有限状态机(Finite State Machine, FSM)是一种数学模型,用于描述系统在不同状态下的行为,本文给大家介绍JavaScript实现有限状态机的示例代码,感兴趣的朋友一起看看吧
有限状态机(Finite State Machine, FSM)是一种数学模型,用于描述系统在不同状态下的行为。在前端开发中,有限状态机可以用于管理复杂的UI交互逻辑,如游戏、表单验证等场景。
class FiniteStateMachine { constructor() { this.handlers = {}; this.startState = null; this.endStates = []; this.currentState = null; } // 设置初始状态 setStartState(name) { this.startState = name; this.currentState = name; } // 添加状态转换处理器 addHandler(state, event, newState, action) { if (!this.handlers[state]) { this.handlers[state] = {}; } this.handlers[state][event] = { newState, action }; } // 设置结束状态 addEndState(state) { this.endStates.push(state); } // 处理事件,进行状态转换 handleEvent(event) { if (this.currentState === null) { throw new Error('FiniteStateMachine has no start state.'); } const handler = this.handlers[this.currentState][event]; if (!handler) { throw new Error(`Cannot handle event ${event} in state ${this.currentState}.`); } // 执行状态转换前的动作 if (handler.action) { handler.action(); } // 进行状态转换 this.currentState = handler.newState; // 检查是否到达结束状态 if (this.endStates.includes(this.currentState)) { console.log('Reached an end state:', this.currentState); } } }
// 创建一个有限状态机实例 const fsm = new FiniteStateMachine(); // 设置初始状态为 'state1' fsm.setStartState('state1'); // 添加状态转换处理器和动作 fsm.addHandler('state1', 'event1', 'state2', () => console.log('Moving from state1 to state2')); fsm.addHandler('state2', 'event2', 'state3', () => console.log('Moving from state2 to state3')); fsm.addHandler('state3', 'event3', 'state1', () => console.log('Moving from state3 to state1')); // 设置结束状态(可选) fsm.addEndState('state3'); // 处理事件,进行状态转换 fsm.handleEvent('event1'); // 输出: Moving from state1 to state2 fsm.handleEvent('event2'); // 输出: Moving from state2 to state3 fsm.handleEvent('event3'); // 输出: Moving from state3 to state1 和 Reached an end state: state1