pip install pygame
import pygame import os # 初始化pygame pygame.init() # 设置游戏窗口 width, height = 356, 358 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption('刮刮乐游戏') # 定义颜色 WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) # 确保图片文件存在 if not os.path.isfile('bottom_image.png') or not os.path.isfile('top_image.png'): raise Exception("图片文件未找到,请确保bottom_image.png和top_image.png文件在同一目录下。") # 加载图片 bottom_image = pygame.image.load('bottom_image.png').convert() top_image = pygame.image.load('top_image.png').convert_alpha() # 调整图片大小以适应窗口 bottom_image = pygame.transform.scale(bottom_image, (width, height)) top_image = pygame.transform.scale(top_image, (width, height)) # 创建一个与顶层图片相同大小的透明表面 scratch_surface = pygame.Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA) # 将顶层图片绘制到透明表面上 scratch_surface.blit(top_image, (0, 0)) # 游戏主循环 running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # 获取鼠标位置和状态 mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mouse_pressed = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() # 如果按下鼠标左键,则在透明表面上绘制透明圆形,模拟刮开效果 if mouse_pressed[0]: # 检测鼠标左键是否按下 pygame.draw.circle(scratch_surface, (0, 0, 0, 0), mouse_pos, 20) # 绘制背景图片 screen.blit(bottom_image, (0, 0)) # 绘制刮开的透明表面 screen.blit(scratch_surface, (0, 0)) # 更新屏幕 pygame.display.flip() # 退出游戏 pygame.quit()
使用多对图片,准备了好了多对图片,如bottom1.png和top1.png 、 bottom2.png和top2.png 、 bottom2.png和top3.png,并将它们放到了img文件夹中。用户可以选择图对游戏,游戏过程中可按下ESC 键返回到菜单页开始重玩。
import pygame import os import sys # 初始化pygame pygame.init() # 设置游戏窗口 width, height = 356, 358 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption('刮刮乐游戏(可选择图片对)') # 定义颜色 WHITE = (255, 255, 255) BLACK = (0, 0, 0) RED = (255, 0, 0) # 图片对列表 image_pairs = [ ("img/bottom1.png", "img/top1.png"), ("img/bottom2.png", "img/top2.png"), ("img/bottom3.png", "img/top3.png") ] # 加载图片 def load_images(pair_index): bottom_image_path, top_image_path = image_pairs[pair_index] bottom_image = pygame.image.load(bottom_image_path).convert() top_image = pygame.image.load(top_image_path).convert_alpha() bottom_image = pygame.transform.scale(bottom_image, (width, height)) top_image = pygame.transform.scale(top_image, (width, height)) return bottom_image, top_image # 游戏主函数 def run_game(bottom_image, top_image): scratch_surface = pygame.Surface((width, height), pygame.SRCALPHA) scratch_surface.blit(top_image, (0, 0)) running = True while running: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False # 检测键盘事件以返回菜单 elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: # 按下ESC键 return # 返回到菜单,而不是退出游戏 mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() mouse_pressed = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if mouse_pressed[0]: pygame.draw.circle(scratch_surface, (0, 0, 0, 0), mouse_pos, 20) screen.blit(bottom_image, (0, 0)) screen.blit(scratch_surface, (0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() # 菜单函数 def menu(): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 26) menu_running = True text_surfaces = [] text_rects = [] for i, pair in enumerate(image_pairs): text = font.render(f"[ Image {i+1} ]", True, RED) text_rect = text.get_rect(topleft=(10, 40 + i * 30)) text_surfaces.append(text) text_rects.append(text_rect) while menu_running: screen.fill(WHITE) text = font.render(f"Press Esc to return to the menu:", True, BLACK) text_rect = text.get_rect(topleft=(10, 5)) screen.blit(text, text_rect) for i, text in enumerate(text_surfaces): screen.blit(text, text_rects[i]) pygame.display.flip() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: # Left click for i, rect in enumerate(text_rects): if rect.collidepoint(event.pos): bottom_image, top_image = load_images(i) run_game(bottom_image, top_image) # 在这里不需要设置menu_running = False,因为我们希望在游戏结束后自动返回菜单 # 运行菜单 menu()
用户可以单击菜单项选择图对游戏,游戏过程中可按下ESC 键返回到菜单页开始重玩。
以上就是基于python和pygame库实现刮刮乐游戏的详细内容,更多关于python pygame刮刮乐的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!