战斗技能 Combat Skill
速攻 Fast Attack
速攻 | 可用任一把剑进行快速近战攻击。 |
Fast Attack |
Preform fast melee attacks with either sword. |
肌肉记忆 | 速攻伤害增加5%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 初始解锁 | |
Muscle Memory |
Fast attack damage increase by 5%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
精准重击 | 速攻暴击几率提升2%,速攻暴击伤害提升15%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 8 | |
Precise Blows | Increases chance of landing a fast attack critical hit by 2% and fast attack critical hit damage by 15%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
回旋 | 可攻击附近所有敌人的旋转攻击。持续攻击需消耗活力与肾上腺素。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 20 | |
Whirl | Spinning attack that strikes all foes in the surrounding area. Maintaining the attack consumes Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
血流如注 | 现在速攻也可施加流血效果。受影响的敌人每秒会损失25点生命或精髓点数。持续时间:5秒。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 30 | |
Mutilation | Inflicts bleeding effect to enemy, which deals 25 damage per second. Durration 5 seconds. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
强击 Strong Attack
强击 | 可以施展强力近战攻击,忽视敌人护甲值。 |
Strong Attack | Allows you to perform strong melee attacks which ignores enemy armor. |
强度训练 | 强击伤害增加5%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 初始解锁 | |
Strength Training |
Strong attack damage increase by 5%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
粉身碎骨 | 强击暴击几率增加2%,强击暴击伤害增加15%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 8 | |
Crushing Blows | Increases chance of landing a strong attack critical hit by 2% and strong attack critical hit damage by 15%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
怒气爆发 |
施加的额外伤害与消耗的活力成正比。忽视敌人的防御,暴击几率增加10%。肾上腺素点数使总伤害增加100%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 20 | |
Rend | Spinning attack that strikes all foes in the surrounding area. Maintaining the attack consumes Stamina and Adrenaline. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
劈斩盔甲 | 敌人伤害抗性降低5%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 30 | |
Sunder Armor | Reduces enemy damage resistance by 5%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
防御 Defense
防御 | 狼学派防御技巧。 |
Defense |
Wolf School defense techniques. |
箭矢偏移 | 格挡时可弹开箭矢。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/3 初始解锁 | |
Arrow Deflection |
Strong attack damage increase by 5%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
不动如山 | 躲闪时遭到攻击的伤害值减少20%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 8 | |
Fleet Footed | Increases chance of landing a strong attack critical hit by 2% and strong attack critical hit damage by 15%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
反击 |
成功反击后,下一次攻击的伤害力增加30%乘以技能等级。 |
等级 0/3 解锁所需点数 20 | |
Counterattack | After a successful counterattack, the next attack deals +30% per skill level and is a critical hit with a chance for knockdown based on the number of Adrenaline Points. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
致命精准 | 每点肾上腺素皆可增加1%即时杀死敌人的几率。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/2 解锁所需点数 30 | |
Deadly Precision | Every Adrenaline Point adds 1% to the chance of killing an opponent instantly. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
射击术 Marksmanship
射击术 | 可以使用轻级手持十字弓。 |
Marksmanship |
Allows you to wield a light hand-held crossbow. |
闪电反应 | 瞄准十字弓时的慢动作再减满15%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/3 初始解锁 | |
Lightning Reflexes | Time slowed by an additional 15% while aiming the crossbow. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
心狠手辣 | 每次弩箭击中目标都会增加0.04点肾上腺素。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 8 | |
Cold Blood | Each bolt that hits its target adds 0.04 Adrenaline Points. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
解剖知识 |
十字弓使用的暴击几率增加5%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 20 | |
Anatomical Knowledge | After a successful counterattack, the next attack deals +30% per skill level and is a critical hit with a chance for knockdown based on the number of Adrenaline Points. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
瘫痪一击 | 会使怪物在5秒内无法使用特殊能力。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 30 | |
Crippling Shot | Critical hits dealt with the crossbow disable monster special abilities for 5 seconds. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
战斗狂热 Battle Trance
战斗狂热 | 作战时击中敌人能生成肾上腺素。每点肾上腺素增加10%武器伤害。 |
Battle Trance | Blows landed during combat generate Adrenaline Points. Each Adrenaline Point increases weapon damage by 10%. |
心意已决 | 受到伤害时损失的肾上腺素减少20%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 初始解锁 | |
Resolve | Adrenaline Point loss upon taking damage is lowered by 20%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
不死一族 | 生命力降至0时,若尚有肾上腺素点数,则可以使用肾上腺素恢复生命。回复量依使用的肾上腺素点数而定。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 8 | |
Undying | When Vitality reaches 0, Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to restore Vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of Adrenaline Points used. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
聚精会神 |
战斗一开始便马上增加1点肾上腺素,使剑攻击的肾上腺素再增加5%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 20 | |
Razor Focus | Instantly gain 1 Adrenaline Point when entering combat. The Adrenaline Points generated by Sword blows are increased by 5%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
愤怒洪流 | 施放法印时,若肾上腺素点数多于3,则使用3点肾上腺素将法印升级至最高等级(解开所有额外效果),且法印强度增加25%。 肾上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等级 0/5 解锁所需点数 30 | |
Flood of Anger | When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 25%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |