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怎样将一个JAR包添加到Java应用程序的Boot Classpath中


本文文章给大家介绍如何将一个JAR包添加到Java应用程序的Boot Classpath中,本文通过实例代码给大家介绍的非常详细,需要的的朋友参考下吧

1. 在启动脚本中使用-bootstrap或-Xbootclasspath选项



java -bootstrap /path/to/your.jar -cp /path/to/your/app.jar YourMainClass


java -Xbootclasspath/a:/path/to/your.jar -cp /path/to/your/app.jar YourMainClass


2. 通过manifest file(jar包META-INF/MANIFEST.MF目录下)中的Boot-Class-Path属性实现


        <!-- 其他插件配置 -->


Manifest Attributes

The following manifest attributes are defined for an agent JAR file:


When an agent is specified at JVM launch time this attribute specifies the agent class. That is, the class containing the premain method. When an agent is specified at JVM launch time this attribute is required. If the attribute is not present the JVM will abort. Note: this is a class name, not a file name or path.


If an implementation supports a mechanism to start agents sometime after the VM has started then this attribute specifies the agent class. That is, the class containing the agentmain method. This attribute is required, if it is not present the agent will not be started. Note: this is a class name, not a file name or path.


A list of paths to be searched by the bootstrap class loader. Paths represent directories or libraries (commonly referred to as JAR or zip libraries on many platforms). These paths are searched by the bootstrap class loader after the platform specific mechanisms of locating a class have failed. Paths are searched in the order listed. Paths in the list are separated by one or more spaces. A path takes the syntax of the path component of a hierarchical URI. The path is absolute if it begins with a slash character ('/'), otherwise it is relative. A relative path is resolved against the absolute path of the agent JAR file. Malformed and non-existent paths are ignored. When an agent is started sometime after the VM has started then paths that do not represent a JAR file are ignored. This attribute is optional.


Boolean (true or false, case irrelevant). Is the ability to redefine classes needed by this agent. Values other than true are considered false. This attribute is optional, the default is false.


Boolean (true or false, case irrelevant). Is the ability to retransform classes needed by this agent. Values other than true are considered false. This attribute is optional, the default is false.


Boolean (true or false, case irrelevant). Is the ability to set native method prefix needed by this agent. Values other than true are considered false. This attribute is optional, the default is false.

An agent JAR file may have both the Premain-Class and Agent-Class attributes present in the manifest. When the agent is started on the command-line using the -javaagent option then the Premain-Class attribute specifies the name of the agent class and the Agent-Class attribute is ignored. Similarly, if the agent is started sometime after the VM has started, then the Agent-Class attribute specifies the name of the agent class (the value of Premain-Class attribute is ignored).



mvn clean package


Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: mingming.chen
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_211
Boot-Class-Path: sps_exporter.jar
Can-Redefine-Classes: false
Can-Retransform-Classes: true
Can-Set-Native-Method-Prefix: false


通过以上方式java agent可以字节码修改jdk中的类

到此这篇关于如何将一个JAR包添加到Java应用程序的Boot Classpath中的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关jar包添加到Boot Classpath内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!
