sqlx.In 介绍
is a package for Go which provides a set of extensions on top of the excellent built-in database/sql
Illustrated guide to SQLX:jmoiron.github.io/sqlx/
"In" Queries
Because database/sql
does not inspect your query and it passes your arguments directly to the driver, it makes dealing with queries with IN clauses difficult:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE level IN (?);
When this gets prepared as a statement on the backend, the bindvar ? will only correspond to a single argument, but what is often desired is for that to be a variable number of arguments depending on the length of some slice, eg:
var levels = []int{4, 6, 7}rows, err := db.Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE level IN (?);", levels)
This pattern is possible by first processing the query with sqlx.In:
var levels = []int{4, 6, 7}query, args, err := sqlx.In("SELECT * FROM users WHERE level IN (?);", levels) // sqlx.In returns queries with the `?` bindvar, we can rebind it for our backendquery = db.Rebind(query)rows, err := db.Query(query, args...)
What sqlx.In does is expand any bindvars in the query passed to it that correspond to a slice in the arguments to the length of that slice, and then append those slice elements to a new arglist. It does this with the ? bindvar only; you can use db.Rebind to get a query suitable for your backend.
普通批量插入数据,不使用 sqlx.In
package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "strings" "time" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" // 匿名导入 自动执行 init() ) var db *sql.DB func initMySQL() (err error) { //DSN (Data Source Name) dsn := "root:12345678@tcp(" // 注意:要初始化全局的 db 对象,不要新声明一个 db 变量 db, err = sql.Open("mysql", dsn) // 只对格式进行校验,并不会真正连接数据库 if err != nil { return err } // Ping 验证与数据库的连接是否仍处于活动状态,并在必要时建立连接。 err = db.Ping() if err != nil { fmt.Printf("connect to db failed, err: %v\n", err) return err } // 数值需要根据业务具体情况来确定 db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Second * 10) // 设置可以重用连接的最长时间 db.SetConnMaxIdleTime(time.Second * 5) // 设置连接可能处于空闲状态的最长时间 db.SetMaxOpenConns(200) // 设置与数据库的最大打开连接数 db.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // 设置空闲连接池中的最大连接数 return nil } type User struct { Name string `db:"name"` Age int `db:"age"` } // BatchInsertUsers 批量插入数据 func BatchInsertUsers(users []*User) error { valueStrings := make([]string, 0, len(users)) // 占位符 slice valueArgs := make([]interface{}, 0, len(users)*2) // 插入值 slice for _, u := range users { valueStrings = append(valueStrings, "(?, ?)") valueArgs = append(valueArgs, u.Name, u.Age) // 占位符与插入值 一一对应 } // 拼接完整的SQL语句 // Sprintf根据格式说明符进行格式化,并返回结果字符串。 // Join将其第一个参数的元素连接起来以创建单个字符串。分隔字符串sep放置在结果字符串的元素之间。 stmt := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO user (name, age) VALUES %s", strings.Join(valueStrings, ",")) // Exec执行查询而不返回任何行。参数用于查询中的任何占位符参数。 result, err := db.Exec(stmt, valueArgs...) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error inserting user into database: %v \n", err) return err } var rows_affected int64 rows_affected, err = result.RowsAffected() // 返回受更新、插入或删除影响的行数。并非每个数据库或数据库驱动程序都支持此功能。 if err != nil { fmt.Printf("返回受更新、插入或删除影响的行数 failed, err: %v\n", err) return err } fmt.Println("受更新、插入或删除影响的行数: ", rows_affected) return nil } func main() { if err := initMySQL(); err != nil { fmt.Printf("connect to db failed, err: %v\n", err) } // 检查完错误之后执行,确保 db 不为 nil // Close() 用来释放数据库连接相关的资源 // Close 将关闭数据库并阻止启动新查询。关闭,然后等待服务器上已开始处理的所有查询完成。 defer db.Close() fmt.Println("connect to database success") // db.xx() 去使用数据库操作... // 批量插入数据 users := []*User{ {Name: "刘备", Age: 25}, {Name: "关羽", Age: 30}, {Name: "张飞", Age: 28}, } err := BatchInsertUsers(users) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Failed to batch insert users: %v", err) } }
Code/go/mysql_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
➜ go run main.go
connect to database success
受更新、插入或删除影响的行数: 3
Code/go/mysql_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
SQL 查询结果
mysql> select * from user; # 插入之前
