更新时间:2015年02月26日 11:25:17 投稿:junjie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 | #!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 #------------------------------------------------------ # Name: Apache 日志分析脚本 # Purpose: 此脚本只用来分析Apache的访问日志 # Version: 2.0 # Author: LEO # Created: 2013-4-26 # Modified: 2013-5-4 # Copyright: (c) LEO 2013 #------------------------------------------------------ import sys import time #该类是用来打印格式 class displayFormat( object ): def format_size( self ,size): '''格式化流量单位''' KB = 1024 MB = 1048576 GB = 1073741824 TB = 1099511627776 if size > = TB : size = str (size / TB) + 'T' elif size < KB : size = str (size) + 'B' elif size > = GB and size < TB: size = str (size / GB) + 'G' elif size > = MB and size < GB : size = str (size / MB) + 'M' else : size = str (size / KB) + 'K' return size formatstring = '%-15s %-10s %-12s %8s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s' def transverse_line( self ) : '''输出横线''' print self .formatstring % ( '-' * 15 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 12 , '-' * 12 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 10 , '-' * 10 ) def head( self ): '''输出头部信息''' print self .formatstring % ( 'IP' , 'Traffic' , 'Times' , 'Times%' , '200' , '404' , '500' , '403' , '302' , '304' , '503' ) def error_print( self ) : '''输出错误信息''' print print 'Usage : ' + sys.argv[ 0 ] + ' ApacheLogFilePath [Number]' print sys.exit( 1 ) def execut_time( self ): '''输出脚本执行的时间''' print print "Script Execution Time: %.3f second" % time.clock() print #该类是用来生成主机信息的字典 class hostInfo( object ): host_info = [ '200' , '404' , '500' , '302' , '304' , '503' , '403' , 'times' , 'size' ] def __init__( self ,host): self .host = host = {}.fromkeys( self .host_info, 0 ) def increment( self ,status_times_size,is_size): '''该方法是用来给host_info中的各个值加1''' if status_times_size = = 'times' : self .host[ 'times' ] + = 1 elif is_size: self .host[ 'size' ] = self .host[ 'size' ] + status_times_size else : self .host[status_times_size] + = 1 def get_value( self ,value): '''该方法是取到各个主机信息中对应的值''' return self .host[value] #该类是用来分析文件 class fileAnalysis( object ): def __init__( self ): '''初始化一个空字典''' self .report_dict = {} self .total_request_times, self .total_traffic, self .total_200, self .total_404, self .total_500, self .total_403, self .total_302, self .total_304, self .total_503 = 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 def split_eachline_todict( self ,line): '''分割文件中的每一行,并返回一个字典''' split_line = line.split() split_dict = { 'remote_host' :split_line[ 0 ], 'status' :split_line[ - 2 ], 'bytes_sent' :split_line[ - 1 ],} return split_dict def generate_log_report( self ,logfile): '''读取文件,分析split_eachline_todict方法生成的字典''' for line in logfile: try : line_dict = self .split_eachline_todict(line) host = line_dict[ 'remote_host' ] status = line_dict[ 'status' ] except ValueError : continue except IndexError : continue if host not in self .report_dict : host_info_obj = hostInfo(host) self .report_dict[host] = host_info_obj else : host_info_obj = self .report_dict[host] host_info_obj.increment( 'times' , False ) if status in host_info_obj.host_info : host_info_obj.increment(status, False ) try : bytes_sent = int (line_dict[ 'bytes_sent' ]) except ValueError: bytes_sent = 0 host_info_obj.increment(bytes_sent, True ) return self .report_dict def return_sorted_list( self ,true_dict): '''计算各个状态次数、流量总量,请求的总次数,并且计算各个状态的总量 并生成一个正真的字典,方便排序''' for host_key in true_dict : host_value = true_dict[host_key] times = host_value.get_value( 'times' ) self .total_request_times = self .total_request_times + times size = host_value.get_value( 'size' ) self .total_traffic = self .total_traffic + size o200 = host_value.get_value( '200' ) o404 = host_value.get_value( '404' ) o500 = host_value.get_value( '500' ) o403 = host_value.get_value( '403' ) o302 = host_value.get_value( '302' ) o304 = host_value.get_value( '304' ) o503 = host_value.get_value( '503' ) true_dict[host_key] = { '200' :o200, '404' :o404, '500' :o500, '403' :o403, '302' :o302, '304' :o304, '503' :o503, 'times' :times, 'size' :size} self .total_200 = self .total_200 + o200 self .total_404 = self .total_404 + o404 self .total_500 = self .total_500 + o500 self .total_302 = self .total_302 + o302 self .total_304 = self .total_304 + o304 self .total_503 = self .total_503 + o503 sorted_list = sorted (true_dict.items(),key = lambda t:(t[ 1 ][ 'times' ],t[ 1 ][ 'size' ]),reverse = True ) return sorted_list class Main( object ): def main( self ) : '''主调函数''' display_format = displayFormat() arg_length = len (sys.argv) if arg_length = = 1 : display_format.error_print() elif arg_length = = 2 or arg_length = = 3 : infile_name = sys.argv[ 1 ] try : infile = open (infile_name, 'r' ) if arg_length = = 3 : lines = int (sys.argv[ 2 ]) else : lines = 0 except IOError,e : print print e display_format.error_print() except ValueError : print print "Please Enter A Volid Number !!" display_format.error_print() else : display_format.error_print() fileAnalysis_obj = fileAnalysis() not_true_dict = fileAnalysis_obj.generate_log_report(infile) log_report = fileAnalysis_obj.return_sorted_list(not_true_dict) total_ip = len (log_report) if lines : log_report = log_report[ 0 :lines] infile.close() print total_traffic = display_format.format_size(fileAnalysis_obj.total_traffic) total_request_times = fileAnalysis_obj.total_request_times print 'Total IP: %s Total Traffic: %s Total Request Times: %d' % (total_ip,total_traffic,total_request_times) print display_format.head() display_format.transverse_line() for host in log_report : times = host[ 1 ][ 'times' ] times_percent = ( float (times) / float (fileAnalysis_obj.total_request_times)) * 100 print display_format.formatstring % (host[ 0 ], display_format.format_size(host[ 1 ][ 'size' ]), times, str (times_percent)[ 0 : 5 ], host[ 1 ][ '200' ],host[ 1 ][ '404' ], host[ 1 ][ '500' ],host[ 1 ][ '403' ], host[ 1 ][ '302' ],host[ 1 ][ '304' ],host[ 1 ][ '503' ]) if ( not lines) or total_ip = = lines : display_format.transverse_line() print display_format.formatstring % (total_ip,total_traffic, total_request_times, '100%' , fileAnalysis_obj.total_200, fileAnalysis_obj.total_404, fileAnalysis_obj.total_500, fileAnalysis_obj.total_403, fileAnalysis_obj.total_302, fileAnalysis_obj.total_304, fileAnalysis_obj.total_503) display_format.execut_time() if __name__ = = '__main__' : main_obj = Main() main_obj.main() |
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