- 掌握swiper组件、scroll-view组件的使用
- 掌握image组件的使用
- 掌握音频API的使用
- 掌握slider组件的使用
<!-- 标签页标题 --> <view class="tab"> <view class="tab-item {{tab==0?'active':''}}" bindtap="changeItem" data-item="0">音乐推荐</view> <view class="tab-item {{tab==1?'active':''}}" bindtap="changeItem" data-item="1">播放器</view> <view class="tab-item {{tab==2?'active':''}}" bindtap="changeItem" data-item="2">播放列表</view> </view> <!-- 内容区域 --> <view class="content"> <swiper current="{{item}}" bindchange="changeTab"> <swiper-item> <!-- 内容滚动区域 --> <scroll-view class="content-info" scroll-y> <!-- 轮播图 --> <swiper class="content-info-slide" indicator-color="rgba(255,255,255,.5)" indicator-active-color="#fff" indicator-dots circular autoplay> <swiper-item> <image src="/images/xingong.jpg" /> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <image src="/images/banner.jpg" /> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <image src="/images/banner.jpg" /> </swiper-item> </swiper> <!-- 功能按钮 --> <view class="content-info-portal"> <view> <image src="/images/04.png" /> <text>私人FM</text> </view> <view> <image src="/images/05.png" /> <text>每日歌曲推荐</text> </view> <view> <image src="/images/06.png" /> <text>云音乐新歌榜</text> </view> </view> <!-- 热门音乐 --> <view class="content-info-list"> <view class="list-title">推荐歌曲</view> <view class="list-inner"> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/图片27.jpg" /> <view>紫罗兰</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/图片28.jpg" /> <view>五月之歌</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/图片29.jpg" /> <view>菩提树</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/图片31.jpg" /> <view>欢乐颂</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/图片33.jpg" /> <view>安魂曲</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/图片36.jpg" /> <view>摇篮曲</view> </view> </view> </view> </scroll-view> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <!-- 播放器页面 --> <include src="play.wxml" /> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <include src="playlist.wxml" /> </swiper-item> </swiper> </view> <!-- 底部播放器 --> <view class="player"> <image class="player-cover" src="{{play.coverImgUrl}}" /> <view class="player-info"> <view class="player-info-title">{{play.title}}</view> <view class="player-info-singer">{{play.singer}}</view> </view> <view class="player-controls"> <!-- 切换到播放列表 --> <image src="/images/01.png" bindtap="changeItem" data-item="2" /> <!-- 播放或暂停 --> <image wx:if="{{state=='paused'}}" src="/images/02.png" bindtap="play" /> <image wx:else src="/images/02stop.png" bindtap="pause" /> <!-- 下一曲 --> <image src="/images/03.png" bindtap="next" /> </view> </view>
<!-- 内容滚动区域 --> <scroll-view class="content-info" scroll-y> <!-- 轮播图 --> <swiper class="content-info-slide" indicator-color="rgba(255,255,255,.5)" indicator-active-color="#fff" indicator-dots circular autoplay> <swiper-item> <image src="/images/xingong.jpg" /> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <image src="/images/xingong.jpg" /> </swiper-item> <swiper-item> <image src="/images/banner.jpg" /> </swiper-item> </swiper> <!-- 功能按钮 --> <view class="content-info-portal"> <view> <image src="/images/04.png" /> <text>私人FM</text> </view> <view> <image src="/images/05.png" /> <text>每日歌曲推荐</text> </view> <view> <image src="/images/06.png" /> <text>云音乐新歌榜</text> </view> </view> <!-- 热门音乐 --> <view class="content-info-list"> <view class="list-title">推荐歌曲</view> <view class="list-inner"> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/cover.jpg" /> <view>紫罗兰</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/cover.jpg" /> <view>五月之歌</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/cover.jpg" /> <view>菩提树</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/cover.jpg" /> <view>欢乐颂</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/cover.jpg" /> <view>安魂曲</view> </view> <view class="list-item"> <image src="/images/cover.jpg" /> <view>摇篮曲</view> </view> </view> </view> </scroll-view>
