上次使用 Chatgpt 写爬虫,虽然写出来的代码很多需要修改后才能运行,但Chatgpt提供的思路和框架都是没问题。
这次让 Chatgpt 写一写GUI程序,也就是你常看到的桌面图形程序。
于是我问:帮我优化下这个计算器的UI界面 类似iphone计算器风格。
1、创建计算器 GUI 的主要界面,包括数字按钮和文本框;
你可以将这段代码保存为 calculator.py,并在命令行中运行它,即可启动这个计算器 GUI 程序。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 | import tkinter as tk from tkinter import font class Calculator: def __init__( self , master): self .master = master master.title( "Calculator" ) master.geometry( "350x560" ) master.resizable(width = False , height = False ) # 设置按钮和文本框字体 self .button_font = font.Font(size = 20 ) self .equation_font = font.Font(size = 30 ) # 创建显示方程的文本框 self .equation = tk.Entry(master, width = 12 , font = self .equation_font, borderwidth = 0 , justify = tk.RIGHT) self .equation.grid(row = 0 , column = 0 , columnspan = 4 , padx = 10 , pady = 20 , ipady = 15 ) # 创建数字按钮 self .create_button( "C" , 1 , 0 , bg = "white" , fg = "black" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "±" , 1 , 1 , bg = "white" , fg = "black" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "%" , 1 , 2 , bg = "white" , fg = "black" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "÷" , 1 , 3 , bg = "#FF9500" , fg = "white" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "7" , 2 , 0 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "8" , 2 , 1 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "9" , 2 , 2 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "×" , 2 , 3 , bg = "#FF9500" , fg = "white" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "4" , 3 , 0 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "5" , 3 , 1 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "6" , 3 , 2 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "-" , 3 , 3 , bg = "#FF9500" , fg = "white" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "1" , 4 , 0 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "2" , 4 , 1 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "3" , 4 , 2 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "+" , 4 , 3 , bg = "#FF9500" , fg = "white" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) self .create_button( "0" , 5 , 0 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" , width = 8 ) self .create_button( "." , 5 , 2 , bg = "#E4E4E4" , fg = "black" ) self .create_button( "=" , 5 , 3 , bg = "#FF9500" , fg = "white" , width = 4 , height = 2 ) def create_button( self , text, row, column, bg = "#F0F0F0" , fg = "black" , width = 2 , height = 1 ): # 创建按钮 button = tk.Button( self .master, text = text, bg = bg, fg = fg, width = width, height = height, font = self .button_font, borderwidth = 0 , command = lambda : self .button_click(text)) button.grid(row = row, column = column, padx = 5 , pady = 5 , ipady = 5 , sticky = "NSEW" ) def button_click( self , text): if text = = "C" : self .equation.delete( 0 , tk.END) elif text = = "±" : equation = self .equation.get() if equation.startswith( "-" ): self .equation.delete( 0 ) self .equation.insert( 0 , equation[ 1 :]) elif equation: self .equation.insert( 0 , "-" ) elif text = = "%" : equation = self .equation.get() try : result = float (equation) / 100 self .equation.delete( 0 , tk.END) self .equation.insert( 0 , result) except ValueError: pass elif text in [ "+" , "-" , "×" , "÷" ]: if self .equation.get() and not self .equation.get().endswith(( "+" , "-" , "×" , "÷" )): self .equation.insert(tk.END, text) elif text = = "." : if self .equation.get() and "." not in self .equation.get(): self .equation.insert(tk.END, "." ) elif not self .equation.get(): self .equation.insert(tk.END, "0." ) elif text = = "=" : equation = self .equation.get() try : result = eval (equation) self .equation.delete( 0 , tk.END) self .equation.insert( 0 , result) except (SyntaxError, ZeroDivisionError): self .equation.delete( 0 , tk.END) self .equation.insert( 0 , "Error" ) else : self .equation.insert(tk.END, text) # 创建主窗口 root = tk.Tk() # 创建计算器 GUI calculator = Calculator(root) # 进入主事件循环 root.mainloop() |
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Python解决“argument after * must be an iterable”报错问题
这篇文章主要介绍了Python解决“argument after * must be an iterable”报错问题,具有很好的参考价值,希望对大家有所帮助,如有错误或未考虑完全的地方,望不吝赐教2023-12-12Python数学建模StatsModels统计回归可视化示例详解