const { ipcMain } = require('electron') const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater') const path = require("path") // 更新地址,该地址下放的是安装包和latest.yml const updateURL = 'https://jkcgy.obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/desktop/' const message = { error: '软件更新异常,请重试', checking: '正在检查更新', updateAva: '检测到新版本,准备下载', updateDown: '软件下载中,请耐心等待', updateSet: '下载完成,准备安装', updateNotAva: '已经是最新版本', } //软件版本更新 ipcMain.handle('on-soft-update', (e) => { autoUpdater.checkForUpdates() }) ipcMain.on("updateDesktop", () => { console.log("checkForUpdates"); autoUpdater.checkForUpdates() // console.log("downloadUpdate"); }) ipcMain.on("updateDesktopping", () => { autoUpdater.downloadUpdate() }) // 检测更新,在你想要检查更新的时候执行,renderer事件触发后的操作自行编写 function handleUpdate(mainWindow, callback) { // 设置是否自动下载,默认是true,当点击检测到新版本时,会自动下载安装包,所以设置为false autoUpdater.autoDownload = false // 如果安装包下载好了,当应用退出后是否自动安装更新 autoUpdater.autoInstallOnAppQuit = false if (process.env.NODE_ENV == "development") { autoUpdater.updateConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../aaa/app-update.yml"); } // 设置版本更新服务器地址 autoUpdater.setFeedURL(updateURL) // 更新发生错误时触发 autoUpdater.on('error', function () { console.log(" 更新发生错误时触发",); sendUpdateMessage(message.error, "error") }) // 开始检查更新事件 autoUpdater.on('checking-for-update', function () { console.log(" 开始检查更新事件",); sendUpdateMessage(message.checking, "checking") }) // 没有可更新版本 autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', function (info) { console.log(" 开始检查更新事件",); sendUpdateMessage(message.updateNotAva, "updateNotAva") }) // 发现可更新版本 autoUpdater.on('update-available', function (info) { console.log(" 发现可更新版本",); // autoUpdater.downloadUpdate() sendUpdateMessage(message.updateAva, "updateAva") }) // 更新下载进度事件 autoUpdater.on('download-progress', function (progressObj) { console.log(" 更新下载进度事件",); sendUpdateMessage(message.updateDown, "updateDown") mainWindow.webContents.send('on-soft-download', progressObj.percent) }) // 下载监听 autoUpdater.on( 'update-downloaded', function (event, releaseNotes, releaseName, releaseDate, updateUrl, quitAndUpdate) { mainWindow.webContents.send('on-soft-download', 100) sendUpdateMessage(message.updateSet, "updateSet") //3秒后更新 setTimeout(() => { autoUpdater.quitAndInstall() }, 3000) } ) // 向渲染进程发送消息 function sendUpdateMessage(text, type) { mainWindow.webContents.send('on-soft-message', text, type) } } module.exports = { handleUpdate, }
然后再 main.js 调用即可
mainWindow.on('ready-to-show', () => { mainWindow.show(); updater.handleUpdate(mainWindow) if (!ipc) ipc = new IPC(mainWindow); mainWindow.openDevTools(); // if(!callWindowIpc) callWindowIpc = new CallWindowIpc(mainInstance); });
main.js 所有代码
