Python著名游戏实战之方块连接 我的世界
国庆不是回家了一趟嘛?隔壁家的小胖墩在跟家里的小孩子一起玩手机,一起下载 了这款《我的世界》的游戏,玩儿的可是非常起劲儿了,建房子打怪,别说那房子的模型着实蛮惊艳的哈!
于是——今天木木子带大家一起编写的Python 1.0初级版本《我的世界》就要隆重出场了,期不期待吖~
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 | ''' 主题: 我的世界1.0版本 ''' from __future__ import division import sys import math import random import time from collections import deque from pyglet import image from import * from import TextureGroup from pyglet.window import key, mouse TICKS_PER_SEC = 60 # Size of sectors used to ease block loading. SECTOR_SIZE = 16 WALKING_SPEED = 5 FLYING_SPEED = 15 GRAVITY = 20.0 MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT = 1.0 # About the height of a block. # To derive the formula for calculating jump speed, first solve # v_t = v_0 + a * t # for the time at which you achieve maximum height, where a is the acceleration # due to gravity and v_t = 0. This gives: # t = - v_0 / a # Use t and the desired MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT to solve for v_0 (jump speed) in # s = s_0 + v_0 * t + (a * t^2) / 2 JUMP_SPEED = math.sqrt( 2 * GRAVITY * MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT) TERMINAL_VELOCITY = 50 PLAYER_HEIGHT = 2 if sys.version_info[ 0 ] > = 3 : xrange = range def cube_vertices(x, y, z, n): """ Return the vertices of the cube at position x, y, z with size 2*n. """ return [ x - n,y + n,z - n, x - n,y + n,z + n, x + n,y + n,z + n, x + n,y + n,z - n, # top x - n,y - n,z - n, x + n,y - n,z - n, x + n,y - n,z + n, x - n,y - n,z + n, # bottom x - n,y - n,z - n, x - n,y - n,z + n, x - n,y + n,z + n, x - n,y + n,z - n, # left x + n,y - n,z + n, x + n,y - n,z - n, x + n,y + n,z - n, x + n,y + n,z + n, # right x - n,y - n,z + n, x + n,y - n,z + n, x + n,y + n,z + n, x - n,y + n,z + n, # front x + n,y - n,z - n, x - n,y - n,z - n, x - n,y + n,z - n, x + n,y + n,z - n, # back ] def tex_coord(x, y, n = 4 ): """ Return the bounding vertices of the texture square. """ m = 1.0 / n dx = x * m dy = y * m return dx, dy, dx + m, dy, dx + m, dy + m, dx, dy + m def tex_coords(top, bottom, side): """ Return a list of the texture squares for the top, bottom and side. """ top = tex_coord( * top) bottom = tex_coord( * bottom) side = tex_coord( * side) result = [] result.extend(top) result.extend(bottom) result.extend(side * 4 ) return result TEXTURE_PATH = 'texture.png' GRASS = tex_coords(( 1 , 0 ), ( 0 , 1 ), ( 0 , 0 )) SAND = tex_coords(( 1 , 1 ), ( 1 , 1 ), ( 1 , 1 )) BRICK = tex_coords(( 2 , 0 ), ( 2 , 0 ), ( 2 , 0 )) STONE = tex_coords(( 2 , 1 ), ( 2 , 1 ), ( 2 , 1 )) FACES = [ ( 0 , 1 , 0 ), ( 0 , - 1 , 0 ), ( - 1 , 0 , 0 ), ( 1 , 0 , 0 ), ( 0 , 0 , 1 ), ( 0 , 0 , - 1 ), ] def normalize(position): """ Accepts `position` of arbitrary precision and returns the block containing that position. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 Returns ------- block_position : tuple of ints of len 3 """ x, y, z = position x, y, z = ( int ( round (x)), int ( round (y)), int ( round (z))) return (x, y, z) def sectorize(position): """ Returns a tuple representing the sector for the given `position`. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 Returns ------- sector : tuple of len 3 """ x, y, z = normalize(position) x, y, z = x / / SECTOR_SIZE, y / / SECTOR_SIZE, z / / SECTOR_SIZE return (x, 0 , z) class Model( object ): def __init__( self ): # A Batch is a collection of vertex lists for batched rendering. self .batch = # A TextureGroup manages an OpenGL texture. self .group = TextureGroup(image.load(TEXTURE_PATH).get_texture()) # A mapping from position to the texture of the block at that position. # This defines all the blocks that are currently in the world. self .world = {} # Same mapping as `world` but only contains blocks that are shown. self .shown = {} # Mapping from position to a pyglet `VertextList` for all shown blocks. self ._shown = {} # Mapping from sector to a list of positions inside that sector. self .sectors = {} # Simple function queue implementation. The queue is populated with # _show_block() and _hide_block() calls self .queue = deque() self ._initialize() def _initialize( self ): """ Initialize the world by