C++ STL iota 和 atoi 用法示例详解
atoi是一个C/C++标准库中的函数,用于将一个以ASCII字符串表示的整数转换为整数类型,这篇文章主要介绍了C++ STL iota 和 atoi 用法,需要的朋友可以参考下
iota 是给定一个初始元素,然后依次对序列中每个元素进行递增++操作,详见代码一;
atoi 是将字符串转换成整数;atol, atoll 将字符串转换成长整型数 long,long long。
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <numeric> int main() { std::vector<int> data(9, 0); for (auto v : data) std::cout << v << " "; std::cout << "\n"; //对序列中元素进行累加, -4是初始值 std::iota(data.begin(), data.end(), -4); for (auto v : data) std::cout << v << " "; std::cout << "\n"; //4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { printf("%i\n", atoi(" -123junk")); printf("%i\n", atoi(" +321dust")); printf("%i\n", atoi("0")); printf("%i\n", atoi("0042")); // treated as a decimal number with leading zeros printf("%i\n", atoi("0x2A")); // only leading zero is converted discarding "x2A" printf("%i\n", atoi("junk")); // no conversion can be performed printf("%i\n", atoi("2147483648")); // UB: out of range of int }
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