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因此,我们作出了选择30组合描述工作室或自由了一个独特的个性。请注意,您当然需要超过一个不错的“看” ,使设计脱颖而出,尤其是可用性和无障碍的问题,需要认真考虑当您建立未来的投资组合设计。


Ola Interactive Agency
A fun and straightforward website, with small videos running in the back to illustrate some of the company values, like creativity, speed and coolness! There’s a speaker on the left to kill the music.

Ola Interactive Agency

Your Majesty
Nice and clean website with more than one way to explore the portfolio, excellent branding, and a smooth dark color scheme.


The minimal design and a sleek touch of Flash are the strong points of this one. Browsing trough the works seems so natural.


Valerie Phillips
This is huge. Literally!

Valerie Phillips

Ben Thomas
A simple and effective left aligned website, with a stylish motion effect that works great with the dynamic visuals in the portfolio.


Studio Output
This one is for the average portfolio what Vimeo is for YouTube: a minimal yet powerful alternative, an almost buttonless experience.


Lyndon Wade
A classic dark styled background with a thumbnail menu and awesome transition effects are all you need for a killer portfolio. Oh, and some pictures from one of the top 15 photographers in America.


Cardon Design
A simple and innovative way to show the portfolio, in a dictionary way. Great works also!

Cardon Design

Kenjiro Harigai
One of the most complex websites in our selection, it features a visual menu with a lens effect, a text menu with the names of the works, and some amazing motion effects.


I Shot Him
This one is all about the story: with just a few vintage illustrations and some creative lines they really deliver "a design novelty".

I Shot Him

Unique browsing system

Websites that let you scan the portfolio trough original and fresh techniques.

Orange Label
This is a one-page journey, a dive in the studio’s achievements, beginning with a strong graphic & profile, then some works and finally a feedback form.

Orange Label

Counter Fill
Exploring this portfolio is like falling from the roof of a tall building and stopping by a few times to look on the window. Click to see why.

Counter Fill

X3 Studios
The excellent use of AJAX makes browsing this website such a smooth experience that you get the feeling you never left the homepage. Which is true!

X3 Studios

Lucas Hirata
Very good use of thumbnails and light.


Work at Play
Maybe the most dynamic non-Flash website of the selection. Great uses of colors, transparency and AJAX.

Work At Play

Zaum & Brown
Finally a grid based portfolio with a fluid layout. Don’t know if Brown comes from the color of the background, but that certainly works well also.

Zaum & Brown

Creative People
The background is so important here! This amazing photo manipulation steals the show but introduce us properly in the studio atmosphere.

Craetive People

Design by Slint
This prolific studio from Singapore also has a grid-based fluid portfolio, where they show the works in a blog style way.


Dave Hill
The best proof that great photography doesn’t really need sophisticated design to stand out. Elegant and smooth.


Any Which Way
Nothing fancy seems to be happening here at the first sight, but this website has a great navigation system: a mirror-like menu that stands as a fantastic alternative for the way over-used "carousel".

Any Which Way

Special elements

Portfolios that use at least one remarkable element (widget, color scheme, game) to create an immersive adventure.

Crispin Porter + Boguski
Basically this website aggregates a YouTube video for a given campaign, the live news feed about it, Twitter bits, and blog pieces. It sure is the most social-ready portfolio of the selection.

Crispin Porter

Great Works
An excellent example of three colors website: sleek, smooth, and effective!

Great Works

Home de Caramel
Another fullscreener, Home de Caramel features a double menu, just a few words and huge images. Makes sense.


Trust The KDU
The vintage design and the sepia tone of the photos work extremely well together and make a great portfolio.


Strong colors and striking, simple illustrations make from the new Carsonified website an instant classic.


Very clean and dynamic website with a powerful Twitter integration and a nice simple way to show the creative work.


Clean design + Good navigation + Great works = Winner Portfolio


Elliot Jay Stocks
Another classic, the portfolio of Elliot teaches us the importance of a huge footer, actually as big as the body. Break the barriers, think big!

Elliot Jay Stocks

Mojave Interactive
Social media is very important business for Mojave, so they have compiled a few different channels in the homepage.

Mojave Interactive

Merix Studio
Full intreactivity map with clients and resources, amazing idea!

Studio of Merix