httpclient getPoolEntryBlocking连接池方法源码解读
private E getPoolEntryBlocking( final T route, final Object state, final long timeout, final TimeUnit timeUnit, final Future<E> future) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException { Date deadline = null; if (timeout > 0) { deadline = new Date (System.currentTimeMillis() + timeUnit.toMillis(timeout)); } this.lock.lock(); try { final RouteSpecificPool<T, C, E> pool = getPool(route); E entry; for (;;) { Asserts.check(!this.isShutDown, "Connection pool shut down"); if (future.isCancelled()) { throw new ExecutionException(operationAborted()); } for (;;) { entry = pool.getFree(state); if (entry == null) { break; } if (entry.isExpired(System.currentTimeMillis())) { entry.close(); } if (entry.isClosed()) { this.available.remove(entry);, false); } else { break; } } if (entry != null) { this.available.remove(entry); this.leased.add(entry); onReuse(entry); return entry; } // New connection is needed final int maxPerRoute = getMax(route); // Shrink the pool prior to allocating a new connection final int excess = Math.max(0, pool.getAllocatedCount() + 1 - maxPerRoute); if (excess > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < excess; i++) { final E lastUsed = pool.getLastUsed(); if (lastUsed == null) { break; } lastUsed.close(); this.available.remove(lastUsed); pool.remove(lastUsed); } } if (pool.getAllocatedCount() < maxPerRoute) { final int totalUsed = this.leased.size(); final int freeCapacity = Math.max(this.maxTotal - totalUsed, 0); if (freeCapacity > 0) { final int totalAvailable = this.available.size(); if (totalAvailable > freeCapacity - 1) { if (!this.available.isEmpty()) { final E lastUsed = this.available.removeLast(); lastUsed.close(); final RouteSpecificPool<T, C, E> otherpool = getPool(lastUsed.getRoute()); otherpool.remove(lastUsed); } } final C conn = this.connFactory.create(route); entry = pool.add(conn); this.leased.add(entry); return entry; } } boolean success = false; try { pool.queue(future); this.pending.add(future); if (deadline != null) { success = this.condition.awaitUntil(deadline); } else { this.condition.await(); success = true; } if (future.isCancelled()) { throw new ExecutionException(operationAborted()); } } finally { // In case of 'success', we were woken up by the // connection pool and should now have a connection // waiting for us, or else we're shutting down. // Just continue in the loop, both cases are checked. pool.unqueue(future); this.pending.remove(future); } // check for spurious wakeup vs. timeout if (!success && (deadline != null && deadline.getTime() <= System.currentTimeMillis())) { break; } } throw new TimeoutException("Timeout waiting for connection"); } finally { this.lock.unlock(); } }
static class InternalConnectionFactory implements ConnFactory<HttpRoute, ManagedHttpClientConnection> { private final ConfigData configData; private final HttpConnectionFactory<HttpRoute, ManagedHttpClientConnection> connFactory; InternalConnectionFactory( final ConfigData configData, final HttpConnectionFactory<HttpRoute, ManagedHttpClientConnection> connFactory) { super(); this.configData = configData != null ? configData : new ConfigData(); this.connFactory = connFactory != null ? connFactory : ManagedHttpClientConnectionFactory.INSTANCE; } @Override public ManagedHttpClientConnection create(final HttpRoute route) throws IOException { ConnectionConfig config = null; if (route.getProxyHost() != null) { config = this.configData.getConnectionConfig(route.getProxyHost()); } if (config == null) { config = this.configData.getConnectionConfig(route.getTargetHost()); } if (config == null) { config = this.configData.getDefaultConnectionConfig(); } if (config == null) { config = ConnectionConfig.DEFAULT; } return this.connFactory.create(route, config); } }
public class ManagedHttpClientConnectionFactory implements HttpConnectionFactory<HttpRoute, ManagedHttpClientConnection> { private static final AtomicLong COUNTER = new AtomicLong(); public static final ManagedHttpClientConnectionFactory INSTANCE = new ManagedHttpClientConnectionFactory(); private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultManagedHttpClientConnection.class); private final Log headerLog = LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.http.headers"); private final Log wireLog = LogFactory.getLog("org.apache.http.wire"); private final HttpMessageWriterFactory<HttpRequest> requestWriterFactory; private final HttpMessageParserFactory<HttpResponse> responseParserFactory; private final ContentLengthStrategy incomingContentStrategy; private final ContentLengthStrategy outgoingContentStrategy; //...... public ManagedHttpClientConnection create(final HttpRoute route, final ConnectionConfig config) { final ConnectionConfig cconfig = config != null ? config : ConnectionConfig.DEFAULT; CharsetDecoder charDecoder = null; CharsetEncoder charEncoder = null; final Charset charset = cconfig.getCharset(); final CodingErrorAction malformedInputAction = cconfig.getMalformedInputAction() != null ? cconfig.getMalformedInputAction() : CodingErrorAction.REPORT; final CodingErrorAction unmappableInputAction = cconfig.getUnmappableInputAction() != null ? cconfig.getUnmappableInputAction() : CodingErrorAction.REPORT; if (charset != null) { charDecoder = charset.newDecoder(); charDecoder.onMalformedInput(malformedInputAction); charDecoder.onUnmappableCharacter(unmappableInputAction); charEncoder = charset.newEncoder(); charEncoder.onMalformedInput(malformedInputAction); charEncoder.onUnmappableCharacter(unmappableInputAction); } final String id = "http-outgoing-" + Long.toString(COUNTER.getAndIncrement()); return new LoggingManagedHttpClientConnection( id, log, headerLog, wireLog, cconfig.getBufferSize(), cconfig.getFragmentSizeHint(), charDecoder, charEncoder, cconfig.getMessageConstraints(), incomingContentStrategy, outgoingContentStrategy, requestWriterFactory, responseParserFactory); } }
以上就是httpclient getPoolEntryBlocking连接池方法源码解读的详细内容,更多关于httpclient getPoolEntryBlocking的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!