这篇文章主要介绍了ThreadPoolExecutor核心线程数和RocketMQ消费线程调整详解,Rocketmq 消费者在高峰期希望手动减少消费线程数,通过DefaultMQPushConsumer.updateCorePoolSize方法可以调用内部的setCorePoolSize设置多线程核心线程数,需要的朋友可以参考下
Rocketmq 消费者在高峰期希望手动减少消费线程数,通过DefaultMQPushConsumer.updateCorePoolSize方法可以调用内部的ThreadPoolExecutor.setCorePoolSize设置多线程核心线程数。
- 多线程ThreadPoolExecutor.setCorePoolSize可以修改核心线程数,但是减少核心线程数不一定生效
- 核心线程销毁的前提是至少在keepAliveTime内没有新的任务提交
- 可以通过调整核心线程数减少RocketMQ 消费线程数
- 先挂起消费者consumer.suspend()
- 调用consumer.updateCorePoolSize更新核心线程数
- 然后休眠至少1分钟以上,等任务全部消费完成,1分钟是基于ConsumeMessageConcurrentlyService中创建线程池默认参数1000*60 TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS得到的, 还需要加上本地队列堆积任务消费完成时间
- 恢复消费者consumer.resume()
consumer.suspend(); consumer.updateCorePoolSize(3); try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(65000L); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("InterruptException", e); } consumer.resume();
- 增加消费线程数,直接通过consumer.updateCorePoolSize方法就可以实现
import lombok.SneakyThrows; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.rocketmq.common.ThreadFactoryImpl; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @Slf4j public class ThreadTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 10, 50, 1000 * 60, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(), new ThreadFactoryImpl("test" + "_" + "ConsumeMessageThread_")); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { threadPoolExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @SneakyThrows @Override public void run() { Thread.sleep(5);"hello"); } }); }"coreSize: {}" ,threadPoolExecutor.getCorePoolSize()); Thread.sleep(10000L); threadPoolExecutor.setCorePoolSize(3);"coreSize: {}" ,threadPoolExecutor.getCorePoolSize()); // Thread.sleep(1000*60); // 如果休眠时间大于KeepAliveTime将会只有3个线程 Thread.sleep(1000L); // 休眠时间不够时仍然有10个线程 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { threadPoolExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { @SneakyThrows @Override public void run() { Thread.sleep(10);"hello2"); } }); } } }
实验证明setCorePoolSize在设置为3个线程以后,在第二批任务提交还是有10个线程在工作, 但是如果在第二批任务提交前休眠时间大于keepAliveTime以后则只会有3个工作线程
- 一个work在执行runWorker()方法时只有在获取任务getTask()方法返回null以后才会终止循环,然后销毁
- getTask()方法从任务队列中拿取任务等待keepAliveTime超时以后才会有可能返回null
// 工作workers, work只有在获取任务超时以后才会从workers中删除 private final HashSet<Worker> workers = new HashSet<Worker>(); public void setCorePoolSize(int corePoolSize) { if (corePoolSize < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); int delta = corePoolSize - this.corePoolSize; this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize; if (workerCountOf(ctl.get()) > corePoolSize) // 减少核心线程数以后进入interruptIdleWorkers方法 interruptIdleWorkers(); else if (delta > 0) { int k = Math.min(delta, workQueue.size()); while (k-- > 0 && addWorker(null, true)) { if (workQueue.isEmpty()) break; } } } private void interruptIdleWorkers(boolean onlyOne) { final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock; mainLock.lock(); try { for (Worker w : workers) { Thread t = w.thread; if (!t.isInterrupted() && w.tryLock()) { try { // 在interruptIdleWorkers方法中只是将work的线程中断,并没有从workers删除 t.interrupt(); } catch (SecurityException ignore) { } finally { w.unlock(); } } if (onlyOne) break; } } finally { mainLock.unlock(); } } final void runWorker(Worker w) { Thread wt = Thread.currentThread(); Runnable task = w.firstTask; w.firstTask = null; w.unlock(); // allow interrupts boolean completedAbruptly = true; try { // 重点是getTask()方法获取task失败才会中断循环 while (task != null || (task = getTask()) != null) { w.lock(); if ((runStateAtLeast(ctl.get(), STOP) || (Thread.interrupted() && runStateAtLeast(ctl.get(), STOP))) && !wt.isInterrupted()) wt.interrupt(); try { beforeExecute(wt, task); Throwable thrown = null; try {; } catch (RuntimeException x) { thrown = x; throw x; } catch (Error x) { thrown = x; throw x; } catch (Throwable x) { thrown = x; throw new Error(x); } finally { afterExecute(task, thrown); } } finally { task = null; w.completedTasks++; w.unlock(); } } completedAbruptly = false; } finally { processWorkerExit(w, completedAbruptly); } } private Runnable getTask() { boolean timedOut = false; // Did the last poll() time out? for (;;) { int c = ctl.get(); int rs = runStateOf(c); // Check if queue empty only if necessary. if (rs >= SHUTDOWN && (rs >= STOP || workQueue.isEmpty())) { decrementWorkerCount(); return null; } int wc = workerCountOf(c); // Are workers subject to culling? boolean timed = allowCoreThreadTimeOut || wc > corePoolSize; // 超时以后进入这里的if返回null然后work才会被销毁 if ((wc > maximumPoolSize || (timed && timedOut)) && (wc > 1 || workQueue.isEmpty())) { if (compareAndDecrementWorkerCount(c)) return null; continue; } try { Runnable r = timed ? workQueue.poll(keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) : workQueue.take(); if (r != null) return r; timedOut = true; } catch (InterruptedException retry) { timedOut = false; } } } private void processWorkerExit(Worker w, boolean completedAbruptly) { if (completedAbruptly) // If abrupt, then workerCount wasn't adjusted decrementWorkerCount(); final ReentrantLock mainLock = this.mainLock; mainLock.lock(); try { completedTaskCount += w.completedTasks; // 这里才真正将worker删除 workers.remove(w); } finally { mainLock.unlock(); } tryTerminate(); int c = ctl.get(); if (runStateLessThan(c, STOP)) { if (!completedAbruptly) { int min = allowCoreThreadTimeOut ? 0 : corePoolSize; if (min == 0 && ! workQueue.isEmpty()) min = 1; if (workerCountOf(c) >= min) return; // replacement not needed } addWorker(null, false); } }