1. 通用异常类:ValidationException
class ValidationException(Exception): """ 通用验证异常类,适用于各种验证场景。 """ def __init__(self, err_message, excep_obj): message = ("[Invalid input detected]\n" f"Exception: {err_message}\n" f"Exception logs: {excep_obj}") super().__init__(message)
2. 通用工具类:Utils
import json from os.path import join from typing import Dict, List import yaml class Utils: @staticmethod def yaml_to_dict(file_path: str) -> Dict: """ 将YAML文件转换为字典。 :param file_path: YAML文件路径 :return: 解析后的字典 """ with open(file_path) as yaml_file: yaml_string = yaml_file.read() try: parsed_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string) except yaml.scanner.ScannerError as e: raise ValidationException(f"YAML文件语法错误: {file_path}", e) return parsed_dict @staticmethod def yaml_to_class(yaml_file_path: str, cls: type, default_yaml_file_path: str = None): """ 将YAML文件转换为类对象。 :param yaml_file_path: YAML文件路径 :param cls: 目标类 :param default_yaml_file_path: 默认YAML文件路径 :return: 类对象 """ if not yaml_file_path: yaml_file_path = default_yaml_file_path custom_args = Utils.yaml_to_dict(yaml_file_path) if default_yaml_file_path: default_args = Utils.yaml_to_dict(default_yaml_file_path) missing_args = set(default_args) - set(custom_args) for key in list(missing_args): custom_args[key] = default_args[key] try: yaml_as_class = cls(**custom_args) except TypeError as e: raise ValidationException(f"YAML文件转换为类失败: {yaml_file_path}", e) return yaml_as_class @staticmethod def read_jsonl(file_path: str) -> List: """ 读取JSONL文件并返回所有JSON对象列表。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :return: JSON对象列表 """ jsonl_list = [] with open(file_path, "r") as fileobj: while True: single_row = fileobj.readline() if not single_row: break json_object = json.loads(single_row.strip()) jsonl_list.append(json_object) return jsonl_list @staticmethod def read_jsonl_row(file_path: str): """ 逐行读取JSONL文件并返回JSON对象。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :return: JSON对象生成器 """ with open(file_path, "r") as fileobj: while True: try: single_row = fileobj.readline() if not single_row: break json_object = json.loads(single_row.strip()) yield json_object except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"JSONL文件读取错误: {file_path}. 错误: {e}") continue @staticmethod def append_as_jsonl(file_path: str, args_to_log: Dict): """ 将字典追加到JSONL文件中。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :param args_to_log: 要追加的字典 """ json_str = json.dumps(args_to_log, default=str) with open(file_path, "a") as fileobj: fileobj.write(json_str + "\n") @staticmethod def save_jsonlist(file_path: str, json_list: List, mode: str = "a"): """ 将JSON对象列表保存到JSONL文件中。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :param json_list: JSON对象列表 :param mode: 文件写入模式 """ with open(file_path, mode) as file_obj: for json_obj in json_list: json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, default=str) file_obj.write(json_str + "\n") @staticmethod def str_list_to_dir_path(str_list: List[str]) -> str: """ 将字符串列表拼接为目录路径。 :param str_list: 字符串列表 :return: 拼接后的目录路径 """ if not str_list: return "" path = "" for dir_name in str_list: path = join(path, dir_name) return path
3. 示例文件内容
name: "default_name" value: 100 description: "This is a default configuration."
name: "custom_name" value: 200
{"id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 25} {"id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 30} {"id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 35}
4. 代码示例
# 示例类 class Config: def __init__(self, name, value, description=None): self.name = name self.value = value self.description = description # 示例1: 将YAML文件转换为字典 yaml_dict = Utils.yaml_to_dict("config.yaml") print("YAML文件转换为字典:", yaml_dict) # 示例2: 将YAML文件转换为类对象 config_obj = Utils.yaml_to_class("config.yaml", Config, "default_config.yaml") print("YAML文件转换为类对象:", config_obj.name, config_obj.value, config_obj.description) # 示例3: 读取JSONL文件 jsonl_list = Utils.read_jsonl("data.jsonl") print("读取JSONL文件:", jsonl_list) # 示例4: 逐行读取JSONL文件 print("逐行读取JSONL文件:") for json_obj in Utils.read_jsonl_row("data.jsonl"): print(json_obj) # 示例5: 将字典追加到JSONL文件 Utils.append_as_jsonl("data.jsonl", {"id": 4, "name": "David", "age": 40}) print("追加数据到JSONL文件完成") # 示例6: 将JSON对象列表保存到JSONL文件 Utils.save_jsonlist("data.jsonl", [{"id": 5, "name": "Eve", "age": 45}]) print("保存JSON列表到JSONL文件完成") # 示例7: 将字符串列表拼接为目录路径 path = Utils.str_list_to_dir_path(["dir1", "dir2", "dir3"]) print("拼接目录路径:", path)
5. 运行结果
YAML文件转换为字典: {'name': 'custom_name', 'value': 200}
YAML文件转换为类对象: custom_name 200 This is a default configuration.
