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APKPure app for Android 去广告版 v2.10.1 安卓版



APKPure app是安卓开发中必备的神器APP之一,这个是用来下载第三方应用的,无需Google play即可下载play商店里的各种应用,此版移除应用内广告,且是中文页面,需要的朋友欢迎前来下载使用!


ApkPure.com,一个不用账户能直接免费下载Play商店里所有应用的网站,搜索应用名称或安装包名称,即可免费下载谷歌商店内应用及游戏。APKPure应用市场,它拥有Google Play市场内所有免费付费应用和游戏,无需科学上网在全球目前没被封锁屏蔽,应用更新的速度推送快,全部应用可以直接免费下载。当您遇到应用下架或线路问题时,还有对于没安装谷歌应用商店的人来说是个不错的选择,下载谷歌软件不求人!


2017年12月08日 v2.4.1

- Newly support uploading and sharing apk packages in APKPure v2.4.1

- Adding and editing your APKPure profile information.

- View all the Favorite (collections) list by other APKPurers.

- Delete individual search history results.

- APKPure supports the latest Android 8.0 O reo better.

- Fatal bugs fixed which caused battery drain problem on Android device.

- Fix APKPure App Bugs causing crashes or freezing (hanging) on Android.

- Update Arabian, Brazilian Portuguese and Khmer language. Special thanks to Mohammad shaban Azzouz, رمزي السلامي, ប៉ុកណូ រ៉ូយ៉ាល់ and Igor Ferrare, etc.

- APKPure Account login error bug fixes.

- Internet Connection Error bug and some minor bug fixes.

- Improve download speed and stability.

Note: Please help APKPure to report download problems with required info

1. Internet connection environment.

2. Problem download resources.

3. Tried any faster download tools? If yes, tell us their names. Thanks!

2017-08-15 v2.0

- 全新LOGO,全新应用图标;

- 新增页面:首页、排行、小组、我的;

- 新增分类导航:新品应用、新品游戏;

- 原有分类导航:应用、游戏 改为 热门应用、热门游戏;

- 应用详情页面新增收藏、关注菜单。(需要登录);

- 跟随游戏和应用程序组,并轻松访问您最喜爱的组;

- 我的界面新增:我的消息,我评论,我的收藏、我赞过的评论;

- UI设计优化、错误修复、性能改进、提供土耳其语翻译;


by Balatan


- Ads Removed;

- Analytics disabled;

- Sponsored banner layout removed;

- All ads and services calls from Activity removed;

- All ads banner layout in tablet mode removed;

- Native appwall + mopub ads banner layout removed;

- No auto shortcut install;