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from user; # 插入之后
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
| 15 | 刘备 | 25 |
| 16 | 关羽 | 30 |
| 17 | 张飞 | 28 |
14 rows in set (0.01 sec)
使用 sqlx.In 批量插入
package main import ( "database/sql/driver" "fmt" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" ) var db *sqlx.DB func initDB() (err error) { dsn := "root:12345678@tcp(" // 连接到数据库并使用ping进行验证。 // 也可以使用 MustConnect MustConnect连接到数据库,并在出现错误时恐慌 panic。 db, err = sqlx.Connect("mysql", dsn) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("connect DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } db.SetMaxOpenConns(20) // 设置数据库的最大打开连接数。 db.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // 设置空闲连接池中的最大连接数。 return } type user struct { ID int `db:"id"` Age int `db:"age"` Name string `db:"name"` } func (u user) Value() (driver.Value, error) { return []interface{}{u.Name, u.Age}, nil } // BatchInsertUsersSqlxIn 使用sqlx.In帮我们拼接语句和参数, 注意传入的参数是[]interface{} func BatchInsertUsersSqlxIn(users []interface{}) error { // In展开args中的切片值,返回修改后的查询字符串和一个可以由数据库执行的新的arg列表。 // “查询”应该使用“?”“bindVar。返回值使用' ?“bindVar。 query, args, _ := sqlx.In( "INSERT INTO user (name, age) VALUES (?), (?), (?)", users..., // 如果arg实现了 driver.Valuer, sqlx.In 会通过调用 Value()来展开它 ) fmt.Println("query sql string: ", query) // 查看生成的querystring fmt.Println("args: ", args) // 查看生成的args // Exec执行查询而不返回任何行。参数用于查询中的任何占位符参数。 result, err := db.Exec(query, args...) var rows_affected int64 rows_affected, err = result.RowsAffected() // 返回受更新、插入或删除影响的行数。并非每个数据库或数据库驱动程序都支持此功能。 if err != nil { fmt.Printf("返回受更新、插入或删除影响的行数 failed, err: %v\n", err) return err } fmt.Println("受更新、插入或删除影响的行数: ", rows_affected) return nil } func main() { if err := initDB(); err != nil { fmt.Printf("init DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("init DB succeeded") // 批量插入 u1 := user{Name: "李白", Age: 16} u2 := user{Name: "杜甫", Age: 42} u3 := user{Name: "王维", Age: 29} users := []interface{}{u1, u2, u3} _ = BatchInsertUsersSqlxIn(users) }
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
➜ go run main.go
init DB succeeded
query sql string: INSERT INTO user (name, age) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?), (?, ?)
args: [李白 16 杜甫 42 王维 29]
受更新、插入或删除影响的行数: 3
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
SQL 查询结果
mysql> select * from user;
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
| 15 | 刘备 | 25 |
| 16 | 关羽 | 30 |
| 17 | 张飞 | 28 |
14 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select * from user; # 插入之后
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
| 15 | 刘备 | 25 |
| 16 | 关羽 | 30 |
| 17 | 张飞 | 28 |
| 18 | 李白 | 16 |
| 19 | 杜甫 | 42 |
| 20 | 王维 | 29 |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
使用 NamedExec 批量插入
package main import ( "database/sql/driver" "fmt" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" ) var db *sqlx.DB func initDB() (err error) { dsn := "root:12345678@tcp(" // 连接到数据库并使用ping进行验证。 // 也可以使用 MustConnect MustConnect连接到数据库,并在出现错误时恐慌 panic。 db, err = sqlx.Connect("mysql", dsn) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("connect DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } db.SetMaxOpenConns(20) // 设置数据库的最大打开连接数。 db.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // 设置空闲连接池中的最大连接数。 return } type user struct { ID int `db:"id"` Age int `db:"age"` Name string `db:"name"` } func (u user) Value() (driver.Value, error) { return []interface{}{u.Name, u.Age}, nil } // BatchInsertUsersNamedExec NamedExec 批量插入 func BatchInsertUsersNamedExec(users []*user) error { // 任何命名的占位符参数都将被arg中的字段替换。 result, err := db.NamedExec("INSERT INTO user (name, age) VALUES (:name, :age)", users) var rows_affected int64 rows_affected, err = result.RowsAffected() // 返回受更新、插入或删除影响的行数。并非每个数据库或数据库驱动程序都支持此功能。 if err != nil { fmt.Printf("返回受更新、插入或删除影响的行数 failed, err: %v\n", err) return err } fmt.Println("BatchInsertUsersNamedExec 受插入影响的行数: ", rows_affected) return nil } func main() { if err := initDB(); err != nil { fmt.Printf("init DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("init DB succeeded") // 批量插入 u1 := user{Name: "褒姒", Age: 16} u2 := user{Name: "貂蝉", Age: 42} u3 := user{Name: "飞燕", Age: 29} // NamedExec users := []*user{&u1, &u2, &u3} _ = BatchInsertUsersNamedExec(users) }