读取JSONL文件: [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Bob', 'age': 30}, {'id': 3, 'name': 'Charlie', 'age': 35}]
{'id': 1, 'name': 'Alice', 'age': 25}
{'id': 2, 'name': 'Bob', 'age': 30}
{'id': 3, 'name': 'Charlie', 'age': 35}
拼接目录路径: dir1/dir2/dir3
6. 完整代码
import json from os.path import join from typing import Dict, List import yaml from yaml.scanner import ScannerError class ValidationException(Exception): """ 通用验证异常类,适用于各种验证场景。 """ def __init__(self, err_message, excep_obj): message = ("[Invalid input detected]\n" f"Exception: {err_message}\n" f"Exception logs: {excep_obj}") super().__init__(message) class Utils: @staticmethod def yaml_to_dict(file_path: str) -> Dict: """ 将YAML文件转换为字典。 :param file_path: YAML文件路径 :return: 解析后的字典 """ with open(file_path) as yaml_file: yaml_string = yaml_file.read() try: parsed_dict = yaml.safe_load(yaml_string) except ScannerError as e: raise ValidationException(f"YAML文件语法错误: {file_path}", e) return parsed_dict @staticmethod def yaml_to_class(yaml_file_path: str, cls: type, default_yaml_file_path: str = None): """ 将YAML文件转换为类对象。 :param yaml_file_path: YAML文件路径 :param cls: 目标类 :param default_yaml_file_path: 默认YAML文件路径 :return: 类对象 """ if not yaml_file_path: yaml_file_path = default_yaml_file_path custom_args = Utils.yaml_to_dict(yaml_file_path) if default_yaml_file_path: default_args = Utils.yaml_to_dict(default_yaml_file_path) missing_args = set(default_args) - set(custom_args) for key in list(missing_args): custom_args[key] = default_args[key] try: yaml_as_class = cls(**custom_args) except TypeError as e: raise ValidationException(f"YAML文件转换为类失败: {yaml_file_path}", e) return yaml_as_class @staticmethod def read_jsonl(file_path: str) -> List: """ 读取JSONL文件并返回所有JSON对象列表。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :return: JSON对象列表 """ jsonl_list = [] with open(file_path, "r") as file_obj: while True: single_row = file_obj.readline() if not single_row: break json_obj = json.loads(single_row.strip()) jsonl_list.append(json_obj) return jsonl_list @staticmethod def read_jsonl_row(file_path: str): """ 逐行读取JSONL文件并返回JSON对象。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :return: JSON对象生成器 """ with open(file_path, "r") as file_object: while True: try: single_row = file_object.readline() if not single_row: break json_obj = json.loads(single_row.strip()) yield json_obj except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"JSONL文件读取错误: {file_path}. 错误: {e}") continue @staticmethod def append_as_jsonl(file_path: str, args_to_log: Dict): """ 将字典追加到JSONL文件中。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :param args_to_log: 要追加的字典 """ json_str = json.dumps(args_to_log, default=str) with open(file_path, "a") as file_object: file_object.write(json_str + "\n") @staticmethod def save_jsonlist(file_path: str, json_list: List, mode: str = "a"): """ 将JSON对象列表保存到JSONL文件中。 :param file_path: JSONL文件路径 :param json_list: JSON对象列表 :param mode: 文件写入模式 """ with open(file_path, mode) as file_obj: for json_obj in json_list: json_str = json.dumps(json_obj, default=str) file_obj.write(json_str + "\n") @staticmethod def str_list_to_dir_path(str_list: List[str]) -> str: """ 将字符串列表拼接为目录路径。 :param str_list: 字符串列表 :return: 拼接后的目录路径 """ if not str_list: return "" dir_path = "" for dir_name in str_list: dir_path = join(dir_path, dir_name) return dir_path # 示例类 class Config: def __init__(self, name, value, description=None): self.name = name self.value = value self.description = description # 示例1: 将YAML文件转换为字典 yaml_dict = Utils.yaml_to_dict("config.yaml") print("YAML文件转换为字典:", yaml_dict) # 示例2: 将YAML文件转换为类对象 config_obj = Utils.yaml_to_class("config.yaml", Config, "default_config.yaml") print("YAML文件转换为类对象:", config_obj.name, config_obj.value, config_obj.description) # 示例3: 读取JSONL文件 jsonl_list = Utils.read_jsonl("data.jsonl") print("读取JSONL文件:", jsonl_list) # 示例4: 逐行读取JSONL文件 print("逐行读取JSONL文件:") for json_obj in Utils.read_jsonl_row("data.jsonl"): print(json_obj) # 示例5: 将字典追加到JSONL文件 Utils.append_as_jsonl("data.jsonl", {"id": 4, "name": "David", "age": 40}) print("追加数据到JSONL文件完成") # 示例6: 将JSON对象列表保存到JSONL文件 Utils.save_jsonlist("data.jsonl", [{"id": 5, "name": "Eve", "age": 45}]) print("保存JSON列表到JSONL文件完成") # 示例7: 将字符串列表拼接为目录路径 path = Utils.str_list_to_dir_path(["dir1", "dir2", "dir3"]) print("拼接目录路径:", path)
7. 总结