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req.Header.Add("Host", "www.example.com")
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")





再排除世界上有鬼的情况下,我们可以合理分析出: Header.Add环节既然成功了,那么Host一定是在实际请求HTTP前被替换了


// 发送请求并获取响应
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
	fmt.Println("发送请求失败:", err)


func (c *Client) Do(req *Request) (*Response, error) {
	return c.do(req)
func (c *Client) do(req *Request) (retres *Response, reterr error) {
    ... ... // 省略
    host := ""
	if req.Host != "" && req.Host != req.URL.Host {
		// If the caller specified a custom Host header and the
		// redirect location is relative, preserve the Host header
		// through the redirect. See issue #22233.
		if u, _ := url.Parse(loc); u != nil && !u.IsAbs() {
			host = req.Host
	ireq := reqs[0]
	req = &Request{
		Method:   redirectMethod,
		Response: resp,
		URL:      u,
		Header:   make(Header),
		Host:     host,
		Cancel:   ireq.Cancel,
		ctx:      ireq.ctx,
    ... ... // 省略


// If the caller specified a custom Host header and the redirect location is relative, preserve the Host header through the redirect.
// 如果调用者指定了自定义的 Host 标头并且重定向位置是相对路径的话,通过重定向保留该 Host 标头。


	// For server requests, Host specifies the host on which the
	// URL is sought. For HTTP/1 (per RFC 7230, section 5.4), this
	// is either the value of the "Host" header or the host name
	// given in the URL itself. For HTTP/2, it is the value of the
	// ":authority" pseudo-header field.
	// It may be of the form "host:port". For international domain
	// names, Host may be in Punycode or Unicode form. Use
	// golang.org/x/net/idna to convert it to either format if
	// needed.
	// To prevent DNS rebinding attacks, server Handlers should
	// validate that the Host header has a value for which the
	// Handler considers itself authoritative. The included
	// ServeMux supports patterns registered to particular host
	// names and thus protects its registered Handlers.
	// For client requests, Host optionally overrides the Host
	// header to send. If empty, the Request.Write method uses
	// the value of URL.Host. Host may contain an international
	// domain name.
	Host string

这段注释主要解释了在 Go 语言中如何处理请求的 Host 标头。在服务器请求中,Host 指定要查找 URL 的主机,可能是 Host 标头的值或 URL 本身中给定的主机名。对于客户端请求,Host 可以选择性地覆盖要发送的 Host 标头,如果为空,则使用 URL.Host 的值。此外,还提到了国际化域名的处理和防止 DNS 重新绑定攻击的注意事项。

这基本跟我们上文的结论相互印证了,至此我们搞清楚了为什么Header里面的Host不生效:因为Do使用HTTP Request里面的Host字段,且不是Header里面的Host键对应值


显然,指明 req.Host 是一个较好的方案

req.Host = "www.example.com"



关于 issue #22233

if req.Host != "" && req.Host != req.URL.Host {
    // If the caller specified a custom Host header and the
    // redirect location is relative, preserve the Host header
    // through the redirect. See issue #22233.
    if u, _ := url.Parse(loc); u != nil && !u.IsAbs() {
        host = req.Host

我们注意到在这段代码中,提到了issue #22233,那么它到底是什么呢,我们一起来看看!

这个问题 #issue 22233 是2017年由 timonwong 提出的,当时版本是 go1.9.1 darwin/amd64。问题内容是:客户端跟随重定向时不会保留 Host 标头 golang的一位维护者tombergan 响应了这个问题: 认为这绝对是个bug


Parent:     645c661a (cmd/compile/internal/syntax: factor out list parsing)
Author:     Tom Bergan <tombergan@google.com>
AuthorDate: 2017-10-13 15:56:37 -0700
Commit:     Tom Bergan <tombergan@google.com>
CommitDate: 2017-10-16 17:44:26 +0000
net/http: preserve Host header following a relative redirect
If the client sends a request with a custom Host header and receives
a relative redirect in response, the second request should use the
same Host header as the first request. However, if the response is
an abolute redirect, the Host header should not be preserved. See
further discussion on the issue tracker.
Fixes #22233
Change-Id: I8796e2fbc1c89b3445e651f739d5d0c82e727c14
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/70792
Reviewed-by: Joe Tsai <thebrokentoaster@gmail.com>
Run-TryBot: Joe Tsai <thebrokentoaster@gmail.com>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <gobot@golang.org>


至此我们了解了有关于 issue #22233 的全部

关于 Host 是什么

在前文中,Request的Host属性的注释中提到: Host指定了正在寻找的主机

    // For server requests, Host specifies the host on which the
    // URL is sought. For HTTP/1 (per RFC 7230, section 5.4), this
    // is either the value of the "Host" header or the host name
    // given in the URL itself. For HTTP/2, it is the value of the
    // ":authority" pseudo-header field.

从这里面提到的 RFC 7230,section 5.4 可以看到

① Host提供目标URI的主机、端口信息,使服务器在单个IP地址上可以根据不同的主机名提供不同的服务和资源。(比如单机部署多个网站

② HTTP/1.1必须发送Host字段。当代理服务接受到absolute-form形式的请求时,忽略Host字段,取请求中的主机信息。转发请求的时候需要基于接收的请求重新生成Host,而不是转发接受到的Host。(URL里面的主机信息优先级高于Host字段。转发请求的时候Host字段不透传

③ Host本身可以任意修改,因此如果依赖Host字段进行代理转发、缓存密钥、身份验证等,需要先行校验Host值的合法性,避免Host头攻击

④ 对于缺少或者有多个Host字段的HTTP/1.1请求消息,服务器需要返回400 Bad Request 状态码 (Host字段有且只能有一个


// example: www.example.org or www.example.org:8080
Host = uri-host [":" port]; 