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
➜ go run main.go
init DB succeeded
BatchInsertUsersNamedExec 受插入影响的行数: 3
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
SQL 查询结果
mysql> select * from user;
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
| 15 | 刘备 | 25 |
| 16 | 关羽 | 30 |
| 17 | 张飞 | 28 |
| 18 | 李白 | 16 |
| 19 | 杜甫 | 42 |
| 20 | 王维 | 29 |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from user; # 插入之后
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
| 15 | 刘备 | 25 |
| 16 | 关羽 | 30 |
| 17 | 张飞 | 28 |
| 18 | 李白 | 16 |
| 19 | 杜甫 | 42 |
| 20 | 王维 | 29 |
| 21 | 褒姒 | 16 |
| 22 | 貂蝉 | 42 |
| 23 | 飞燕 | 29 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
sqlx 高级操作之 IN 查询
查询 ID 在指定集合中的数据
package main import ( "database/sql/driver" "fmt" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" ) var db *sqlx.DB func initDB() (err error) { dsn := "root:12345678@tcp(" // 连接到数据库并使用ping进行验证。 // 也可以使用 MustConnect MustConnect连接到数据库,并在出现错误时恐慌 panic。 db, err = sqlx.Connect("mysql", dsn) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("connect DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } db.SetMaxOpenConns(20) // 设置数据库的最大打开连接数。 db.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // 设置空闲连接池中的最大连接数。 return } type user struct { ID int `db:"id"` Age int `db:"age"` Name string `db:"name"` } // QueryByIDs 查询 ID 在指定集合中的数据 func QueryByIDs(ids []int) (users []user, err error) { // In 展开args中的切片值,返回修改后的查询字符串和一个可以由数据库执行的新的arg列表。 // “查询”应该使用“?”“bindVar。返回值使用' ?“bindVar query, args, err := sqlx.In("SELECT name, age FROM user WHERE id IN (?)", ids) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Rebind 将查询从 QUESTION 转换为DB驱动程序的 bindvar 类型。 query = db.Rebind(query) // Select 使用此数据库。任何占位符参数都将被提供的参数替换。 err = db.Select(&users, query, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return users, nil } func main() { if err := initDB(); err != nil { fmt.Printf("init DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("init DB succeeded") // IN 查询 users, err := QueryByIDs([]int{1, 15, 21, 2}) // 默认按照主键顺序排列 if err != nil { fmt.Printf("query error: %v\n", err) return } fmt.Printf("query successful result users %v\n", users) for _, user := range users { fmt.Printf("user: %#v\n", user) } }
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
➜ go run main.go
init DB succeeded
query successful result users [{0 12 小乔} {0 22 小乔} {0 25 刘备} {0 16 褒姒}]
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:12, Name:"小乔"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:22, Name:"小乔"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:25, Name:"刘备"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:16, Name:"褒姒"}
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
SQL 查询结果
mysql> select * from user;
| id | name | age |
| 1 | 小乔 | 12 |
| 2 | 小乔 | 22 |
| 5 | 昭君 | 18 |
| 6 | 黛玉 | 16 |
| 8 | 李煜 | 26 |
| 9 | Alice | 25 |
| 10 | Bob | 30 |
| 11 | Carol | 28 |
| 12 | Alice1 | 25 |
| 13 | Bob1 | 30 |
| 14 | Carol1 | 28 |
| 15 | 刘备 | 25 |
| 16 | 关羽 | 30 |
| 17 | 张飞 | 28 |
| 18 | 李白 | 16 |
| 19 | 杜甫 | 42 |
| 20 | 王维 | 29 |
| 21 | 褒姒 | 16 |
| 22 | 貂蝉 | 42 |
| 23 | 飞燕 | 29 |
20 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- 使用代码排序
sqlx 高级操作之 FIND_IN_SET
