<template> <div> <div class="content-wrapper"> <div class="content-top-wrapper"> <van-radio-group v-model="radioCarType"> <van-radio name="1"> 蓝牌 <img slot="icon" slot-scope="props" :src="props.checked ? radioImg[1] : radioImg[0]" /> </van-radio> <van-radio name="2"> 绿牌 <img slot="icon" slot-scope="props" :src="props.checked ? radioImg[1] : radioImg[0]" /> </van-radio> <van-radio name="3"> 黄牌 <img slot="icon" slot-scope="props" :src="props.checked ? radioImg[1] : radioImg[0]" /> </van-radio> </van-radio-group> </div> <div class="content-middle-wrapper"> <div class="content-car-number"> <div class="content-section"> <div class="content-section-flex flex-card"> <div class="content-section-flex flex-card-border"> <button id="font" class="flex-btn" @click="btnClickYue" v-bind:class="{ isClick: isYue }" > {{ areaName }} </button> <span class="blank-border blank-border-first"></span> <button id="letter" class="flex-btn" @click="btnClickA" v-bind:class="{ isClick: isA }" > {{ areaLetter }} </button> <div class="flex-mid"><span></span></div> <div class="flex-btns"> <button id="numOne" @click="btnClickNum('one')" v-bind:class="{ isNumClick: isNumOne }" > {{ numOne }} </button> <span class="blank-border"></span> <button id="numTwo" @click="btnClickNum('two')" v-bind:class="{ isNumClick: isNumTwo }" > {{ numTwo }} </button> <span class="blank-border"></span> <button id="numThree" @click="btnClickNum('three')" v-bind:class="{ isNumClick: isNumThree }" > {{ numThree }} </button> <span class="blank-border"></span> <button id="numFour" @click="btnClickNum('four')" v-bind:class="{ isNumClick: isNumFour }" > {{ numFour }} </button> <span class="blank-border"></span> <button id="numFive" @click="btnClickNum('five')" v-bind:class="{ isNumClick: isNumFive }" > {{ numFive }} </button> <span class="blank-border" v-if="radioCarType == '2'"></span> <button v-if="radioCarType == '2'" id="numSix" @click="btnClickNum('six')" v-bind:class="{ isNumClick: isNumSix }" > {{ numSix }} </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <button class="band-btn" :disabled="!checked" @click="bindCar"> 立即绑定 </button> <div class="shadow" v-if="keyboardShow" @click="completeClick"></div> <div class="keyboard" v-if="keyboardShow" :class="{ animationDown: isDown, animationUp: isUp }" > <button class="btn-complete" @click="completeClick"> <span>完成</span> </button> <div v-if="keyboard == 'txt'"> <div class="keyboard-row" v-for="(item, rows) in carTxt" :key="rows"> <button class="keyboard-row-item" v-for="(i, index) in" :key="index" @click="btnWordClick(rows, index, i)" > {{ i }} </button> </div> <div class="keyboard-row"> <button class="keyboard-row-item bottom" @click="btnBottomClick('新')" > 新 </button> <button class="keyboard-row-item bottom" @click="btnBottomClick('使')" > 使 </button> <button v-for="j in noneBottomtxt" :key="j" class="none-botton"> {{ j }} </button> <div class="keyboard-row-item clear" @click="clearClick"> <img src="./images/icon_input_delete.png" alt="删除" /> </div> </div> </div> <div v-if="keyboard == 'num'"> <div class="keyboard-row" v-for="(item, rows) in carNum" :key="rows"> <button :disabled=" !isSelectl ? isDisable && i < 10 : isDisable && rows != 0 " class="keyboard-row-item" v-for="(i, index) in" :key="index" @click="btnWordClick(rows, index, i)" > {{ i }} </button> </div> <div class="keyboard-row"> <button :disabled="isSelectl" v-for="(item, index) in carNumBottom" :key="index" class="keyboard-row-item bottom" @click="btnBottomNumClick(item)" > {{ item }} </button> <button v-for="j in noneBottom" :key="j" class="none-botton"> {{ j }} </button> <div class="keyboard-row-item clear" @click="clearClick"> <img src="./images/icon_input_delete.png" alt="删除" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { num: "", radioCarType: "1", // 单选 radioImg: [ require("./images/radio0.png"), require("./images/radio1.png"), require("./images/checked1.png"), require("./images/checked0.png"), ], //单选图标 checked: true, //协议复选框 isAble: false, //发送控制, province: "浙", //省份简称 plateNumber: "", //默认显示E checkbox: false, isDown: false, isUp: false, selected: null, isSelectx: false, isSelectl: false, key: "1", areaName: "", areaLetter: "", numOne: "", numTwo: "", numThree: "", numFour: "", numFive: "", numSix: "", isYue: false, keyboardShow: false, keyboard: false, isA: false, isNumOne: false, isNumTwo: false, isNumThree: false, isNumFour: false, isNumFive: false, isNumSix: false, isDisable: false, carTxt: [ { name: ["粤", "京", "冀", "沪", "津", "晋", "蒙", "辽", "吉", "黑"], }, { name: ["苏", "浙", "皖", "闽", "赣", "鲁", "豫", "鄂", "湘", "桂"], }, { name: ["琼", "渝", "川", "贵", "云", "藏", "陕", "甘", "青", "宁"], }, ], carNumBottom: ["W", "X", "Y", "Z"], noneBottom: ["", "", "", ""], noneBottomtxt: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], carNum: [ { name: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"], }, { name: ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K"], }, { name: ["L", "M", "N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V"], }, ], }; }, beforeCreate() { document .querySelector("body") .setAttribute("style", "background: #f5f5f5 !important"); }, destroyed() { document.querySelector("body").setAttribute("style", "background: #fff"); }, mounted() { this.isYue = true; this.isA = false; this.isUp = true; this.isNumOne = false; this.isNumTwo = false; this.isNumThree = false; this.isNumFour = false; this.isNumFive = false; this.isNumSix = false; this.keyboardShow = true; this.keyboard = "txt"; this.key = 1; }, watch: { radioCarType(news) { if (news) { this.isYue = false; this.keyboardShow = false; this.keyboard = false; this.key = "1"; this.areaName = ""; this.areaLetter = ""; this.numOne = ""; this.numTwo = ""; this.numThree = ""; this.numFour = ""; this.numFive = ""; this.numSix = ""; this.isNumOne = false; this.isNumTwo = false; this.isNumThree = false; this.isNumFour = false; this.isNumFive = false; this.isNumSix = false; } }, }, methods: { // 车牌号第一位输入框选择 btnClickYue() { this.isYue = true; this.isA = false; this.isUp = true; this.isNumOne = false; this.isNumTwo = false; this.isNumThree = false; this.isNumFour = false; this.isNumFive = false; this.isNumSix = false; this.keyboardShow = true; this.keyboard = "txt"; this.key = 1; }, // 键盘选择显示 btnWordClick(rows, index, i) { this.selected = i; if (this.key === 1) { this.areaName = i; this.isSelectl = false; document.getElementById("letter").click(); } else if (this.key === 2) { this.areaLetter = i; document.getElementById("numOne").click(); } else if (this.key === 3) { this.numOne = i; document.getElementById("numTwo").click(); } else if (this.key === 4) { this.numTwo = i; document.getElementById("numThree").click(); } else if (this.key === 5) { this.numThree = i; document.getElementById("numFour").click(); } else if (this.key === 6) { this.numFour = i; document.getElementById("numFive").click(); } else if (this.key === 7) { this.numFive = i; if (this.radioCarType == "2") { document.getElementById("numSix").click(); } } else if (this.key === 8) { this.numSix = i; } if ((this.key === 7 || this.key === 8) && this.radioCarType != "2") { this.carNumBottom = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z", "港", "澳", "学", "警", "领"]; this.noneBottom = []; } else if ( this.key === 3 || this.key === 4 || this.key === 5 || this.key === 6 ) { this.carNumBottom = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; this.noneBottom = ["", "", "", ""]; } else if (this.radioCarType == "2" && this.key === 2) { this.carNumBottom = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; this.noneBottom = ["", "", "", ""]; } }, // 车牌第一位选择‘临','新‘后的键盘显示 btnBottomClick(val) { this.areaName = val; this.isSelectx = true; this.isSelectl = false; document.getElementById("letter").click(); }, // 键盘最后一行字母点击事件 btnBottomNumClick(i) { this.selected = i; if (this.key === 2) { this.areaLetter = i; document.getElementById("numOne").click(); } else if (this.key === 3) { this.numOne = i; document.getElementById("numTwo").click(); } else if (this.key === 4) { this.numTwo = i; document.getElementById("numThree").click(); } else if (this.key === 5) { this.numThree = i; document.getElementById("numFour").click(); } else if (this.key === 6) { this.numFour = i; document.getElementById("numFive").click(); } else if (this.key === 7) { this.numFive = i; if (this.radioCarType == "2") { document.getElementById("numSix").click(); } } else if (this.key === 8) { this.numSix = i; } }, // 车牌号第二位输入框选择 btnClickA() { this.isDisable = true; this.isA = true; this.isYue = false; this.isUp = true; this.isNumOne = false; this.isNumTwo = false; this.isNumThree = false; this.isNumFour = false; this.isNumFive = false; this.isNumSix = false; this.keyboardShow = true; this.keyboard = "num"; this.key = 2; }, // 车牌号后五位或六位输入框选择 btnClickNum(name) { if (this.isSelectl) { this.isDisable = true; } else { this.isDisable = false; } this.keyboard = "num"; this.keyboardShow = true; this.isYue = false; this.isA = false; this.isNumOne = false; this.isNumTwo = false; this.isNumThree = false; this.isNumFour = false; this.isNumFive = false; this.isNumSix = false; this.isUp = true; if (name === "one") { this.isNumOne = true; this.key = 3; } else if (name === "two") { this.isNumTwo = true; this.key = 4; } else if (name === "three") { this.isNumThree = true; this.key = 5; } else if (name === "four") { this.isNumFour = true; this.key = 6; } else if (name === "five") { this.isNumFive = true; this.key = 7; } else if (name === "six") { this.isNumSix = true; this.key = 8; } if ((name === "five" || name === "six") && this.radioCarType != "2") { this.carNumBottom = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z", "港", "澳", "学", "警", "领"]; this.noneBottom = []; } else { this.carNumBottom = ["W", "X", "Y", "Z"]; this.noneBottom = ["", "", "", ""]; } }, // 键盘点击‘完成' completeClick() { this.isYue = false; this.isA = false; this.isNumOne = false; this.isNumTwo = false; this.isNumThree = false; this.isNumFour = false; this.isNumFive = false; this.isNumSix = false; this.isUp = false; this.isDown = true; this.keyboardShow = false; }, // 键盘点击‘删除图标' clearClick() { if (this.key === 1) { this.areaName = ""; } else if (this.key === 2) { document.getElementById("font").click(); this.areaLetter = ""; } else if (this.key === 3) { document.getElementById("letter").click(); this.numOne = ""; } else if (this.key === 4) { document.getElementById("numOne").click(); this.numTwo = ""; } else if (this.key === 5) { document.getElementById("numTwo").click(); this.numThree = ""; } else if (this.key === 6) { document.getElementById("numThree").click(); this.numFour = ""; } else if (this.key === 7) { document.getElementById("numFour").click(); this.numFive = ""; } else if (this.key === 8) { document.getElementById("numFive").click(); this.numSix = ""; } }, // 绑定车牌 bindCar() { if (this.radioCarType != "2") { if ( this.areaName === "" || this.areaLetter === "" || this.numOne === "" || this.numTwo === "" || this.numThree === "" || this.numFour === "" || this.numFive === "" ) { this.$toast("请输入完整车牌"); return false; } this.num = this.areaName + this.areaLetter + this.numOne + this.numTwo + this.numThree + this.numFour + this.numFive; } else { if ( this.areaName === "" || this.areaLetter === "" || this.numOne === "" || this.numTwo === "" || this.numThree === "" || this.numFour === "" || this.numFive === "" || this.numSix === "" ) { this.$toast("请输入完整车牌"); return false; } this.num = this.areaName + this.areaLetter + this.numOne + this.numTwo + this.numThree + this.numFour + this.numFive + this.numSix; } }, }, }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .content-wrapper { width: 100%; height: auto; background-color: #fff; margin-top: 0.2rem; } .content-top-wrapper { height: 0.96rem; padding: 0 0.3rem; font-size: 0.32rem; color: #212121; border-bottom: 1px solid #f5f5f5; } .content-top-wrapper img { width: 0.34rem; height: 0.34rem; vertical-align: initial; } .van-radio-group { width: 80%; height: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; } .shadow { width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 9; background: rgba(000,000,000,0); } 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到此这篇关于vue自定义键盘实现车牌号的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关vue 车牌号内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!