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PathMatcher是Spring的一个概念模型接口,该接口抽象建模了概念"路径匹配器",一个"路径匹配器"是一个用于路径匹配的工具。位于 Spring-core 包中 util 包下。

PathMatcher 接口源码

package org.springframework.util;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
public interface PathMatcher {
     * Does the given path represent a pattern that can be matched
     * by an implementation of this interface?
     * 判断指定的路径 path 是否是一个 pattern(模式)
     * 如果返回值是 false,也就是说 path 不是一个模式,而是一个静态路径(真正的路径字符串),
     * 那么就不用调用方法 #match 了,因为对于静态路径的匹配,直接使用字符串等号比较就足够了。
     * @param path the path String to check
     * @return true if the given path represents a pattern
    boolean isPattern(String path);
     * Match the given path against the given pattern,
     * according to this PathMatcher's matching strategy.
     * 根据当前 PathMatcher 的匹配策略,检查指定的径 path 和指定的模式 pattern 是否匹配
     * @param 用于检测路径字符串是否匹配于某个模式时所用的模式
     * @param path 需要被检测的路径字符串
     * @return true 表示匹配, false 表示不匹配
    boolean match(String pattern, String path);
     * Match the given  path against the corresponding part of the given
     * pattern, according to this PathMatcher's matching strategy.
     * 根据当前 PathMatcher 的匹配策略,检查指定的径 path 和指定的模式 pattern 是否之间
     * 是否为前缀匹配
     * @param pattern the pattern to match against
     * @param path the path String to test
     * @return true 表示匹配, false 表示不匹配
    boolean matchStart(String pattern, String path);
     * Given a pattern and a full path, determine the pattern-mapped part.
     * 给定一个模式 pattern 和一个全路径 path,判断路径中和模式匹配的部分。
     * This method is supposed to find out which part of the path is matched
     * dynamically through an actual pattern, that is, it strips off a statically
     * defined leading path from the given full path, returning only the actually
     * pattern-matched part of the path.
     * 该方法用于发现路径中的哪一部分是和模式能动态匹配上的部分。它会去除路径中开头静态部分,
     * 仅仅返回那部分真正和模式匹配的上的部分。
     * 例子 : "myroot/*.html" 为 pattern , "myroot/myfile.html" 为路径,
     *  则该方法返回 "myfile.html".  
     * 具体的检测规则根据当前 PathMatcher 的匹配策略来顶。    
     * A simple implementation may return the given full path as-is in case
     * of an actual pattern, and the empty String in case of the pattern not
     * containing any dynamic parts (i.e. the pattern parameter being
     * a static path that wouldn't qualify as an actual #isPattern pattern.
     * A sophisticated implementation will differentiate between the static parts
     * and the dynamic parts of the given path pattern.
     * @param pattern the path pattern
     * @param path the full path to introspect
     * @return the pattern-mapped part of the given path
     * (never null)
    String extractPathWithinPattern(String pattern, String path);
     * Given a pattern and a full path, extract the URI template variables. URI template
     * variables are expressed through curly brackets ('{' and '}').
     * 给定一个模式和一个路径,提取其中的 URI 模板变量信息。URI模板变量表达式格式为 "{variable}"
     * 例子 : pattern  为 "/hotels/{hotel}" ,路径为 "/hotels/1", 则该方法会返回一个 map ,
     * 内容为 : "hotel"->"1".
     * @param pattern the path pattern, possibly containing URI templates
     * @param path the full path to extract template variables from
     * @return a map, containing variable names as keys; variables values as values
    Map<String, String> extractUriTemplateVariables(String pattern, String path);
     * Given a full path, returns a Comparator suitable for sorting patterns
     * in order of explicitness for that path.
     * The full algorithm used depends on the underlying implementation,
     * but generally, the returned Comparator will sort a list so that more 
     * specific patterns come before generic patterns.
     * @param path the full path to use for comparison
     * @return a comparator capable of sorting patterns in order of explicitness
    Comparator<String> getPatternComparator(String path);
     * Combines two patterns into a new pattern that is returned.
     * The full algorithm used for combining the two pattern depends on the underlying implementation.
     * 合并两个模式。具体合并的算法由实现类决定。
     * @param pattern1 the first pattern
     * @param pattern2 the second pattern
     * @return the combination of the two patterns
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the two patterns cannot be combined
    String combine(String pattern1, String pattern2);




? 表示匹配任意一个字符

System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/name?", "/usr/name1") );  //true
System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/name?", "/usr/name111") );  //false

* 表示匹配单个路径

System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/*", "/usr/list")); //true
System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/*", "/usr/list/again")); //false
System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/*.app", "/usr/")); //true
System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/*.app", "/usr/list.html")); //false

 ** 表示匹配多级路径

System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/**", "/usr/list") );  //true
System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/**", "/usr/list/again") );  //true


System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/{name}/{age}", "/usr/张三/12") );  //true
System.out.println( matcher.match("/usr/{name}/{age}", "/usr/张三") );  //false

 通过 extractPathWithinPattern() 方法匹配

 * extractPathWithinPattern 返回符合匹配的部分路径,去除路径开头静态部分
System.out.println( matcher.extractPathWithinPattern("/usr/*", "/usr/list") );   //list
System.out.println( matcher.extractPathWithinPattern("/usr/*/again", "/usr/list/again/age") );   // list/again/age
System.out.println( matcher.extractPathWithinPattern("/usr/*.html", "/usr/list") );  //list
System.out.println( matcher.extractPathWithinPattern("/usr/*.html", "/usr/list.html") );  //list.html



System.out.println( matcher.extractUriTemplateVariables("/usr/{name}/{age}", "/usr/张三/12") ); //{name=张三, age=12}

到此这篇关于Spring中PathMatcher路径匹配器的实现的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Spring PathMatcher路径匹配器内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家! 