package main import ( "database/sql/driver" "fmt" _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" "strings" ) var db *sqlx.DB func initDB() (err error) { dsn := "root:12345678@tcp(" // 连接到数据库并使用ping进行验证。 // 也可以使用 MustConnect MustConnect连接到数据库,并在出现错误时恐慌 panic。 db, err = sqlx.Connect("mysql", dsn) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("connect DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } db.SetMaxOpenConns(20) // 设置数据库的最大打开连接数。 db.SetMaxIdleConns(10) // 设置空闲连接池中的最大连接数。 return } type user struct { ID int `db:"id"` Age int `db:"age"` Name string `db:"name"` } // QueryByIDs 查询 ID 在指定集合中的数据 func QueryByIDs(ids []int) (users []user, err error) { // In 展开args中的切片值,返回修改后的查询字符串和一个可以由数据库执行的新的arg列表。 // “查询”应该使用“?”“bindVar。返回值使用' ?“bindVar query, args, err := sqlx.In("SELECT name, age FROM user WHERE id IN (?)", ids) if err != nil { return nil, err } // Rebind 将查询从 QUESTION 转换为DB驱动程序的 bindvar 类型。 query = db.Rebind(query) // Select 使用此数据库。任何占位符参数都将被提供的参数替换。 err = db.Select(&users, query, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } return users, nil } // QueryAndOrderByIDs 根据 ID 在指定集合中和指定顺序查询 func QueryAndOrderByIDs(ids []int) (users []user, err error) { // 创建一个字符串切片,大小为ids的长度 strIDs := make([]string, 0, len(ids)) // 将ids转换为字符串类型 for _, id := range ids { // Sprintf根据格式说明符进行格式化,并返回结果字符串。 strIDs = append(strIDs, fmt.Sprintf("%d", id)) } // In展开args中的切片值,返回修改后的查询字符串和一个可以由数据库执行的新的arg列表。“查询”应该使用“?”“bindVar。返回值使用' ?“bindVar。 query, args, err := sqlx.In("SELECT name, age FROM user WHERE id IN (?) ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(id, ?)", ids, strings.Join(strIDs, ",")) if err != nil { return } // Rebind 将查询从QUESTION转换为DB驱动程序的bindvar类型。 query = db.Rebind(query) // 执行查询 Select 使用此数据库。任何占位符参数都将被提供的参数替换。 err = db.Select(&users, query, args...) return } func main() { if err := initDB(); err != nil { fmt.Printf("init DB failed, err:%v\n", err) return } fmt.Println("init DB succeeded") // IN 查询 users, err := QueryByIDs([]int{1, 15, 21, 2}) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("query error: %v\n", err) return } fmt.Printf("query successful result users %v\n", users) for _, user := range users { fmt.Printf("user: %#v\n", user) } fmt.Println("**************") // FIND_IN_SET users, err = QueryAndOrderByIDs([]int{1, 15, 21, 2}) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("query error: %v\n", err) return } fmt.Printf("query successful result users %v\n", users) for _, user := range users { fmt.Printf("user: %#v\n", user) } }
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
➜ go run main.go
init DB succeeded
query successful result users [{0 12 小乔} {0 22 小乔} {0 25 刘备} {0 16 褒姒}]
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:12, Name:"小乔"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:22, Name:"小乔"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:25, Name:"刘备"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:16, Name:"褒姒"}
query successful result users [{0 12 小乔} {0 25 刘备} {0 16 褒姒} {0 22 小乔}]
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:12, Name:"小乔"} # FIND_IN_SET 按照指定顺序查询
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:25, Name:"刘备"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:16, Name:"褒姒"}
user: main.user{ID:0, Age:22, Name:"小乔"}
Code/go/sqlx_demo via 🐹 v1.20.3 via 🅒 base
注意:开发中,使用代码排序还是使用 SQL FIND_IN_SET 查询排序,需要根据开发实际情况来使用。
package main import ( "database/sql" "fmt" "log" _ "github.com/lib/pq" "github.com/jmoiron/sqlx" ) var schema = ` CREATE TABLE person ( first_name text, last_name text, email text ); CREATE TABLE place ( country text, city text NULL, telcode integer )` type Person struct { FirstName string `db:"first_name"` LastName string `db:"last_name"` Email string } type Place struct { Country string City sql.NullString TelCode int } func main() { // this Pings the database trying to connect // use sqlx.Open() for sql.Open() semantics db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", "user=foo dbname=bar sslmode=disable") if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } // exec the schema or fail; multi-statement Exec behavior varies between // database drivers; pq will exec them all, sqlite3 won't, ymmv db.MustExec(schema) tx := db.MustBegin() tx.MustExec("INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)", "Jason", "Moiron", "jmoiron@jmoiron.net") tx.MustExec("INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)", "John", "Doe", "johndoeDNE@gmail.net") tx.MustExec("INSERT INTO place (country, city, telcode) VALUES ($1, $2, $3)", "United States", "New