placing all the blocks. """ n = 80 # 1/2 width and height of world s = 1 # step size y = 0 # initial y height for x in xrange ( - n, n + 1 , s): for z in xrange ( - n, n + 1 , s): # create a layer stone an grass everywhere. self .add_block((x, y - 2 , z), GRASS, immediate = False ) self .add_block((x, y - 3 , z), STONE, immediate = False ) if x in ( - n, n) or z in ( - n, n): # create outer walls. for dy in xrange ( - 2 , 3 ): self .add_block((x, y + dy, z), STONE, immediate = False ) # generate the hills randomly o = n - 10 for _ in xrange ( 120 ): a = random.randint( - o, o) # x position of the hill b = random.randint( - o, o) # z position of the hill c = - 1 # base of the hill h = random.randint( 1 , 6 ) # height of the hill s = random.randint( 4 , 8 ) # 2 * s is the side length of the hill d = 1 # how quickly to taper off the hills t = random.choice([GRASS, SAND, BRICK]) for y in xrange (c, c + h): for x in xrange (a - s, a + s + 1 ): for z in xrange (b - s, b + s + 1 ): if (x - a) * * 2 + (z - b) * * 2 > (s + 1 ) * * 2 : continue if (x - 0 ) * * 2 + (z - 0 ) * * 2 < 5 * * 2 : continue self .add_block((x, y, z), t, immediate = False ) s - = d # decrement side lenth so hills taper off def hit_test( self , position, vector, max_distance = 8 ): """ Line of sight search from current position. If a block is intersected it is returned, along with the block previously in the line of sight. If no block is found, return None, None. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position to check visibility from. vector : tuple of len 3 The line of sight vector. max_distance : int How many blocks away to search for a hit. """ m = 8 x, y, z = position dx, dy, dz = vector previous = None for _ in xrange (max_distance * m): key = normalize((x, y, z)) if key ! = previous and key in self .world: return key, previous previous = key x, y, z = x + dx / m, y + dy / m, z + dz / m return None , None def exposed( self , position): """ Returns False is given `position` is surrounded on all 6 sides by blocks, True otherwise. """ x, y, z = position for dx, dy, dz in FACES: if (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz) not in self .world: return True return False def add_block( self , position, texture, immediate = True ): """ Add a block with the given `texture` and `position` to the world. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to add. texture : list of len 3 The coordinates of the texture squares. Use `tex_coords()` to generate. immediate : bool Whether or not to draw the block immediately. """ if position in self .world: self .remove_block(position, immediate) self .world[position] = texture self .sectors.setdefault(sectorize(position), []).append(position) if immediate: if self .exposed(position): self .show_block(position) self .check_neighbors(position) def remove_block( self , position, immediate = True ): """ Remove the block at the given `position`. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to remove. immediate : bool Whether or not to immediately remove block from canvas. """ del self .world[position] self .sectors[sectorize(position)].remove(position) if immediate: if position in self .shown: self .hide_block(position) self .check_neighbors(position) def check_neighbors( self , position): """ Check all blocks surrounding `position` and ensure their visual state is current. This means hiding blocks that are not exposed and ensuring that all exposed blocks are shown. Usually used after a block is added or removed. """ x, y, z = position for dx, dy, dz in FACES: key = (x + dx, y + dy, z + dz) if key not in self .world: continue if self .exposed(key): if key not in self .shown: self .show_block(key) else : if key in self .shown: self .hide_block(key) def show_block( self , position, immediate = True ): """ Show the block at the given `position`. This method assumes the block has already been added with add_block() Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to show. immediate : bool Whether or not to show the block immediately. """ texture = self .world[position] self .shown[position] = texture if immediate: self ._show_block(position, texture) else : self ._enqueue( self ._show_block, position, texture) def _show_block( self , position, texture): """ Private implementation of the `show_block()` method. