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这次的内容是上图中的第2步,大概内容就是创建一个 BeanFactory 的实例。


你要是看 spring 源码会发现 BeanFactory 的实现类相当多,而且还有各种子接口以及子接口的实现类。

ApplicationContextBeanFactory,但是你不能说 BeanFactoryApplicationContext

ApplicationContext 实现了 BeanFactory 的同时增强了 BeanFactory,所谓的增强大体上指的是上图中 ApplicationContext 实现的除了 BeanFactory 接口之外的其他接口的功能。



这个问题嘛…… 看情况……


这里提到的实现类,无论是哪个,都是派生自 AbstractApplicationContext 的。他们都是 BeanFactory

既然有 N 个 BeanFactory 的实现类,那么我们应用程序中到底使用的是哪一个呢? 文章末尾再说,先把我们本期的重点 obtainFreshBeanFactory() 的逻辑介绍完。


obtainFreshBeanFactory() 的工作就是在刷新之前搞到一个 热乎的 BeanFactory 实例,涉及到的两个方法都是由子类实现的。

public abstract class AbstractApplicationContext extends DefaultResourceLoader
        implements ConfigurableApplicationContext {
     * Tell the subclass to refresh the internal bean factory.
     * @return the fresh BeanFactory instance
     * @see #refreshBeanFactory()
     * @see #getBeanFactory()
    protected ConfigurableListableBeanFactory obtainFreshBeanFactory() {
        return getBeanFactory();
     * Subclasses must implement this method to perform the actual configuration load.
     * The method is invoked by {@link #refresh()} before any other initialization work.
     * <p>A subclass will either create a new bean factory and hold a reference to it,
     * or return a single BeanFactory instance that it holds. In the latter case, it will
     * usually throw an IllegalStateException if refreshing the context more than once.
     * @throws BeansException if initialization of the bean factory failed
     * @throws IllegalStateException if already initialized and multiple refresh
     * attempts are not supported
    protected abstract void refreshBeanFactory() throws BeansException, IllegalStateException;
     * Subclasses must return their internal bean factory here. They should implement the
     * lookup efficiently, so that it can be called repeatedly without a performance penalty.
     * <p>Note: Subclasses should check whether the context is still active before
     * returning the internal bean factory. The internal factory should generally be
     * considered unavailable once the context has been closed.
     * @return this application context's internal bean factory (never {@code null})
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the context does not hold an internal bean factory yet
     * (usually if {@link #refresh()} has never been called) or if the context has been
     * closed already
     * @see #refreshBeanFactory()
     * @see #closeBeanFactory()
    public abstract ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() throws IllegalStateException;

下面看看 AbstractRefreshableApplicationContextGenericApplicationContext 这两种经典的实现类中 refreshBeanFactory()getBeanFactory() 方法的的逻辑。


GenericApplicationContextobtainFreshBeanFactory() 的实现几乎什么也没做:

public class GenericApplicationContext extends AbstractApplicationContext implements BeanDefinitionRegistry {
    // 和 BeanDefinitionRegistry 相关的方法都委托给了 `beanFactory` 这个成员变量
    private final DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
    // 状态位: 当前容器是不是已经 `刷新`过了, 也就是说 GenericApplicationContext 是不支持多次刷新操作的
    private final AtomicBoolean refreshed = new AtomicBoolean();
     * Do nothing: We hold a single internal BeanFactory and rely on callers
     * to register beans through our public methods (or the BeanFactory's).
     * @see #registerBeanDefinition
    protected final void refreshBeanFactory() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (!this.refreshed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "GenericApplicationContext does not support multiple refresh attempts: just call 'refresh' once");
    public final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() {
        return this.beanFactory;


AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext 的名字就能知道,这个系列的实现是支持多次刷新操作的(不像上面说的 GenericApplicationContext 这种只支持刷新一次)。

内部也维护着一个 DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory, 值得注意的是这个 beanFactory 是被 volatile 修饰的(涉及到多次刷新,频繁修改 beanFactory 的引用指向)。

refreshBeanFactory() 的实现分为两大步骤:

public abstract class AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext extends AbstractApplicationContext {
    // 是否允许覆盖重复的 Bean 定义信息
    private Boolean allowBeanDefinitionOverriding;
    // 当前容器是不是要支持循环依赖(spring-boot-2.6中默认禁用)
    private Boolean allowCircularReferences;
    // 刷新之前可能已经存在的一个 beanFactory
    // 每次刷新都会将当前 beanFactory 销毁重建
    private volatile DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
     * This implementation performs an actual refresh of this context's underlying
     * bean factory, shutting down the previous bean factory (if any) and
     * initializing a fresh bean factory for the next phase of the context's lifecycle.
    protected final void refreshBeanFactory() throws BeansException {
        if (hasBeanFactory()) { // this.beanFactory != null: 刷新之前已经有一个 beanFactory 
            // 销毁旧的 beanFactory
            // 1. 调用的实际是: getBeanFactory().destroySingletons();
            // 2. this.beanFactory = null;
        try {
            // 1. 重新创建一个 beanFactory
            DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = createBeanFactory();
            // 2.
            // 3. 实际上是给 allowBeanDefinitionOverriding 和 allowCircularReferences 赋值
            // 4. 这是一个抽象方法: 就是给新创建的 beanFactory 中加载 `BeanDefinition`
            // BeanDefinition 的加载一般都是在子类中委托给了各种 `BeanDefinitionReader`
            this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new ApplicationContextException("I/O error parsing bean definition source for " + getDisplayName(), ex);
    protected final void closeBeanFactory() {
        DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = this.beanFactory;
        if (beanFactory != null) {
            this.beanFactory = null;
    protected void customizeBeanFactory(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory) {
        if (this.allowBeanDefinitionOverriding != null) {
        if (this.allowCircularReferences != null) {
    protected abstract void loadBeanDefinitions(DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory)
            throws BeansException, IOException;
    public final ConfigurableListableBeanFactory getBeanFactory() {
        DefaultListableBeanFactory beanFactory = this.beanFactory;
        if (beanFactory == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("BeanFactory not initialized or already closed - " +
                    "call 'refresh' before accessing beans via the ApplicationContext");
        return beanFactory;