York", "1") tx.MustExec("INSERT INTO place (country, telcode) VALUES ($1, $2)", "Hong Kong", "852") tx.MustExec("INSERT INTO place (country, telcode) VALUES ($1, $2)", "Singapore", "65") // Named queries can use structs, so if you have an existing struct (i.e. person := &Person{}) that you have populated, you can pass it in as &person tx.NamedExec("INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES (:first_name, :last_name, :email)", &Person{"Jane", "Citizen", "jane.citzen@example.com"}) tx.Commit() // Query the database, storing results in a []Person (wrapped in []interface{}) people := []Person{} db.Select(&people, "SELECT * FROM person ORDER BY first_name ASC") jason, john := people[0], people[1] fmt.Printf("%#v\n%#v", jason, john) // Person{FirstName:"Jason", LastName:"Moiron", Email:"jmoiron@jmoiron.net"} // Person{FirstName:"John", LastName:"Doe", Email:"johndoeDNE@gmail.net"} // You can also get a single result, a la QueryRow jason = Person{} err = db.Get(&jason, "SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name=$1", "Jason") fmt.Printf("%#v\n", jason) // Person{FirstName:"Jason", LastName:"Moiron", Email:"jmoiron@jmoiron.net"} // if you have null fields and use SELECT *, you must use sql.Null* in your struct places := []Place{} err = db.Select(&places, "SELECT * FROM place ORDER BY telcode ASC") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } usa, singsing, honkers := places[0], places[1], places[2] fmt.Printf("%#v\n%#v\n%#v\n", usa, singsing, honkers) // Place{Country:"United States", City:sql.NullString{String:"New York", Valid:true}, TelCode:1} // Place{Country:"Singapore", City:sql.NullString{String:"", Valid:false}, TelCode:65} // Place{Country:"Hong Kong", City:sql.NullString{String:"", Valid:false}, TelCode:852} // Loop through rows using only one struct place := Place{} rows, err := db.Queryx("SELECT * FROM place") for rows.Next() { err := rows.StructScan(&place) if err != nil { log.Fatalln(err) } fmt.Printf("%#v\n", place) } // Place{Country:"United States", City:sql.NullString{String:"New York", Valid:true}, TelCode:1} // Place{Country:"Hong Kong", City:sql.NullString{String:"", Valid:false}, TelCode:852} // Place{Country:"Singapore", City:sql.NullString{String:"", Valid:false}, TelCode:65} // Named queries, using `:name` as the bindvar. Automatic bindvar support // which takes into account the dbtype based on the driverName on sqlx.Open/Connect _, err = db.NamedExec(`INSERT INTO person (first_name,last_name,email) VALUES (:first,:last,:email)`, map[string]interface{}{ "first": "Bin", "last": "Smuth", "email": "bensmith@allblacks.nz", }) // Selects Mr. Smith from the database rows, err = db.NamedQuery(`SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name=:fn`, map[string]interface{}{"fn": "Bin"}) // Named queries can also use structs. Their bind names follow the same rules // as the name -> db mapping, so struct fields are lowercased and the `db` tag // is taken into consideration. rows, err = db.NamedQuery(`SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name=:first_name`, jason) // batch insert // batch insert with structs personStructs := []Person{ {FirstName: "Ardie", LastName: "Savea", Email: "asavea@ab.co.nz"}, {FirstName: "Sonny Bill", LastName: "Williams", Email: "sbw@ab.co.nz"}, {FirstName: "Ngani", LastName: "Laumape", Email: "nlaumape@ab.co.nz"}, } _, err = db.NamedExec(`INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES (:first_name, :last_name, :email)`, personStructs) // batch insert with maps personMaps := []map[string]interface{}{ {"first_name": "Ardie", "last_name": "Savea", "email": "asavea@ab.co.nz"}, {"first_name": "Sonny Bill", "last_name": "Williams", "email": "sbw@ab.co.nz"}, {"first_name": "Ngani", "last_name": "Laumape", "email": "nlaumape@ab.co.nz"}, } _, err = db.NamedExec(`INSERT INTO person (first_name, last_name, email) VALUES (:first_name, :last_name, :email)`, personMaps) }
以上就是详解Golang中SQLX库的高级操作的详细内容,更多关于Golang SQLX的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!