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to show. texture : list of len 3 The coordinates of the texture squares. Use `tex_coords()` to generate. """ x, y, z = position vertex_data = cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.5 ) texture_data = list (texture) # create vertex list # FIXME Maybe `add_indexed()` should be used instead self ._shown[position] = self .batch.add( 24 , GL_QUADS, self .group, ( 'v3f/static' , vertex_data), ( 't2f/static' , texture_data)) def hide_block( self , position, immediate = True ): """ Hide the block at the given `position`. Hiding does not remove the block from the world. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position of the block to hide. immediate : bool Whether or not to immediately remove the block from the canvas. """ self .shown.pop(position) if immediate: self ._hide_block(position) else : self ._enqueue( self ._hide_block, position) def _hide_block( self , position): """ Private implementation of the 'hide_block()` method. """ self ._shown.pop(position).delete() def show_sector( self , sector): """ Ensure all blocks in the given sector that should be shown are drawn to the canvas. """ for position in self .sectors.get(sector, []): if position not in self .shown and self .exposed(position): self .show_block(position, False ) def hide_sector( self , sector): """ Ensure all blocks in the given sector that should be hidden are removed from the canvas. """ for position in self .sectors.get(sector, []): if position in self .shown: self .hide_block(position, False ) def change_sectors( self , before, after): """ Move from sector `before` to sector `after`. A sector is a contiguous x, y sub-region of world. Sectors are used to speed up world rendering. """ before_set = set () after_set = set () pad = 4 for dx in xrange ( - pad, pad + 1 ): for dy in [ 0 ]: # xrange(-pad, pad + 1): for dz in xrange ( - pad, pad + 1 ): if dx * * 2 + dy * * 2 + dz * * 2 > (pad + 1 ) * * 2 : continue if before: x, y, z = before before_set.add((x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)) if after: x, y, z = after after_set.add((x + dx, y + dy, z + dz)) show = after_set - before_set hide = before_set - after_set for sector in show: self .show_sector(sector) for sector in hide: self .hide_sector(sector) def _enqueue( self , func, * args): """ Add `func` to the internal queue. """ self .queue.append((func, args)) def _dequeue( self ): """ Pop the top function from the internal queue and call it. """ func, args = self .queue.popleft() func( * args) def process_queue( self ): """ Process the entire queue while taking periodic breaks. This allows the game loop to run smoothly. The queue contains calls to _show_block() and _hide_block() so this method should be called if add_block() or remove_block() was called with immediate=False """ start = time.clock() while self .queue and time.clock() - start < 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC: self ._dequeue() def process_entire_queue( self ): """ Process the entire queue with no breaks. """ while self .queue: self ._dequeue() class Window(pyglet.window.Window): def __init__( self , * args, * * kwargs): super (Window, self ).__init__( * args, * * kwargs) # Whether or not the window exclusively captures the mouse. self .exclusive = False # When flying gravity has no effect and speed is increased. self .flying = False # Strafing is moving lateral to the direction you are facing, # e.g. moving to the left or right while continuing to face forward. # # First element is -1 when moving forward, 1 when moving back, and 0 # otherwise. The second element is -1 when moving left, 1 when moving # right, and 0 otherwise. self .strafe = [ 0 , 0 ] # Current (x, y, z) position in the world, specified with floats. Note # that, perhaps unlike in math class, the y-axis is the vertical axis. self .position = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) # First element is rotation of