WebSocket Node构建HTTP隧道实现实例
当我们开发一些与第三方服务集成的应用程序时,我们需要使我们的本地开发服务器暴露在网上。为此,我们需要为本地服务器提供一个 HTTP 隧道。HTTP 隧道如何工作?嘎嘎嘎,看下面!😍😍
为什么我们需要部署自己的 HTTP 隧道服务?
要获得固定域,我们可以在自己的服务器中部署HTTP隧道。 还提供用于服务器端部署的开源版本。但它是旧的 1.x 版本,不建议在生产环境中部署,存在一些严重的可靠性问题。
关于精简版 HTTP 隧道简介
Lite HTTP 隧道是我最近为自托管 HTTP 隧道服务构建的。你可以使用 Github 存储库中的按钮部署它,以快速获得免费的固定 Heroku 域。Heroku
它是基于并且只有几个代码构建的。它使用 WebSocket 将 HTTP/HTTPS 请求从公共服务器流式传输到本地服务器。Express.js
步骤 1:在服务器和客户端之间建立 WebSocket 连接
const http = require('http'); const express = require('express'); const { Server } = require('socket.io'); const app = express(); const httpServer = http.createServer(app); const io = new Server(httpServer); let connectedSocket = null; io.on('connection', (socket) => { console.log('client connected'); connectedSocket = socket; const onMessage = (message) => { if (message === 'ping') { socket.send('pong'); } } const onDisconnect = (reason) => { console.log('client disconnected: ', reason); connectedSocket = null; socket.off('message', onMessage); socket.off('error', onError); }; const onError = (e) => { connectedSocket = null; socket.off('message', onMessage); socket.off('disconnect', onDisconnect); }; socket.on('message', onMessage); socket.once('disconnect', onDisconnect); socket.once('error', onError); }); httpServer.listen(process.env.PORT);
✔在客户端连接 WebSocket:
const { io } = require('socket.io-client'); let socket = null; function initClient(options) { socket = io(options.server, { transports: ["websocket"], auth: { token: options.jwtToken, }, }); socket.on('connect', () => { if (socket.connected) { console.log('client connect to server successfully'); } }); socket.on('connect_error', (e) => { console.log('connect error', e && e.message); }); socket.on('disconnect', () => { console.log('client disconnected'); }); }
步骤 2:使用 JWT 令牌保护 Websocket 连接
✔在服务器端,我们使用 socket.io 中间件来拒绝无效连接:
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); io.use((socket, next) => { if (connectedSocket) { return next(new Error('Connected error')); } if (!socket.handshake.auth || !socket.handshake.auth.token){ next(new Error('Authentication error')); } jwt.verify(socket.handshake.auth.token, process.env.SECRET_KEY, function(err, decoded) { if (err) { return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } if (decoded.token !== process.env.VERIFY_TOKEN) { return next(new Error('Authentication error')); } next(); }); });
步骤 3:将请求从服务器流式传输到客户端
const { Writable } = require('stream'); class SocketRequest extends Writable { constructor({ socket, requestId, request }) { super(); this._socket = socket; this._requestId = requestId; this._socket.emit('request', requestId, request); } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { this._socket.emit('request-pipe', this._requestId, chunk); this._socket.conn.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); } _writev(chunks, callback) { this._socket.emit('request-pipes', this._requestId, chunks); this._socket.conn.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); } _final(callback) { this._socket.emit('request-pipe-end', this._requestId); this._socket.conn.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); } _destroy(e, callback) { if (e) { this._socket.emit('request-pipe-error', this._requestId, e && e.message); this._socket.conn.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); return; } callback(); } } app.use('/', (req, res) => { if (!connectedSocket) { res.status(404); res.send('Not Found'); return; } const requestId = uuidV4(); const socketRequest = new SocketRequest({ socket: connectedSocket, requestId, request: { method: req.method, headers: { ...req.headers }, path: req.url, }, }); const onReqError = (e) => { socketRequest.destroy(new Error(e || 'Aborted')); } req.once('aborted', onReqError); req.once('error', onReqError); req.pipe(socketRequest); req.once('finish', () => { req.off('aborted', onReqError); req.off('error', onReqError); }); // ... });
const stream = require('stream'); class SocketRequest extends stream.Readable { constructor({ socket, requestId }) { super(); this._socket = socket; this._requestId = requestId; const onRequestPipe = (requestId, data) => { if (this._requestId === requestId) { this.push(data); } }; const onRequestPipes = (requestId, data) => { if (this._requestId === requestId) { data.forEach((chunk) => { this.push(chunk); }); } }; const onRequestPipeError = (requestId, error) => { if (this._requestId === requestId) { this._socket.off('request-pipe', onRequestPipe); this._socket.off('request-pipes', onRequestPipes); this._socket.off('request-pipe-error', onRequestPipeError); this._socket.off('request-pipe-end', onRequestPipeEnd); this.destroy(new Error(error)); } }; const onRequestPipeEnd = (requestId, data) => { if (this._requestId === requestId) { this._socket.off('request-pipe', onRequestPipe); this._socket.off('request-pipes', onRequestPipes); this._socket.off('request-pipe-error', onRequestPipeError); this._socket.off('request-pipe-end', onRequestPipeEnd); if (data) { this.push(data); } this.push(null); } }; this._socket.on('request-pipe', onRequestPipe); this._socket.on('request-pipes', onRequestPipes); this._socket.on('request-pipe-error', onRequestPipeError); this._socket.on('request-pipe-end', onRequestPipeEnd); } _read() {} } socket.on('request', (requestId, request) => { console.log(`${request.method}: `, request.path); request.port = options.port; request.hostname = options.host; const socketRequest = new SocketRequest({ requestId, socket: socket, }); const localReq = http.request(request); socketRequest.pipe(localReq); const onSocketRequestError = (e) => { socketRequest.off('end', onSocketRequestEnd); localReq.destroy(e); }; const onSocketRequestEnd = () => { socketRequest.off('error', onSocketRequestError); }; socketRequest.once('error', onSocketRequestError); socketRequest.once('end', onSocketRequestEnd); // ... });
