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媒体动画 > maya >





My name is Ryan Reid and I am currently asenior student in college studying 3D graphics and design. I started drawing atthe age of to, my father introduced me to 3D software at the early age ofseven, and I have been studying and practicing my craft throughout my educationever since. I will be showing some of my processes for the creation of Mondus.

Before I dived into modeling Mondus, Iwanted to find something that the CG community hadn't tapped into. I did somebrainstorming and concepting in ZBrush first and then chose to create anAfrican male with achromasia (also known as albinism). I did some research onhow it is caused and it is basically an inherited disorder characterized bylittle or no melanin production. I came across a public figure whose name isDeejay Jewell, whose features were unique, so I gathered references on him aswell as other African albino figures before beginning to sculpt.

Step 01: Sculpting

In ZBrush I started out sculpting the headfrom a sphere and went through many changes until I got a good base. Once I washappy with my base mesh, I moved to secondary forms, which were subtle wrinklesand asymmetry. After my secondary forms were completed, I started my tertiarydetailing. For this step I used scan data alphas from Surface Mimic. I also dida lot of manual work using the Dam Standard brush for tight wrinkles and lipdetail. For my main sculpting brush, I used the Clay Build Up brush.




Step 02: Texture maps

I created my diffuse texture map in MARI byprojecting photo images onto my head model. My normal map was from ZBrush sinceall the tertiary detail was created there. Once I created my normal map, Igenerated an ambient occlusion map and a cavity map from my normal map with anaction script I used in Photoshop. Once I created the ambient and cavity map, Icombined them together in Photoshop to create my specular map. I then painteddarker areas and lighter areas, which then became my roughness map.




Step 03: Skin shader

For my rendering engine, I used V-Ray.After I created my V-Ray shader connections with different material blends, Ithen created a light rig to show how the skin shader reacted. Before you lightyour scene, I would suggest creating a simple light rig to show how the skinshader is reacting under different light intensities. Your skin shader shouldbe able to look pretty good in any type of lighting situation. Using differentHDR images is also good for testing your skin shader. For example, I used oneV-Ray rectangle light that did a 360 around my model.



Step 04: Hair modeling

For the next step I decided to take on aunique design for braided hair. I started out by creating a three-part braid inMaya, and then converted the geometry to an IMM brush, which was done inZBrush. Once I created the brush, I drew on my model where I wanted the braidsto be placed. Once placed, I then Polygrouped the hair geometry and createdfanning to the root of each sub-braid. This way, when I generate the hair inMaya, each root will look different and feel well-rooted.




Step 05: Extract curves

For this step my hair geometry is now inMaya. I extracted NURBS curves from each sub-braid and there you have it: aperfect set of braided hair guides. I applied Maya's nHair system and used aV-Ray hair material as the override shading for the hair system. I distributeda couple of nHair systems to random sub-braids, which were named and grouped inthe outliner, which allowed me to select any sub-braid curve group and applyaccordingly for extreme breakup.




Step 06: Root hairs

After I converted the braids to NURBScurves, I had to create individual root hairs in-between the braids in order toconvey how tightly they were braided. For this step I used XGen, which is ahair-generating system that was introduced in Maya 2015. In Maya 2016, there isa new function called "Add or Move Guides", which I used to add eachroot hair individually. One of XGen's special functions is its interpolation offiguring out the directionality of the hairs. I can simply place each hair curvewithout rotating them in the right direction. Using XGen saved me lots of timefor this step. I made sure each root guide curve penetrated the braid curves,so when I added a nHair system to the root hairs later, the render would giveoff a fake blending between the root hairs and the braided curves.




Step 07: Hair result

After I successfully created the braids androots, I then had to create loose curly hair for his hairline and shaved beard.I used Fibermesh in ZBrush to spawn the hairline and shaved beard. It's a verystraightforward process; I simply masked off where I wanted the hair to spawnand tweaked the parameters in the Fibermesh UI to give the hair a wispy curl.Once I completed the hair with Fibermesh, there's a pull-down menu that allowsyou to export the Fibermesh as curves. I then created another nHair system tospawn nHair in place of the curves from ZBrush. Due to the density of Africanhair, the overall nHair count was pretty harsh, but it gave me a stunningresult. With the hair sorted I was finished and very happy with the finalresult.






