1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 | import datetime import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from threading import Thread import time import os class ShutdownApp: def __init__( self , root): self .time_left = None self .root = root self .root.title( "定时关机应用" ) self .root.resizable( 0 , 0 ) screenwidth = self .root.winfo_screenwidth() screenheight = self .root.winfo_screenheight() width = 600 height = 200 size_geo = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (width, height, (screenwidth - width) / 2 , (screenheight - height) / 2 ) self .root.geometry(size_geo) self .root.iconphoto( False , tk.PhotoImage( file = 'C:/Users/wokao/Desktop/icon.png' )) self .root[ "background" ] = "#8DB6CD" self .notebook = tk.ttk.Notebook( self .root) self .framework1 = tk.Frame() self .framework2 = tk.Frame() self .notebook.add( self .framework1, text = '默认模式' ) self .notebook.add( self .framework2, text = '自定义模式' ) self .notebook.pack(padx = 10 , pady = 5 , fill = tk.BOTH, expand = True ) # 选项卡1的界面 tk.Label( self .framework1, text = "选择关机时长:" ).pack() cbox = ttk.Combobox( self .framework1) cbox[ 'value' ] = ( '0.5小时' , '1小时' , '1.5小时' , '2小时' ) cbox.current( 1 ) self .selected_value = cbox.get() cbox.pack() self .start_button = tk.Button( self .framework1, text = "开始" , command = self .start_timer) self .start_button.pack() self .cancel_button = tk.Button( self .framework1, text = "取消关机" , state = 'disabled' , command = self .cancel_timer) self .cancel_button.pack() self .timer_label = tk.Label( self .framework1, text = " ", bg=" #8DB6CD") self .timer_label.pack() # 选项卡2的界面 tk.Label( self .framework2, text = "输入关机时长(秒):" ).pack() self .time_entry2 = tk.Entry( self .framework2) self .time_left2 = self .time_entry2.get() self .time_entry2.pack() self .start_button2 = tk.Button( self .framework2, text = "开始" , command = self .start_timer2) self .start_button2.pack() self .cancel_button2 = tk.Button( self .framework2, text = "取消关机" , state = 'disabled' , command = self .cancel_timer2) self .cancel_button2.pack() self .timer_label2 = tk.Label( self .framework2, text = " ", bg=" #8DB6CD") self .timer_label2.pack() self .timer_thread = None self .running = False # 选项卡1的功能实现 def selected_time( self , selected_value): match selected_value: case '0.5小时' : self .time_left = 1800 case '1小时' : self .time_left = 3600 case '1.5小时' : self .time_left = 5400 case '2小时' : self .time_left = 7200 def start_timer( self ): try : self .selected_time( self .selected_value) except ValueError: self .timer_label.config(text = "请选择关机倒计时时长!" ) return self .notebook.tab( 1 , state = 'disabled' ) self .running = True self .start_button.config(state = 'disabled' ) self .cancel_button.config(state = 'normal' ) self .timer_thread = Thread(target = self .run_timer) self .timer_thread.start() def run_timer( self ): while self .time_left > 0 and self .running: timer = str (datetime.timedelta(seconds = int ( self .time_left))) self .timer_label.config(text = f "关机倒计时: {timer} " , font = ( "黑体" , 45 ), fg = "white" , bg = "#8DB6CD" ) time.sleep( 1 ) self .time_left - = 1 self .timer_label.config(text = "") if self .running: os.system( "shutdown /s /t 1" ) # 在Windows上执行关机命令 def cancel_timer( self ): self .running = False self .start_button.config(state = 'normal' ) self .cancel_button.config(state = 'disabled' ) self .timer_label.config(text = "已取消关机" ) self .notebook.tab( 1 , state = 'normal' ) # 选项卡2的功能实现 def start_timer2( self ): try : self .time_left2 = int ( self .time_entry2.get()) except ValueError: self .timer_label2.config(text = "请输入有效的数字!" ) return self .notebook.tab( 0 , state = 'disabled' ) self .running = True self .start_button2.config(state = 'disabled' ) self .cancel_button2.config(state = 'normal' ) self .timer_thread = Thread(target = self .run_timer2) self .timer_thread.start() def run_timer2( self ): while self .time_left2 > 0 and self .running: self .timer_label2.config(text = f "关机倒计时: {self.time_left2} 秒" , font = ( "黑体" , 45 ),fg = "white" , bg = "#8DB6CD" ) time.sleep( 1 ) self .time_left2 - = 1 self .timer_label2.config(text = "") if self .running: os.system( "shutdown /s /t 1" ) # 在Windows上执行关机命令 def cancel_timer2( self ): self .running = False self .start_button2.config(state = 'normal' ) self .cancel_button2.config(state = 'disabled' ) self .timer_label2.config(text = "已取消关机" ) self .notebook.tab( 0 , state = 'normal' ) if __name__ = = "__main__" : ui = tk.Tk() app = ShutdownApp(ui) ui.mainloop() |
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