<template> <view class="container"> <!-- <image class="img" src="https://jetour-self-prod.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/public/jetour-mini/images/car.png" mode="widthFix"></image> --> <image class="img" :src="backgroundLogo" mode="widthFix"></image> <image class="img2" :src="logo" mode="widthFix"></image> <image class="img3" :src="carLogo" mode="widthFix"></image> <view class="btn-mask"> <view class="btns" @click="clicklogin" v-show="!isAgreed"> <button class="openBtn" >一键登录</button> </view> <view class="btns" v-show="isAgreed"> <button class="openBtn" open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" >一键登录</button> </view> <view class="checkbox-container"> <checkbox-group @change="handleCheckboxChange"> <label> <checkbox value="agree" :checked="isAgreed" class="myCheckbox" /> 我已阅读并同意 <text class="link" @click.stop="navigateToPrivacyPolicy(1)">《用户服务协议》</text> <text class="link" @click.stop="navigateToPrivacyPolicy(2)">《隐私协议》</text> </label> </checkbox-group> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> import dayJs from 'dayjs' import { getWxCode, getWxUserTel, getWxUserInfo, createWxUserClue } from '../../../api/clue.js' export default { onLoad(option) { this.qrCodeId = option.scene console.log(this.qrCodeId) this.getLoginCode() }, data() { return { webviewStyles: { progress: { color: '#FF3333' } }, backgroundLogo: require('../../static/img/liveStoreCode/backgroundLogo.png'), carLogo: require('../../static/img/liveStoreCode/carLogo.png'), logo: require('../../static/img/liveStoreCode/logo.png'), isAgreed: false, login_code: null, sessionKey: null, openId: null, rawData: null, userInfo: {}, signature: null, userTel: null, qrCodeId: null, showWx: false }; }, methods: { close() { this.showWx = false }, handleCheckboxChange(){ this.isAgreed = !this.isAgreed }, // 跳转到隐私协议页面 navigateToPrivacyPolicy(type) { let goUrl = '' if(type == 1){ goUrl='/pages/protocol/useProtocol' } if(type == 2){ goUrl='/pages/protocol/concealProtocol' } uni.navigateTo({ url: goUrl }); }, getLoginCode() { const that = this uni.login({ success: function(res) { console.log(res, 'login') // 获取code that.login_code = res.code; uni.getUserInfo({ withCredentials: true, success(data) { console.log(data,'data'); console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); that.rawData = data.rawData that.userInfo = data.userInfo that.signature = data.signature that.getCurUserWxCode() } }) } }); }, clicklogin(){ console.log(this.isAgreed,'this.isAgreed'); if(!this.isAgreed){ wx.showToast({ title: '请先同意捷途用户服务协议', icon: 'none' }); return false } }, // 获取用户手机号 getPhoneNumber(e) { console.log(e.detail,'e.detail') // 判断用户是否允许获取手机号 const params = { encryptedData: e.detail.encryptedData, iv: e.detail.iv, sessionKey: this.sessionKey, openId: this.openid, signature: this.signature, rawData: this.rawData } if (e.detail.errMsg == "getPhoneNumber:ok") { // 用户允许或去手机号 getWxUserTel(params).then(res => { this.userTel = res.data.data.phoneNumber // 判断从外面过来的type 然后判断是进 活码页面还是领取优惠卷页面 uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/webView/webView?url=` + encodeURIComponent('https://blog.csdn.net/qq_48701993/article/details/134713613') }) // this.submitClue() }) // this.getCurUserInfo(params) } }, getCurUserInfo(params) { getWxUserInfo(params) }, getCurUserWxCode() { const that = this const params = { code: this.login_code } getWxCode(params).then((res) => { const data = res.data.data that.sessionKey = data.sessionKey }) }, submitClue() { const { nickName, gender } = this.userInfo // 跳h5页面 并且携带参数 // const params = { // qrCodeId: this.qrCodeId, // name: nickName, // phone: this.userTel, // sex: gender, // weChat: '', // authorizationTime: dayJs().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') // } // console.log('提交表单' + JSON.stringify(params)) // createWxUserClue(params).then(res => { // this.showWx = true // }) } } } </script> <style lang="scss"> .img { width: 100vw; 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height: auto; background: #fff; color: #000; border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px 0; display: flex; flex-direction: column; image { width: 360rpx; height: 360rpx; margin: 0 auto; } .colse { position: absolute; right: 10px; top: 0px; background: none; outline: none; border: none; font-size: 12px; padding: 0; &:after { border: none; } } } } </style>
要点getLoginCode uni.login 以后获取微信code 拿到code 然后走后端接口换信息 具体看代码
小程序自己的组件 https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/getPhoneNumber.html#%E8%BF%94%E5%9B%9E%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E <view class="btns" v-show="isAgreed"> <button class="openBtn" open-type="getPhoneNumber" @getphonenumber="getPhoneNumber" >一键登录</button> </view>