作者:Floating warm sun
角色 | 主机名 | IP | 端口 | 数据库名 | 用户名 | 版本 |
发布端 | postgresql | | 5432 | pubdb | replic | postgresql 15 |
订阅端 | postgresql2 | | 5432 | subdb | replic | postgresql 15 |
## vi postgressql.conf(重启生效) listen_addresses = '*' wal_level=logical max_replication_slots=8 max_wal_senders=10 ## alter system set alter system set wal_level=logical; ## 参数说明 wal_level设置为logical,才支持逻辑复制,低于这个级别逻辑复制不能工作。 max_replication_slots设置值必须大于订阅的数量。 max_wal_senders设置值必须大于max_replication_slots参数值加上物理备库数,因为每个订阅在主库上都会占用主库一个wal发送进程。
vi pg_hba.conf host replication test 0/0 md5
## vi postgresql.conf(重启生效) listen_addresses = '*' wal_level=logical max_replication_slots=8 max_logical_replication_workers=8 ## alter system set alter system set wal_level=logical; ## 参数说明 max_replication_slots设置数据库复制槽数量。 max_logical_replication_workers设置逻辑复制进程数,应大于订阅节点的数量,并且给表同步预留一些进程数量。 注意:max_logical_replication_workers会消耗后台进程数,并且从max_worker_processes参数设置的后台进程数中消费,因此max_worker_processes需要设置的大一些。
postgres=# create user replic replication login connection limit 8 password 'replic'; CREATE ROLE limit 8:为新用户设置最大数目连接数。默认无限制。
## 创建复制数据库 postgres=# create database pubdb; CREATE DATABASE ## 授予复制用户权限 postgres=# \c pubdb postgres You are now connected to database "pubdb" as user "postgres". pubdb=# grant all on schema public to replic; GRANT ## 创建复制表 pubdb=> create table c1 (id int4 primary key,name text); CREATE TABLE pubdb=> insert into c1 values (1,'a'); INSERT 0 1 pubdb=> select * from c1; id | name ----+------ 1 | a (1 row) ## 创建发布 pubdb=> \c pubdb postgres You are now connected to database "pubdb" as user "postgres". pubdb=# create publication pub1 for table c1; CREATE PUBLICATION 注意:如果发布多张表使用逗号隔开,如果发布所有表则将 for table 修改为 for all tables。 ##查看创建的发布 pubdb=# select * from pg_publication; oid | pubname | pubowner | puballtables | pubinsert | pubupdate | pubdelete | pubtruncate | pubviaroot -------+---------+----------+--------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-------------+------------ 33177 | pub1 | 10 | f | t | t | t | t | f (1 row) 参数说明: pubname:发布名称。 pubowner:发布的属主,可以和pg_user视图的usesysid字段关联查询属主的具体信息。 puballtables:是否发布数据库中的所有表,t 表示发布数据库中所有已存在的表和以后新建的表。 pubinsert:t 表示仅发布表上的insert操作。 pubupdate:t 表示仅发布表上的update操作。 pubdelete:t 表示仅发布表上的delete操作。 pubtruncate:t 表示仅发布表上的truncate操作。
pubdb=# grant connect on database pubdb to replic; GRANT pubdb=# grant usage on schema public to replic; GRANT pubdb=# grant select on c1 to replic; GRANT
postgres=# create database subdb; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# create user replic replication login connection limit 8 password 'replic'; CREATE ROLE subdb=> \c subdb postgres You are now connected to database "subdb" as user "postgres". subdb=# grant all on schema public to replic; GRANT subdb=> create table c1 (id int4 primary key,name text); CREATE TABLE
subdb=> \c subdb postgres You are now connected to database "subdb" as user "postgres". subdb=# create subscription sub1 connection 'host= port=5432 dbname=pubdb user=replic password=replic' publication pub1; NOTICE: created replication slot "sub1" on publisher CREATE SUBSCRIPTION ## 查看创建的订阅 subdb=# \x Expanded display is on. subdb=# select * from pg_subscription; -[ RECORD 1 ]----+----------------------------------------------------------------------- oid | 41374 subdbid | 41361 subskiplsn | 0/0 subname | sub1 subowner | 10 subenabled | t subbinary | f substream | f subtwophasestate | d subdisableonerr | f subconninfo | host= port=5432 dbname=pubdb user=replic password=replic subslotname | sub1 subsynccommit | off subpublications | {pub1}
subdb=# grant connect on database subdb to replic; GRANT subdb=# grant usage on schema public to replic; GRANT subdb=# grant select on c1 to replic; GRANT
postgres=# select slot_name,plugin,slot_type,database,active,restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots where slot_name='sub1'; slot_name | plugin | slot_type | database | active | restart_lsn -----------+----------+-----------+----------+--------+------------- sub1 | pgoutput | logical | pubdb | t | 0/3F45C840 (1 row)
## 发布端向表中插入数据 pubdb=> insert into c1 values (2,'tt'); INSERT 0 1 pubdb=> select * from c1; id | name ----+------ 1 | a 2 | tt (2 rows) pubdb=> delete from c1 where id=1; DELETE 1 pubdb=> select * from c1; id | name ----+------ 2 | tt (1 row) ## 订阅端查看结果 subdb=# select * from c1; id | name ----+------ 2 | tt (1 row) ## 添加新表测试,发布端创建表结构 pubdb=> create table c2 (id int primary key,addr varchar(100)); CREATE TABLE ## 订阅端创建表结构 subdb=> create table c2 (id int primary key,addr varchar(100)); CREATE TABLE ## 发布端授权 pubdb=> grant select on c2 to replic; GRANT ## 将新表c2,添加到发布列表中 pubdb=> \c pubdb postgres You are now connected to database "pubdb" as user "postgres". pubdb=# alter publication pub1 add table c2; ALTER PUBLICATION ## 发布端查看发布列表 pubdb=# select * from pg_publication_tables; pubname | schemaname | tablename | attnames | rowfilter ---------+------------+-----------+-----------+----------- pub1 | public | c1 | {id,name} | pub1 | public | c2 | {id,addr} | (2 rows) ## 如果没有看到新表,可在订阅端刷新订阅 subdb=> \c subdb postgres You are now connected to database "subdb" as user "postgres". subdb=# alter subscription sub1 refresh publication; ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ## 删除复制设置 drop subscription sub1;