const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, globalShortcut, Tray, Menu } = require('electron'); const Store = require('electron-store'); const CaptureView = require('./electron-captureview/main/captureview').default; const path = require('path'); const url = require('url'); const TimMain = require('im_electron_sdk/dist/main'); const { SDK_APP_ID, GET_FILE_INFO_CALLBACK, SCREENSHOTMAC } = require('./const/const'); const IPC = require('./ipc'); const CallWindowIpc = require('./callWindowIpc'); const child_process = require('child_process') const fs = require('fs') const updater= require("./update") const store = new Store(); Store.initRenderer(); const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater') process.env['ELECTRON_DISABLE_SECURITY_WARNINGS'] = 'true'; let callWindowIpc; let ipc; let mainInstance; let catchedSdkAppId; const settingConfig = store.get('setting-config'); const sdkappid = catchedSdkAppId = settingConfig?.sdkappId ?? SDK_APP_ID; let tray = null // 在外面创建tray变量,防止被自动删除,导致图标自动消失 const initTimMain = (appid) => { mainInstance = new TimMain({ sdkappid: Number(appid) }); } initTimMain(sdkappid); const sleep = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); ipcMain.handle('re-create-main-instance', async (event, newSdkAppid) => { console.log("************ re-create-main-instance", newSdkAppid) mainInstance.setSDKAPPID(newSdkAppid) return }) // This allows TypeScript to pick up the magic constant that's auto-generated by Forge's Webpack // plugin that tells the Electron app where to look for the Webpack-bundled app code (depending on // whether you're running in development or production). // declare const MAIN_WINDOW_WEBPACK_ENTRY: string; // Handle creating/removing shortcuts on Windows when installing/uninstalling. // app.on('window-all-closed', function () { // if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit() // }) const createWindow = () => { // Create the browser window. const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ height: 628, width: 975, minWidth: 975, minHeight: 628, // show:false, icon: path.resolve(__dirname, "../../icon/logo.png"), frame: false, webPreferences: { webSecurity: true, nodeIntegration: true, nodeIntegrationInWorker: true, enableRemoteModule: true, contextIsolation: false, } }); mainInstance.enable(mainWindow.webContents) global.WIN = mainWindow; mainWindow.on('ready-to-show', () => { mainWindow.show(); updater.handleUpdate(mainWindow) if (!ipc) ipc = new IPC(mainWindow); mainWindow.openDevTools(); // if(!callWindowIpc) callWindowIpc = new CallWindowIpc(mainInstance); }); mainWindow.on('close', (e) => { // mainWindow.webContents.send('updateHistoryMessage'); // setTimeout(() => { // app.exit(); // }, 30); e.preventDefault(); // 阻止退出程序 mainWindow.setSkipTaskbar(true) // 取消任务栏显示 mainWindow.hide(); // 隐藏主程序窗口 }); console.log('======process env======', process.env?.NODE_ENV); if (process.env?.NODE_ENV?.trim() === 'development') { mainWindow.loadURL(`http://localhost:3000`); mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools(); } else { mainWindow.loadURL( url.format({ pathname: path.join(__dirname, '../../bundle/index.html'), protocol: 'file:', slashes: true }) ); } // 创建任务栏图标 tray = new Tray(path.join(__dirname, "../../icon/logo.png")) // 自定义托盘图标的内容菜单 const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([ { // 点击退出菜单退出程序 label: '退出', click: function () { mainWindow.webContents.send('updateHistoryMessage'); setTimeout(() => { app.exit(); }, 30); // mainWindow.destroy() } } ]) tray.setToolTip('君凯智管') // 设置鼠标指针在托盘图标上悬停时显示的文本 tray.setContextMenu(contextMenu) // 设置图标的内容菜单 // 点击托盘图标,显示主窗口 tray.on("click", () => { mainWindow.show(); mainWindow.setSkipTaskbar(false) // 取消任务栏显示 }) // const capture = new CaptureView({ // devTools: false, // Mosaic: false, // Text: false, // // onShow: () => { // // console.log('start screenshot'); // // }, // onClose: () => { // const png = clipboard.readImage().toBitmap(); // const fileExample = new File([png], 'xxx.png', { type: 'image/jpeg' }); // console.log('结束截图', fileExample); // }, // onShowByShortCut: () => { // console.log('shortcut key to start screenshot') // } // }); // capture.setMultiScreen(true); // capture.updateShortCutKey('shift+option+c'); globalShortcut.register('Shift+CommandOrControl+C', function () { console.log("i am shortcut~~~~~~~~~"); const newdate = new Date(); const date = newdate.toISOString().replaceAll(":", ""); // console.log(date.toISOString()); if (process.platform == "darwin") { let ex = "screencapture -i ~/desktop/screenshot" + date + ".png" child_process.exec(`screencapture -i ~/desktop/screenshot` + date + `.png`, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (!error) { var _img = fs.readFileSync(process.env.HOME + "/desktop/screenshot" + date + ".png"); // console.log(_img); mainWindow.webContents.send(GET_FILE_INFO_CALLBACK, { triggerType: SCREENSHOTMAC, data: { _img: _img, date } }) } }); } else { let url = path.resolve(__dirname, "../Snipaste-2.8.2-Beta-x64/Snipaste.exe"); let command = url + " snip -o C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\screenshot" + date + ".png"; // console.log(command); var id = setInterval(dealFile, 300); child_process.exec(command, async (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (!error) { console.log("done capture"); } }) function dealFile() { try { var _img = fs.readFileSync("C:\\Users\\Public\\Desktop\\screenshot" + date + ".png"); clearInterval(id); console.log("file exists"); console.log(_img); event.reply(GET_FILE_INFO_CALLBACK, { triggerType: SCREENSHOTMAC, data: { _img: _img, date } }) } catch (err) { if (err.code == 'ENOENT') { // console.log("file doesn't exist yet") } else { throw err; } } } } }) // mainWindow.loadURL(`http://localhost:3000`); // mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools(); }; // This method will be called when Electron has finished // initialization and is ready to create browser windows. // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs. app.on('ready', createWindow); Object.defineProperty(app, 'isPackaged', { get() { return true; } }); // Quit when all windows are closed, except on macOS. There, it's common // for applications and their menu bar to stay active until the user quits // explicitly with Cmd + Q. app.on('window-all-closed', () => { console.log('all-window-closed'); if (process.platform !== 'darwin') { app.exit(); } }); app.on('activate', () => { // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open. if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) { createWindow(); } }); // In this file you can include the rest of your app's specific main process // code. You can also put them in separate files and import them here.