AbstractRefreshableApplicationContextgetBeanFactory() 的实现也仅仅是返回了 this.beanFactory


ApplicationContext 的实现类有一大堆,在应用程序中到底怎么确定使用哪个实现类的呢?下面就以传统的 Servlet 环境和 spring-boot 环境为例大概看一下流程。


在传统的 Servlet 环境下,都会配置一个 ContextLoaderListener 来加载上下文。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
        <!-- 主要关注一下这个配置项, 如果不配置就从 spring-web.jar 的 `` 文件中获取 -->
    <!-- 省略其他配置 -->
    <!-- 省略其他配置 -->
    <!-- 省略其他配置 -->
public class ContextLoaderListener extends ContextLoader implements ServletContextListener {
    // 就是在这里初始化 ApplicationContext 的
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event) {
        // 父类 ContextLoader 中的方法
public class ContextLoader {
    private static final String DEFAULT_STRATEGIES_PATH = "";
    private static final Properties defaultStrategies;
    static {
        // Load default strategy implementations from properties file.
        // This is currently strictly internal and not meant to be customized
        // by application developers.
        try {
            // 去 classpath 下加载 `` 
            // 这个文件在 spring-web.jar 的 ``
            ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource(DEFAULT_STRATEGIES_PATH, ContextLoader.class);
            defaultStrategies = PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load '': " + ex.getMessage());
    // 这里就是创建具体的 ApplicationContext 实例
    // 因为是 web 环境,所以创建的是 `WebApplicationContext` 的实现类的实例
    protected WebApplicationContext createWebApplicationContext(ServletContext sc) {
        // 这里才是确定到底创建什么类型的 `WebApplicationContext`
        Class&lt;?&gt; contextClass = determineContextClass(sc);
        if (!ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.class.isAssignableFrom(contextClass)) {
            throw new ApplicationContextException("Custom context class [" + contextClass.getName() +
                    "] is not of type [" + ConfigurableWebApplicationContext.class.getName() + "]");
        return (ConfigurableWebApplicationContext) BeanUtils.instantiateClass(contextClass);
    protected Class&lt;?&gt; determineContextClass(ServletContext servletContext) {
        // CONTEXT_CLASS_PARAM常量值就是: contextClass(在 web.xml 中配置的那个)
        // 1. 如果你指定了 `contextClass` 就使用你指定的 `WebApplicationContext` 实现类
        String contextClassName = servletContext.getInitParameter(CONTEXT_CLASS_PARAM);
        if (contextClassName != null) {
            try {
                return ClassUtils.forName(contextClassName, ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                throw new ApplicationContextException(
                        "Failed to load custom context class [" + contextClassName + "]", ex);
        // 2. 如果没有指定 `contextClass` 配置就使用  `defaultStrategies` 来
        else {
            contextClassName = defaultStrategies.getProperty(WebApplicationContext.class.getName());
            try {
                return ClassUtils.forName(contextClassName, ContextLoader.class.getClassLoader());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                throw new ApplicationContextException(
                        "Failed to load default context class [" + contextClassName + "]", ex);
# Default WebApplicationContext implementation class for ContextLoader.
# Used as fallback when no explicit context implementation has been specified as context-param.
# Not meant to be customized by application developers.
# 指定默认的 `WebApplicationContext` 的实现类是: `XmlWebApplicationContext`

下面再简单提一下 spring-boot 环境中 ApplicationContext 的创建。


这里特指基于 spring-bootweb 项目。他是通过 ApplicationContextFactory 来创建 ApplicationContext

ApplicationContextFactory 就是一个专门用来生产 ApplicationContext 的工厂类。源码如下,具体细节会在 spring-boot 相关系列文章中提到,此处先略过。

public interface ApplicationContextFactory {
    // 省略几个 default 方法
     * Creates the {@link ConfigurableApplicationContext application context} for a
     * {@link SpringApplication}, respecting the given {@code webApplicationType}.
     * @param webApplicationType the web application type
     * @return the newly created application context
    ConfigurableApplicationContext create(WebApplicationType webApplicationType);

以上就是Spring容器刷新obtainFreshBeanFactory示例详解的详细内容,更多关于Spring obtainFreshBeanFactory的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!
