/*到达时间*/ int price;/*票价*/ int ticketnum ;/*票数*/ }; /*订票人的信息*/ struct man { char num[10];/*ID*/ char name[10];/*姓名*/ int bookNum ;/*订的票数*/ }; /*定义火车信息链表的结点结构*/ typedef struct node { struct train data ; struct node * next ; }Node,*Link ; /*定义订票人链表的结点结构*/ typedef struct Man { struct man data ; struct Man *next ; }book,*bookLink ; /* 初始界面*/ void menu() { puts("\n\n"); puts("\t\t|------------------------------------------------------|"); puts("\t\t| Booking Tickets |"); puts("\t\t|------------------------------------------------------|"); puts("\t\t| 0:quit the system |"); puts("\t\t| 1:Insert a train information |"); puts("\t\t| 2:Search a train information |"); puts("\t\t| 3:Book a train ticket |"); puts("\t\t| 4:Modify the train information |"); puts("\t\t| 5:Show the train information |"); puts("\t\t| 6:save information to file |"); puts("\t\t|------------------------------------------------------|"); } /*添加一个火车信息*/ void Traininfo(Link linkhead) { struct node *p,*r,*s ; char num[10]; r = linkhead ; s = linkhead->next ; while(r->next!=NULL) r=r->next ; while(1) { printf("please input the number of the train(0-return)"); scanf("%s",num); if(strcmp(num,"0")==0) break ; /*判断是否已经存在*/ while(s) { if(strcmp(s->data.num,num)==0) { printf("the train '%s'is existing!\n",num); return ; } s = s->next ; } p = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); strcpy(p->data.num,num);/*输入车号*/ printf("Input the city where the train will start:"); scanf("%s",p->data.startcity);/*输入出发城市*/ printf("Input the city where the train will reach:"); scanf("%s",p->data.reachcity);/*输入到站城市*/ printf("Input the time which the train take off:"); scanf("%s",p->data.takeofftime);/*输入出发时间*/ printf("Input the time which the train receive:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.receivetime);/*输入到站时间*/ printf("Input the price of ticket:"); scanf("%d",&p->data.price);/*输入火车票价*/ printf("Input the number of booked tickets:"); scanf("%d",&p->data.ticketnum);/*输入预定票数*/ p->next=NULL ; r->next=p ;/*插入到链表中*/ r=p ; saveflag = 1 ; } } /*打印火车票信息*/ void printheader() /*格式化输出表头*/ { printf(HEADER1); printf(HEADER2); printf(HEADER3); } void printdata(Node *q) /*格式化输出表中数据*/ { Node* p; p=q; printf(FORMAT,DATA); } /*查询火车信息*/ void searchtrain(Link l) { Node *s[10],*r; int sel,k,i=0 ; char str1[5],str2[10]; if(!l->next) { printf("There is not any record !"); return ; } printf("Choose the way:\n1:according to the number of train;\n2:according to the city:\n"); scanf("%d",&sel);/*输入选择的序号*/ if(sel==1) { printf("Input the the number of train:"); scanf("%s",str1); r=l->next; while(r!=NULL) if(strcmp(r->data.num,str1)==0)/*检索是否有与输入的车号相匹配的*/ { s[i]=r; i++; break; } else r=r->next; } else if(sel==2) { printf("Input the city you want to go:"); scanf("%s",str2); r=l->next; while(r!=NULL) if(strcmp(r->data.reachcity,str2)==0)/*检索是否有与输入的城市相匹配的火车*/ { s[i]=r; i++; r=r->next; } else r=r->next; } if(i==0) printf("can not find!"); else { printheader(); for(k=0;k<i;k++) printdata(s[k]); } } /*订票子模块*/ void Bookticket(Link l,bookLink k) { Node *r[10],*p ; char ch[2],tnum[10],str[10],str1[10],str2[10]; book *q,*h ; int i=0,t=0,flag=0,dnum; q=k ; while(q->next!=NULL) q=q->next ; printf("Input the city you want to go: "); scanf("%s",&str);/*输入要到达的城市*/ p=l->next ; while(p!=NULL) { if(strcmp(p->data.reachcity,str)==0) { r[i]=p ;/*将满足条件的记录存到数组r中*/ i++; } p=p->next ; } printf("\n\nthe number of record have %d\n",i); printheader(); for(t=0;t<i;t++) printdata(r[t]); if(i==0) printf("\nSorry!Can't find the train for you!\n"); else { printf("\ndo you want to book it?