Electron更新报错-Skip checkForUpdates because application is not packed and dev update config is not forced
const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain, globalShortcut, Tray, Menu } = require('electron'); Object.defineProperty(app, 'isPackaged', { get() { return true; } });
"publish": [ { "provider": "generic", "channel": "latest", "url": "https://jkcgy.obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/desktop/%E5%90%9B%E5%87%AF%E6%99%BA%E7%AE%A1%20Setup%200.0.2.exe" } ],
Electron更新报错-UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '****\app-update.yml'
找不到app-update.yml 文件,可以去打包路径中的 dist\win-unpacked\resources 复制,然后通过修改 autoUpdater.updateConfigPath 路径
该路径是自定义的路径,自己在 dist\win-unpacked\resources 复制的
const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater') autoUpdater.updateConfigPath = path.join(__dirname, "../../aaa/app-update.yml");
Electron更新报错-找不到latest.yml 文件
找不到latest.yml文件 可以去dist 复制
这里跟配置的 autoUpdater.setFeedURL 路径有关系
const { autoUpdater } = require('electron-updater') const updateURL = 'https://jkcgy.obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/desktop/' // 设置版本更新服务器地址 autoUpdater.setFeedURL(updateURL)
electron -v
我们输入如下的cmd来查看 electron
npm view electron versions
[ '0.1.0', '0.1.1', '0.1.2', '0.2.0', '0.2.1', '0.3.0', '0.4.0', '0.4.1', '1.3.1', '1.3.2', '1.3.3', '1.3.4', '1.3.5', '1.3.6', '1.3.7', '1.3.8', '1.3.9', '1.3.10', '1.3.12', '1.3.13', '1.3.14', '1.3.15', '1.4.0', '1.4.1', '1.4.2', '1.4.3', '1.4.4', '1.4.5', '1.4.6', '1.4.7', '1.4.8', '1.4.10', '1.4.11', '1.4.12', '1.4.13', '1.4.14', '1.4.15', '1.4.16', '1.5.0', '1.5.1', '1.6.0', '1.6.1', '1.6.2', '1.6.3', '1.6.4', '1.6.5', '1.6.6', '1.6.7', '1.6.8', '1.6.9', '1.6.10', '1.6.11', '1.6.12', '1.6.13', '1.6.14', '1.6.15', '1.6.16', '1.6.17', '1.6.18', '1.7.0', '1.7.1', '1.7.2', '1.7.3', '1.7.4', '1.7.5', '1.7.6', '1.7.7', '1.7.8', '1.7.9', '1.7.10', '1.7.11', '1.7.12', '1.7.13', '1.7.14', '1.7.15', '1.7.16', '1.8.1', '1.8.2-beta.1', '1.8.2-beta.2', '1.8.2-beta.3', '1.8.2-beta.4', '1.8.2-beta.5', '1.8.2', '1.8.3', '1.8.4', '1.8.5', '1.8.6', '1.8.7', '1.8.8', '2.0.0-beta.1', '2.0.0-beta.2', '2.0.0-beta.3', '2.0.0-beta.4', '2.0.0-beta.5', '2.0.0-beta.6', '2.0.0-beta.7', '2.0.0-beta.8', '2.0.0', '2.0.1', '2.0.2', '2.0.3', '2.0.4', '2.0.5', '2.0.6', '2.0.7', '2.0.8-nightly.20180819', '2.0.8-nightly.20180820', '2.0.8', '2.0.9', '2.0.10', '2.0.11', '2.0.12', '2.0.13', '2.0.14', '2.0.15', '2.0.16', '2.0.17', '2.0.18', '2.1.0-unsupported.20180809', '3.0.0-beta.1', '3.0.0-beta.2', '3.0.0-beta.3', '3.0.0-beta.4', '3.0.0-beta.5', '3.0.0-beta.6', '3.0.0-beta.7', '3.0.0-beta.8', '3.0.0-beta.9', '3.0.0-beta.10', '3.0.0-beta.11', '3.0.0-beta.12', '3.0.0-beta.13', '3.0.0-nightly.20180818', '3.0.0-nightly.20180821', '3.0.0-nightly.20180904', '3.0.0', '3.0.1', '3.0.2', '3.0.3', '3.0.4', '3.0.5', '3.0.6', '3.0.7', '3.0.8', '3.0.9', '3.0.10', '3.0.11', '3.0.12', '3.0.13', '3.0.14', '3.0.15', '3.0.16', '3.1.0-beta.1', '3.1.0-beta.2', '3.1.0-beta.3', '3.1.0-beta.4', '3.1.0-beta.5', '3.1.0', '3.1.1', '3.1.2', '3.1.3', '3.1.4', '3.1.5', '3.1.6', '3.1.7', '3.1.8', '3.1.9', '3.1.10', '3.1.11', '3.1.12', '3.1.13', '4.0.0-beta.1', '4.0.0-beta.2', '4.0.0-beta.3', '4.0.0-beta.4', '4.0.0-beta.5', '4.0.0-beta.6', '4.0.0-beta.7', '4.0.0-beta.8', '4.0.0-beta.9', '4.0.0-beta.10', '4.0.0-beta.11', '4.0.0-nightly.20180816', '4.0.0-nightly.20180817', '4.0.0-nightly.20180819', '4.0.0-nightly.20180821', '4.0.0-nightly.20180929', '4.0.0-nightly.20181006', '4.0.0-nightly.20181010', '4.0.0', '4.0.1', '4.0.2', '4.0.3', '4.0.4', '4.0.5', '4.0.6', '4.0.7', '4.0.8', '4.1.0', '4.1.1', '4.1.2', '4.1.3', '4.1.4', '4.1.5', '4.2.0', '4.2.1', '4.2.2', '4.2.3', '4.2.4', '4.2.5', '4.2.6', '4.2.7', '4.2.8', '4.2.9', '4.2.10', '4.2.11', '4.2.12', '5.0.0-beta.1', '5.0.0-beta.2', '5.0.0-beta.3', '5.0.0-beta.4', '5.0.0-beta.5', '5.0.0-beta.6', '5.0.0-beta.7', '5.0.0-beta.8', '5.0.0-beta.9', '5.0.0', '5.0.1', '5.0.2', '5.0.3', '5.0.4', '5.0.5', '5.0.6', '5.0.7', '5.0.8', '5.0.9', '5.0.10', '5.0.11', '5.0.12', '5.0.13', '6.0.0-beta.1', '6.0.0-beta.2', '6.0.0-beta.3', '6.0.0-beta.4', '6.0.0-beta.5', '6.0.0-beta.6', '6.0.0-beta.7', '6.0.0-beta.8', '6.0.0-beta.9', '6.0.0-beta.10', '6.0.0-beta.11', '6.0.0-beta.12', '6.0.0-beta.13', '6.0.0-beta.14', '6.0.0-beta.15', '6.0.0', '6.0.1', '6.0.2', '6.0.3', '6.0.4', '6.0.5', '6.0.6', '6.0.7', '6.0.8', '6.0.9', '6.0.10', '6.0.11', '6.0.12', '6.1.0', '6.1.1', '6.1.2', '6.1.3', '6.1.4', '6.1.5', '6.1.6', '6.1.7', '6.1.8', '6.1.9', '6.1.10', '6.1.11', '6.1.12', '7.0.0-beta.1', '7.0.0-beta.2', '7.0.0-beta.3', '7.0.0-beta.4', '7.0.0-beta.5', '7.0.0-beta.6', '7.0.0-beta.7', '7.0.0', '7.0.1', '7.1.0', '7.1.1', '7.1.2', '7.1.3', '7.1.4', '7.1.5', '7.1.6', '7.1.7', '7.1.8', '7.1.9', '7.1.10', '7.1.11', '7.1.12', '7.1.13', '7.1.14', '7.2.0', '7.2.1', '7.2.2', '7.2.3', '7.2.4', '7.3.0', '8.0.0-beta.1', '8.0.0-beta.2', '8.0.0-beta.3', '8.0.0-beta.4', '8.0.0-beta.5', '8.0.0-beta.6', '8.0.0-beta.7', '8.0.0-beta.8', '8.0.0-beta.9', '8.0.0', '8.0.1', '8.0.2', '8.0.3', '8.1.0', '8.1.1', '8.2.0', '8.2.1', '8.2.2', '8.2.3', '8.2.4', '8.2.5', '8.3.0', '9.0.0-beta.1', '9.0.0-beta.2', '9.0.0-beta.3', '9.0.0-beta.4', '9.0.0-beta.5', '9.0.0-beta.6', '9.0.0-beta.7', '9.0.0-beta.9', '9.0.0-beta.10', '9.0.0-beta.12', '9.0.0-beta.13', '9.0.0-beta.14', '9.0.0-beta.15', '9.0.0-beta.16', '9.0.0-beta.17', '9.0.0-beta.18', '9.0.0-beta.19', '9.0.0-beta.20', '9.0.0-beta.21', '9.0.0-beta.22', '9.0.0-beta.24', '9.0.0', '10.0.0-beta.1' ]
npm uninstall -g electron
npm uninstall -g electron
[选] 如果出现如上图所示,说明是文件夹没删干净。这时候我们需要去删除对应文件夹,它这里提示该路径文件还存在。
输入win + r, 输入
在该文件夹下 找到 npm
把该目录下的文件全删了。在 cmd
npm install -g electron@v6.1.7
方式二 :官网