the player in the x-z plane (ground # plane) measured from the z-axis down. The second is the rotation # angle from the ground plane up. Rotation is in degrees. # # The vertical plane rotation ranges from -90 (looking straight down) to # 90 (looking straight up). The horizontal rotation range is unbounded. self .rotation = ( 0 , 0 ) # Which sector the player is currently in. self .sector = None # The crosshairs at the center of the screen. self .reticle = None # Velocity in the y (upward) direction. self .dy = 0 # A list of blocks the player can place. Hit num keys to cycle. self .inventory = [BRICK, GRASS, SAND] # The current block the user can place. Hit num keys to cycle. self .block = self .inventory[ 0 ] # Convenience list of num keys. self .num_keys = [ key._1, key._2, key._3, key._4, key._5, key._6, key._7, key._8, key._9, key._0] # Instance of the model that handles the world. self .model = Model() # The label that is displayed in the top left of the canvas. self .label = pyglet.text.Label(' ', font_name=' Arial', font_size = 18 , x = 10 , y = self .height - 10 , anchor_x = 'left' , anchor_y = 'top' , color = ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 )) # This call schedules the `update()` method to be called # TICKS_PER_SEC. This is the main game event loop. pyglet.clock.schedule_interval( self .update, 1.0 / TICKS_PER_SEC) def set_exclusive_mouse( self , exclusive): """ If `exclusive` is True, the game will capture the mouse, if False the game will ignore the mouse. """ super (Window, self ).set_exclusive_mouse(exclusive) self .exclusive = exclusive def get_sight_vector( self ): """ Returns the current line of sight vector indicating the direction the player is looking. """ x, y = self .rotation # y ranges from -90 to 90, or -pi/2 to pi/2, so m ranges from 0 to 1 and # is 1 when looking ahead parallel to the ground and 0 when looking # straight up or down. m = math.cos(math.radians(y)) # dy ranges from -1 to 1 and is -1 when looking straight down and 1 when # looking straight up. dy = math.sin(math.radians(y)) dx = math.cos(math.radians(x - 90 )) * m dz = math.sin(math.radians(x - 90 )) * m return (dx, dy, dz) def get_motion_vector( self ): """ Returns the current motion vector indicating the velocity of the player. Returns ------- vector : tuple of len 3 Tuple containing the velocity in x, y, and z respectively. """ if any ( self .strafe): x, y = self .rotation strafe = math.degrees(math.atan2( * self .strafe)) y_angle = math.radians(y) x_angle = math.radians(x + strafe) if self .flying: m = math.cos(y_angle) dy = math.sin(y_angle) if self .strafe[ 1 ]: # Moving left or right. dy = 0.0 m = 1 if self .strafe[ 0 ] > 0 : # Moving backwards. dy * = - 1 # When you are flying up or down, you have less left and right # motion. dx = math.cos(x_angle) * m dz = math.sin(x_angle) * m else : dy = 0.0 dx = math.cos(x_angle) dz = math.sin(x_angle) else : dy = 0.0 dx = 0.0 dz = 0.0 return (dx, dy, dz) def update( self , dt): """ This method is scheduled to be called repeatedly by the pyglet clock. Parameters ---------- dt : float The change in time since the last call. """ self .model.process_queue() sector = sectorize( self .position) if sector ! = self .sector: self .model.change_sectors( self .sector, sector) if self .sector is None : self .model.process_entire_queue() self .sector = sector m = 8 dt = min (dt, 0.2 ) for _ in xrange (m): self ._update(dt / m) def _update( self , dt): """ Private implementation of the `update()` method. This is where most of the motion logic lives, along with gravity and collision detection. Parameters ---------- dt : float The change in time since the last call. """ # walking speed = FLYING_SPEED if self .flying else WALKING_SPEED d = dt * speed # distance covered this tick. dx, dy, dz = self .get_motion_vector() # New position in space, before accounting for gravity. dx, dy, dz = dx * d, dy * d, dz * d # gravity if not self .flying: # Update your vertical speed: if you are falling, speed up until you # hit terminal velocity; if you are jumping, slow down until you # start falling. self .dy - = dt * GRAVITY self .dy = max ( self .dy, - TERMINAL_VELOCITY) dy + = self .dy * dt # collisions x, y, z = self .position x, y, z = self .collide((x + dx, y + dy, z + dz), PLAYER_HEIGHT) self .position = (x, y, z) def collide( self , position, height): """ Checks to see if the player at the given `position` and `height` is colliding with any blocks in the world. Parameters ---------- position : tuple of len 3 The (x, y, z) position to check for collisions at. height : int or float The height of the player. Returns ------- position : tuple of len 3 The new position of the player taking into account collisions. """ # How much overlap with a dimension of a surrounding block you need to # have to count as a collision. If 0, touching terrain at all counts as # a collision. If .49, you sink into the ground, as if walking through # tall grass. If >= .5, you'll fall through the ground. pad = 0.25 p = list (position) np = normalize(position) for face in FACES: # check all surrounding blocks for i in xrange ( 3 ): # check each dimension independently if not face[i]: continue # How much overlap you have with this dimension. d = (p[i] - np[i]) * face[i] if d < pad: continue for dy in xrange (height): # check each height op = list (np) op[ 1 ] - = dy op[i] + = face[i] if tuple (op) not in self continue p[i] - = (d - pad) * face[i] if face = = ( 0 , - 1 , 0 ) or face = = ( 0 , 1 , 0 ): # You are colliding with the ground or ceiling, so stop # falling / rising. self .dy = 0 break return tuple (p) def on_mouse_press( self , x, y, button, modifiers): """ Called when a mouse button is pressed. See pyglet docs for button amd modifier mappings. Parameters ---------- x, y : int The coordinates of the mouse click. Always center of the screen if the mouse is captured. button : int Number representing mouse button that was clicked. 1 = left button, 4 = right button. modifiers : int Number representing any modifying keys that were pressed when the mouse button was clicked. """ if self .exclusive: vector = self .get_sight_vector() block, previous = self .model.hit_test( self .position, vector) if (button = = mouse.RIGHT) or \ ((button = = mouse.LEFT) and (modifiers & key.MOD_CTRL)): # ON OSX, control + left click = right click. if previous: self .model.add_block(previous, self .block) elif button = = pyglet.window.mouse.LEFT and block: texture = self[block] if texture ! = STONE: self .model.remove_block(block) else : self .set_exclusive_mouse( True ) def on_mouse_motion( self , x, y, dx, dy): """ Called when the player moves the mouse. Parameters ---------- x, y : int The coordinates of the mouse click. Always center of the screen if the mouse is captured. dx, dy : float The movement of the mouse. """ if self .exclusive: m = 0.15 x, y = self .rotation x, y = x + dx * m, y + dy * m y = max ( - 90 , min ( 90 , y)) self .rotation = (x, y) def on_key_press( self , symbol, modifiers): """ Called when the player presses a key. See pyglet docs for key mappings. Parameters ---------- symbol : int Number representing the key that was pressed. modifiers : int Number representing any modifying keys that were pressed. """ if symbol = = key.W: self .strafe[ 0 ] - = 1 elif symbol = = key.S: self .strafe[ 0 ] + = 1 elif symbol = = key.A: self .strafe[ 1 ] - = 1 elif symbol = = key.D: self .strafe[ 1 ] + = 1 elif symbol = = key.SPACE: if self .dy = = 0 : self .dy = JUMP_SPEED elif symbol = = key.ESCAPE: self .set_exclusive_mouse( False ) elif symbol = = key.TAB: self .flying = not self .flying elif symbol in self .num_keys: index = (symbol - self .num_keys[ 0 ]) % len ( self .inventory) self .block = self .inventory[index] def on_key_release( self , symbol, modifiers): """ Called when the player releases a key. See pyglet docs for key mappings. Parameters ---------- symbol : int Number representing the key that was pressed. modifiers : int Number representing any modifying keys that were pressed. """ if symbol = = key.W: self .strafe[ 0 ] + = 1 elif symbol = = key.S: self .strafe[ 0 ] - = 1 elif symbol = = key.A: self .strafe[ 1 ] + = 1 elif symbol = = key.D: self .strafe[ 1 ] - = 1 def on_resize( self , width, height): """ Called