<canvas id="canvas" width="1000" height="600"></canvas>
canvas { display: block; width: 1000px; height: 600px; background: conic-gradient(#eee 25%, white 0deg 50%, #eee 0deg 75%, white 0deg) 0 / 20px 20px; margin-inline: auto; } @media (max-width: 640px) { canvas { width: 100vw; height: 60vw; } }
var context = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"); ; // 绘制尺寸 var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; // 两个方块的坐标、尺寸,颜色等数据 var data = [{ x: 800, y: 180, width: 200, height: 50, color: 'deepskyblue', text:"+u+ate" }, { x: 600, y: 680, width: 200, height: 50, color: 'deeppink', text:"gress 迈步" }]; // 绘制矩形方法 var drawRect = function () { data.forEach(function (obj) { context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = obj.color; context.fillRect(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height); context.closePath(); context.font="30px Verdana"; context.fillStyle="#fff"; console.log(context.measureText(obj.text)) const textMetrics = context.measureText(obj.text); // 所有字在这个字体下的高度 let fontHeight = textMetrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent + textMetrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent; console.log(fontHeight) context.fillText(obj.text,0,0) context.fillText(obj.text,obj.x+(obj.width-context.measureText(obj.text).width)/2,obj.y+fontHeight); }); }; // 绘制连接曲线方法 var drawCurve = function () { // 按照坐标位置排序 var dataSort = data.sort(function (objA, objB) { return (objA.y + objA.height) - (objB.y + objB.height); }); // 知道上下数据 var from = dataSort[0]; var to = dataSort[1]; // 曲线的起点终点 var fromX = from.x + from.width / 2; var fromY = from.y + from.height; var toX = to.x + to.width / 2; var toY = to.y; // 曲线控制点坐标 var cp1x = fromX; var cp1y = fromY + (toY - fromY) / 2; var cp2x = toX; var cp2y = toY - (toY - fromY) / 2; // 开始绘制曲线 context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 1 context.strokeStyle = '#000'; context.moveTo(fromX, fromY); // 绘制曲线点 context.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, toX, toY); context.stroke(); }; // 绘制方法 var draw = function () { context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); drawRect(); drawCurve(); }; draw(); canvas_arrow(ctx, 10, 30, 200, 150); canvas_arrow(ctx, 100, 200, 400, 50); canvas_arrow(ctx, 200, 30, 10, 150); canvas_arrow(ctx, 400, 200, 100, 50); ctx.stroke(); function canvas_arrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy) { var headlen = 10; // length of head in pixels var dx = tox - fromx; var dy = toy - fromy; var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); context.moveTo(fromx, fromy); context.lineTo(tox, toy); context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6)); context.moveTo(tox, toy); context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6)); }
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <style> canvas { display: block; width: 1000px; height: 600px; background: conic-gradient(#eee 25%, white 0deg 50%, #eee 0deg 75%, white 0deg) 0 / 20px 20px; margin-inline: auto; } @media (max-width: 640px) { canvas { width: 100vw; height: 60vw; } } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="canvas" width="2000" height="1200"></canvas> <script> var context = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d"); ; // 绘制尺寸 var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; // 两个方块的坐标、尺寸,颜色等数据 var data = [{ x: 800, y: 180, width: 200, height: 50, color: 'deepskyblue', text:"+u+ate" }, { x: 600, y: 680, width: 200, height: 50, color: 'deeppink', text:"gress 迈步" }]; // 绘制矩形方法 var drawRect = function () { data.forEach(function (obj) { context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = obj.color; context.fillRect(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height); context.closePath(); context.font="30px Verdana"; context.fillStyle="#fff"; console.log(context.measureText(obj.text)) const textMetrics = context.measureText(obj.text); // 所有字在这个字体下的高度 let fontHeight = textMetrics.fontBoundingBoxAscent + textMetrics.fontBoundingBoxDescent; console.log(fontHeight) context.fillText(obj.text,0,0) context.fillText(obj.text,obj.x+(obj.width-context.measureText(obj.text).width)/2,obj.y+fontHeight); }); }; // 绘制连接曲线方法 var drawCurve = function () { // 按照坐标位置排序 var dataSort = data.sort(function (objA, objB) { return (objA.y + objA.height) - (objB.y + objB.height); }); // 知道上下数据 var from = dataSort[0]; var to = dataSort[1]; // 曲线的起点终点 var fromX = from.x + from.width / 2; var fromY = from.y + from.height; var toX = to.x + to.width / 2; var toY = to.y; // 曲线控制点坐标 var cp1x = fromX; var cp1y = fromY + (toY - fromY) / 2; var cp2x = toX; var cp2y = toY - (toY - fromY) / 2; // 开始绘制曲线 context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = 1 context.strokeStyle = '#000'; context.moveTo(fromX, fromY); // 绘制曲线点 context.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, toX, toY); context.stroke(); }; // 绘制方法 var draw = function () { context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); drawRect(); drawCurve(); }; draw(); canvas_arrow(ctx, 10, 30, 200, 150); canvas_arrow(ctx, 100, 200, 400, 50); canvas_arrow(ctx, 200, 30, 10, 150); canvas_arrow(ctx, 400, 200, 100, 50); ctx.stroke(); function canvas_arrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy) { var headlen = 10; // length of head in pixels var dx = tox - fromx; var dy = toy - fromy; var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); context.moveTo(fromx, fromy); context.lineTo(tox, toy); context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - Math.PI / 6)); context.moveTo(tox, toy); context.lineTo(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + Math.PI / 6), toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + Math.PI / 6)); } </script> </body> </html>
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