<!-- 播放器 --> <view class="content-play"> <!-- 显示音乐信息 --> <view class="content-play-info"> <text>{{play.title}}</text> <view>—— {{play.singer}} ——</view> </view> <!-- 显示专辑封面 --> <view class="content-play-cover"> <image src="{{play.coverImgUrl}}" style="animation-play-state:{{state}}" /> </view> <!-- 显示播放进度和时间 --> <view class="content-play-progress"> <text>{{play.currentTime}}</text> <view> <slider bindchange="sliderChange" activeColor="#d33a31" block-size="12" backgroundColor="#dadada" value="{{play.percent}}" /> </view> <text>{{play.duration}}</text> </view> </view>
<scroll-view class="content-playlist" scroll-y> <view class="playlist-item" wx:for="{{playlist}}" wx:key="id" bindtap="change" data-index="{{index}}"> <image class="playlist-cover" src="{{item.coverImgUrl}}" /> <view class="playlist-info"> <view class="playlist-info-title">{{item.title}}</view> <view class="playlist-info-singer">{{item.singer}}</view> </view> <view class="playlist-controls"> <text wx:if="{{index==playIndex}}">正在播放</text> </view> </view> </scroll-view>
// pages/index/index.js Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { item: 0, tab: 0, // 播放列表数据 playlist: [{ id: 1, title: '钢琴协奏曲', singer: '肖邦', src: 'http://localhost:3000/1.mp3', coverImgUrl: '/images/cover.jpg' }, { id: 2, title: '奏鸣曲', singer: '莫扎特', src: 'http://localhost:3000/2.mp3', coverImgUrl: '/images/cover.jpg' }, { id: 3, title: '欢乐颂', singer: '贝多芬', src: 'http://localhost:3000/1.mp3', coverImgUrl: '/images/cover.jpg' }, { id: 4, title: '爱之梦', singer: '李斯特', src: 'http://localhost:3000/2.mp3', coverImgUrl: '/images/cover.jpg' }], state: 'paused', playIndex: 0, play: { currentTime: '00:00', duration: '00:00', percent: 0, title: '', singer: '', coverImgUrl: '/images/图片47.jpg', } }, // 页面切换 changeItem: function(e) { this.setData({ item: e.target.dataset.item, }) }, // tab切换 changeTab: function(e) { this.setData({ tab: e.detail.current }) }, // 实现播放器播放功能 audioCtx: null, onReady: function() { this.audioCtx = wx.createInnerAudioContext() // 默认选择第1曲 this.setMusic(0) var that = this // 播放进度检测 this.audioCtx.onError(function() { console.log('播放失败:' + that.audioCtx.src) }) // 播放完成自动换下一曲 this.audioCtx.onEnded(function() { that.next() }) // 自动更新播放进度 this.audioCtx.onPlay(function() {}) // onWaiting触发的暂停 var waitFlag = false // 音频由于网络等原因等待中的回调 this.audioCtx.onWaiting(function() { waitFlag = true }) // 音频准备就绪的回调 this.audioCtx.onCanplay(function() { if (waitFlag) { that.audioCtx.pause() that.audioCtx.play() waitFlag = false } }) this.audioCtx.onTimeUpdate(function() { that.setData({ 'play.duration': formatTime(that.audioCtx.duration), 'play.currentTime': formatTime(that.audioCtx.currentTime), 'play.percent': that.audioCtx.currentTime / that.audioCtx.duration * 100 }) }) // 格式化时间 function formatTime(time) { var minute = Math.floor(time / 60) % 60; var second = Math.floor(time) % 60 return (minute < 10 ? '0' + minute : minute) + ':' + (second < 10 ? '0' + second : second) } }, // 音乐播放 setMusic: function(index) { var music = this.data.playlist[index] this.audioCtx.src = music.src this.setData({ playIndex: index, 'play.title': music.title, 'play.singer': music.singer, 'play.coverImgUrl': music.coverImgUrl, 'play.currentTime': '00:00', 'play.duration': '00:00', 'play.percent': 0 }) }, // 播放按钮 play: function() { this.audioCtx.play() this.setData({ state: 'running' }) }, // 暂停按钮 pause: function() { this.audioCtx.pause() this.setData({ state: 'paused' }) }, // 下一曲按钮 next: function() { var index = this.data.playIndex >= this.data.playlist.length - 1 ? 0 : this.data.playIndex + 1 this.setMusic(index) if (this.data.state === 'running') { this.play() } }, // 滚动条调节歌曲进度 sliderChange: function(e) { var second = e.detail.value * this.audioCtx.duration / 100 this.audioCtx.seek(second) }, // 播放列表换曲功能 change: function(e) { this.setMusic(e.currentTarget.dataset.index) this.play() } })
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