when the window is resized to a new `width` and `height`. """ # label self .label.y = height - 10 # reticle if self .reticle: self .reticle.delete() x, y = self .width / / 2 , self .height / / 2 n = 10 self .reticle = 4 , ( 'v2i' , (x - n, y, x + n, y, x, y - n, x, y + n)) ) def set_2d( self ): """ Configure OpenGL to draw in 2d. """ width, height = self .get_size() glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) viewport = self .get_viewport_size() glViewport( 0 , 0 , max ( 1 , viewport[ 0 ]), max ( 1 , viewport[ 1 ])) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho( 0 , max ( 1 , width), 0 , max ( 1 , height), - 1 , 1 ) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() def set_3d( self ): """ Configure OpenGL to draw in 3d. """ width, height = self .get_size() glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) viewport = self .get_viewport_size() glViewport( 0 , 0 , max ( 1 , viewport[ 0 ]), max ( 1 , viewport[ 1 ])) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective( 65.0 , width / float (height), 0.1 , 60.0 ) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() x, y = self .rotation glRotatef(x, 0 , 1 , 0 ) glRotatef( - y, math.cos(math.radians(x)), 0 , math.sin(math.radians(x))) x, y, z = self .position glTranslatef( - x, - y, - z) def on_draw( self ): """ Called by pyglet to draw the canvas. """ self .clear() self .set_3d() glColor3d( 1 , 1 , 1 ) self .model.batch.draw() self .draw_focused_block() self .set_2d() self .draw_label() self .draw_reticle() def draw_focused_block( self ): """ Draw black edges around the block that is currently under the crosshairs. """ vector = self .get_sight_vector() block = self .model.hit_test( self .position, vector)[ 0 ] if block: x, y, z = block vertex_data = cube_vertices(x, y, z, 0.51 ) glColor3d( 0 , 0 , 0 ) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE) 24 , GL_QUADS, ( 'v3f/static' , vertex_data)) glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL) def draw_label( self ): """ Draw the label in the top left of the screen. """ x, y, z = self .position self .label.text = '%02d (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f) %d / %d' % ( pyglet.clock.get_fps(), x, y, z, len ( self .model._shown), len ( self self .label.draw() def draw_reticle( self ): """ Draw the crosshairs in the center of the screen. """ glColor3d( 0 , 0 , 0 ) self .reticle.draw(GL_LINES) def setup_fog(): """ Configure the OpenGL fog properties. """ # Enable fog. Fog "blends a fog color with each rasterized pixel fragment's # post-texturing color." glEnable(GL_FOG) # Set the fog color. glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, (GLfloat * 4 )( 0.5 , 0.69 , 1.0 , 1 )) # Say we have no preference between rendering speed and quality. glHint(GL_FOG_HINT, GL_DONT_CARE) # Specify the equation used to compute the blending factor. glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR) # How close and far away fog starts and ends. The closer the start and end, # the denser the fog in the fog range. glFogf(GL_FOG_START, 20.0 ) glFogf(GL_FOG_END, 60.0 ) def setup(): """ Basic OpenGL configuration. """ # Set the color of "clear", i.e. the sky, in rgba. glClearColor( 0.5 , 0.69 , 1.0 , 1 ) # Enable culling (not rendering) of back-facing facets -- facets that aren't # visible to you. glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) # Set the texture minification/magnification function to GL_NEAREST (nearest # in Manhattan distance) to the specified texture coordinates. GL_NEAREST # "is generally faster than GL_LINEAR, but it can produce textured 图片 # with sharper edges because the transition between texture elements is not # as smooth." glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST) glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST) setup_fog() def main(): window = Window(width = 1800 , height = 1600 , caption = 'Pyglet' , resizable = True ) # Hide the mouse cursor and prevent the mouse from leaving the window. window.set_exclusive_mouse( True ) setup() if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |
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