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C# OpenCvSharp实现去除字母后面的杂线






/// <summary>
/// Applies an adaptive threshold to an array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="src">Source 8-bit single-channel image.</param>
/// <param name="dst">Destination image of the same size and the same type as src .</param>
/// <param name="maxValue">Non-zero value assigned to the pixels for which the condition is satisfied. See the details below.</param>
/// <param name="adaptiveMethod">Adaptive thresholding algorithm to use, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C or ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C .</param>
/// <param name="thresholdType">Thresholding type that must be either THRESH_BINARY or THRESH_BINARY_INV .</param>
/// <param name="blockSize">Size of a pixel neighborhood that is used to calculate a threshold value for the pixel: 3, 5, 7, and so on.</param>
/// <param name="c">Constant subtracted from the mean or weighted mean (see the details below). 
/// Normally, it is positive but may be zero or negative as well.</param>
public static void AdaptiveThreshold(InputArray src, OutputArray dst,double maxValue, AdaptiveThresholdTypes adaptiveMethod, ThresholdTypes thresholdType, int blockSize, double c)

using OpenCvSharp;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace OpenCvSharp_Demo
    public partial class frmMain : Form
        public frmMain()
        string image_path = "";
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            image_path = "1.jpg";
            pictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(image_path);
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Mat gray = new Mat(image_path, ImreadModes.Grayscale);
            Mat binary = new Mat();
            Cv2.AdaptiveThreshold(~gray, binary, 255, AdaptiveThresholdTypes.MeanC, ThresholdTypes.Binary, 15, -2);
            Mat kernel = Cv2.GetStructuringElement(MorphShapes.Rect, new OpenCvSharp.Size(4, 4), new OpenCvSharp.Point(-1, -1));
            Mat dst = new Mat();
            Cv2.MorphologyEx(binary, dst, MorphTypes.Open, kernel);
            pictureBox2.Image = new Bitmap(dst.ToMemoryStream());

以上就是C# OpenCvSharp实现去除字母后面的杂线的详细内容,更多关于C# OpenCvSharp去除字母杂线的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