步骤 4:将响应从客户端流式传输到服务器
const stream = require('stream'); class SocketResponse extends stream.Writable { constructor({ socket, responseId }) { super(); this._socket = socket; this._responseId = responseId; } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { this._socket.emit('response-pipe', this._responseId, chunk); this._socket.io.engine.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); } _writev(chunks, callback) { this._socket.emit('response-pipes', this._responseId, chunks); this._socket.io.engine.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); } _final(callback) { this._socket.emit('response-pipe-end', this._responseId); this._socket.io.engine.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); } _destroy(e, callback) { if (e) { this._socket.emit('response-pipe-error', this._responseId, e && e.message); this._socket.io.engine.once('drain', () => { callback(); }); return; } callback(); } writeHead(statusCode, statusMessage, headers) { this._socket.emit('response', this._responseId, { statusCode, statusMessage, headers, }); } } socket.on('request', (requestId, request) => { // ...stream request and send request to local server... const onLocalResponse = (localRes) => { localReq.off('error', onLocalError); const socketResponse = new SocketResponse({ responseId: requestId, socket: socket, }); socketResponse.writeHead( localRes.statusCode, localRes.statusMessage, localRes.headers ); localRes.pipe(socketResponse); }; const onLocalError = (error) => { console.log(error); localReq.off('response', onLocalResponse); socket.emit('request-error', requestId, error && error.message); socketRequest.destroy(error); }; localReq.once('error', onLocalError); localReq.once('response', onLocalResponse); });
class SocketResponse extends Readable { constructor({ socket, responseId }) { super(); this._socket = socket; this._responseId = responseId; const onResponse = (responseId, data) => { if (this._responseId === responseId) { this._socket.off('response', onResponse); this._socket.off('request-error', onRequestError); this.emit('response', data.statusCode, data.statusMessage, data.headers); } } const onResponsePipe = (responseId, data) => { if (this._responseId === responseId) { this.push(data); } }; const onResponsePipes = (responseId, data) => { if (this._responseId === responseId) { data.forEach((chunk) => { this.push(chunk); }); } }; const onResponsePipeError = (responseId, error) => { if (this._responseId !== responseId) { return; } this._socket.off('response-pipe', onResponsePipe); this._socket.off('response-pipes', onResponsePipes); this._socket.off('response-pipe-error', onResponsePipeError); this._socket.off('response-pipe-end', onResponsePipeEnd); this.destroy(new Error(error)); }; const onResponsePipeEnd = (responseId, data) => { if (this._responseId !== responseId) { return; } if (data) { this.push(data); } this._socket.off('response-pipe', onResponsePipe); this._socket.off('response-pipes', onResponsePipes); this._socket.off('response-pipe-error', onResponsePipeError); this._socket.off('response-pipe-end', onResponsePipeEnd); this.push(null); }; const onRequestError = (requestId, error) => { if (requestId === this._responseId) { this._socket.off('request-error', onRequestError); this._socket.off('response', onResponse); this._socket.off('response-pipe', onResponsePipe); this._socket.off('response-pipes', onResponsePipes); this._socket.off('response-pipe-error', onResponsePipeError); this._socket.off('response-pipe-end', onResponsePipeEnd); this.emit('requestError', error); } }; this._socket.on('response', onResponse); this._socket.on('response-pipe', onResponsePipe); this._socket.on('response-pipes', onResponsePipes); this._socket.on('response-pipe-error', onResponsePipeError); this._socket.on('response-pipe-end', onResponsePipeEnd); this._socket.on('request-error', onRequestError); } _read(size) {} } app.use('/', (req, res) => { // ... stream request to tunnel client const onResponse = (statusCode, statusMessage, headers) => { socketRequest.off('requestError', onRequestError) res.writeHead(statusCode, statusMessage, headers); }; socketResponse.once('requestError', onRequestError) socketResponse.once('response', onResponse); socketResponse.pipe(res); const onSocketError = () => { res.end(500); }; socketResponse.once('error', onSocketError); connectedSocket.once('close', onSocketError) res.once('close', () => { connectedSocket.off('close', onSocketError); socketResponse.off('error', onSocketError); }); });
👍完成所有步骤后,我们支持将 HTTP 请求流式传输到本地计算机,并将响应从本地服务器发送到原始请求。它是一个精简的解决方案,但它稳定且易于在任何环境中部署。Node.js
如果你只想查找具有免费固定域的HTTP隧道服务,则可以尝试在Github自述文件中将Lite HTTP Tunnel项目部署到with中。希望小伙伴们能从这篇文章中学到一些东西😍。Heroku
`Heroku deploy button`
以上就是WebSocket Node构建HTTP隧道实现实例的详细内容,更多关于WebSocket Node构建HTTP的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!