<y/n>\n"); scanf("%s",ch); if(strcmp(ch,"Y")==0||strcmp(ch,"y")==0)/*判断是否订票*/ { h=(book*)malloc(sizeof(book)); printf("Input your name: "); scanf("%s",&str1); strcpy(h->data.name,str1); printf("Input your id: "); scanf("%s",&str2); strcpy(h->data.num,str2); printf("please input the number of the train:"); scanf("%s",tnum); for(t=0;t<i;t++) if(strcmp(r[t]->data.num,tnum)==0) { if(r[t]->data.ticketnum<1)/*判断剩余的供订票的票数是否为0*/ { printf("sorry,no ticket!"); sleep(2); return; } printf("remain %d tickets\n",r[t]->data.ticketnum); flag=1; break; } if(flag==0) { printf("input error"); sleep(2); return; } printf("Input your bookNum: "); scanf("%d",&dnum); r[t]->data.ticketnum=r[t]->data.ticketnum-dnum;/*定票成功则可供订的票数相应减少*/ h->data.bookNum=dnum ; h->next=NULL ; q->next=h ; q=h ; printf("\nLucky!you have booked a ticket!"); getch(); saveflag=1 ; } } } /*修改火车信息*/ void Modify(Link l) { Node *p ; char tnum[10],ch ; p=l->next; if(!p) { printf("\nthere isn't record for you to modify!\n"); return ; } else { printf("\nDo you want to modify it?(y/n)\n"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=='y'||ch=='Y') { printf("\nInput the number of the train:"); scanf("%s",tnum); while(p!=NULL) if(strcmp(p->data.num,tnum)==0)/*查找与输入的车号相匹配的记录*/ break; else p=p->next; if(p) { printf("Input new number of train:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.num); printf("Input new city the train will start:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.startcity); printf("Input new city the train will reach:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.reachcity); printf("Input new time the train take off"); scanf("%s",&p->data.takeofftime); printf("Input new time the train reach:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.receivetime); printf("Input new price of the ticket::"); scanf("%d",&p->data.price); printf("Input new number of people who have booked ticket:"); scanf("%d",&p->data.ticketnum); printf("\nmodifying record is sucessful!\n"); saveflag=1 ; } else printf("\tcan't find the record!"); } } } void showtrain(Link l)/*自定义函数显示列车信息*/ { Node *p; p=l->next; printheader(); if(l->next==NULL) printf("no records!"); else while(p!=NULL) { printdata(p); p=p->next; } } /*保存火车信息*/ void SaveTrainInfo(Link l) { FILE*fp ; Node*p ; int count=0,flag=1 ; fp=fopen("f:\\train.txt","wb"); if(fp==NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return ; } p=l->next ; while(p) { if(fwrite(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp)==1) { p=p->next ; count++; } else { flag=0 ; break ; } } if(flag) { printf(" saved %d train records\n",count); saveflag=0 ; } fclose(fp); } /*保存订票人的信息*/ void SaveBookInfo(bookLink k) { FILE*fp ; book *p ; int count=0,flag=1 ; fp=fopen("f:\\man.txt","wb"); if(fp==NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return ; } p=k->next ; while(p) { if(fwrite(p,sizeof(book),1,fp)==1) { p=p->next ; count++; } else { flag=0 ; break ; } } if(flag) { printf(" saved %d booking records\n",count); saveflag=0 ; } fclose(fp); } main() { FILE*fp1,*fp2 ; Node *p,*r ; char ch1,ch2 ; Link l ; bookLink k ; book *t,*h ; int sel ; l=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); l->next=NULL ; r=l ; k=(book*)malloc(sizeof(book)); k->next=NULL ; h=k ; fp1=fopen("f:\\train.txt","ab+");/*打开存储车票信息的文件*/ if((fp1==NULL)) { printf("can't open the file!"); return 0 ; } while(!feof(fp1)) { p=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(fread(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp1)==1)/*从指定磁盘文件读取记录*/ { p->next=NULL ; r->next=p ;/*构造链表*/ r=p ; } } fclose(fp1); fp2=fopen("f:\\man.txt","ab+"); if((fp2==NULL)) { printf("can't open the file!"); return 0 ; } while(!feof(fp2)) { t=(book*)malloc(sizeof(book)); if(fread(t,sizeof(book),1,fp2)==1) { t->next=NULL ; h->next=t ; h=t ; } } fclose(fp2); while(1) { system("CLS"); menu(); printf("\tplease choose (0~6): "); scanf("%d",&sel); system("CLS"); if(sel==0) { if(saveflag==1)/*当退出时判断信息是否保存*/ { getchar(); printf("\nthe file have been changed!do you want to save it(y/n)?\n"); scanf("%c",&ch1); if(ch1=='y'||ch1=='Y') { SaveBookInfo(k); SaveTrainInfo(l); } } printf("\nThank you!!You are welcome too\n"); break ; } switch(sel)/*根据输入的sel值不同选择相应操作*/ { case 1 : Traininfo(l);break ; case 2 : searchtrain(l);break ; case 3 : Bookticket(l,k);break ; case 4 : Modify(l);break ; case 5: showtrain(l);break; case 6 : SaveTrainInfo(l);SaveBookInfo(k);break ; case 0: return 0; } printf("\nplease press any key to continue......."); getch(); } }