2.掌握如何使用Java BigInteger类,简单实现教科书式的ElGamal公私钥签名算法。
JDK 1.7,Java开发环境(本实验采用Windows+eclipse作为实验环境),要求参与实验的同学按照对称加密提供的方法,提前安装好JDK。
1.实现公私钥生成算法:根据教材,ElGamal公私钥生成算法首选需要选取一个大素数 ,然后选取 作为其生成元。接着随机选取私钥 ,计算 作为其公钥。因此,可写代码如下:
public void initKeys() { System.out.println("choose a prime p with securitylevel " + securitylevel + " , please wait ..."); p = new BigInteger(securitylevel, 100, new Random()); System.out.println("p : " + p); g = __randomInZp(); System.out.println("g : " + g); x = __randomInZp(); System.out.println("x : " + x); y = g.modPow(x, p); System.out.println("y : " + y); }
其中,__randomInZp定义如下函数,实现从 中随机选取一个大整数:
public BigInteger __randomInZp() { BigInteger r = null; do { System.out.print("."); r = new BigInteger(securitylevel, new SecureRandom()); }while(r.compareTo(p) >= 0); System.out.println("."); return r; }
ElGamal签名算法需要随机选取 ,同时计算
此时, 即为签名。因此,可根据公式,写代码如下:
public BigInteger[] signature(byte m[]) { BigInteger sig[] = new BigInteger[2]; BigInteger k = __randomPrimeInZp(); sig[0] = g.modPow(k, p); sig[1] = __hashInZp(m).subtract(x.multiply(sig[0])) .mod(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)) .multiply(k.modInverse(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))) .mod(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)); System.out.println("[r,s] = [" + sig[0] + ", " + sig[1] + "]"); return sig; }
此处的__randomPrimeInZp意为从 中随机选取一个大素数,实现如下:
public BigInteger __randomPrimeInZp() { BigInteger r = null; do { System.out.print("."); r = new BigInteger(securitylevel, 100, new SecureRandom()); }while(r.compareTo(p) >= 0); System.out.println("."); return r; }
public BigInteger __hashInZp(byte m[]) { MessageDigest md; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(m); byte b[] = new byte[33]; System.arraycopy(md.digest(), 0, b, 1, 32); return new BigInteger(b); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { System.out.println("this cannot happen."); } return null; }
3.实现验证算法:ElGamal签名验证算法即判定公式 是否成立。因此,可考虑写代码如下:
public boolean verify(byte m[], BigInteger sig[]) { BigInteger l = y.modPow(sig[0], p) .multiply(sig[0].modPow(sig[1], p)).mod(p); BigInteger r = g.modPow(__hashInZp(m), p); return l.compareTo(r) == 0; }
public static void main(String args[]) { ElGamalSignatureInstance instance = new ElGamalSignatureInstance(); instance.initKeys(); byte m[] = "my name is ElGamal, my student number is 201300012345.".getBytes(); BigInteger sig[] = instance.signature(m); System.out.println("Real signature verify result : " + instance.verify(m, sig)); sig[0] = sig[0].add(BigInteger.ONE); System.out.println("Faked signature verify result : " + instance.verify(m, sig)); }
import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; public class ElGamalSignatureInstance { int securitylevel = 1024; BigInteger p, g, x, y; public BigInteger __randomInZp() { BigInteger r = null; do { System.out.print("."); r = new BigInteger(securitylevel, new SecureRandom()); }while(r.compareTo(p) >= 0); System.out.println("."); return r; } public BigInteger __randomPrimeInZp() { BigInteger r = null; do { System.out.print("."); r = new BigInteger(securitylevel, 100, new SecureRandom()); }while(r.compareTo(p) >= 0); System.out.println("."); return r; } public BigInteger __hashInZp(byte m[]) { MessageDigest md; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256"); md.update(m); byte b[] = new byte[33]; System.arraycopy(md.digest(), 0, b, 1, 32); return new BigInteger(b); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { System.out.println("this cannot happen."); } return null; } public void initKeys() { System.out.println("choose a prime p with securitylevel " + securitylevel + " , please wait ..."); p = new BigInteger(securitylevel, 100, new Random()); System.out.println("p : " + p); g = __randomInZp(); System.out.println("g : " + g); x = __randomInZp(); System.out.println("x : " + x); y = g.modPow(x, p); System.out.println("y : " + y); } public BigInteger[] signature(byte m[]) { BigInteger sig[] = new BigInteger[2]; BigInteger k = __randomPrimeInZp(); sig[0] = g.modPow(k, p); sig[1] = __hashInZp(m).subtract(x.multiply(sig[0])).mod(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)) .multiply(k.modInverse(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE))).mod(p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)); System.out.println("[r,s] = [" + sig[0] + ", " + sig[1] + "]"); return sig; } public boolean verify(byte m[], BigInteger sig[]) { BigInteger l = y.modPow(sig[0], p).multiply(sig[0].modPow(sig[1], p)).mod(p); BigInteger r = g.modPow(__hashInZp(m), p); return l.compareTo(r) == 0; } public static void main(String args[]) { ElGamalSignatureInstance instance = new ElGamalSignatureInstance(); instance.initKeys(); byte m[] = "my name is ElGamal, my student number is 201300012345.".getBytes(); BigInteger sig[] = instance.signature(m); System.out.println("Real signature verify result : " + instance.verify(m, sig)); sig[0] = sig[0].add(BigInteger.ONE); System.out.println("Faked signature verify result : " + instance.verify(m, sig)); } }
由于产生随机大素数的方法(即__randomPrimeInZp)的运行速度受到 值和电脑CPU速度的影响,在某些同学的电脑上可能出现选取参数缓慢的问题。此时可将securitylevel的值调低(缺省1024,可调低到512),即可提高速度。但注意调低securitylevel将会导致安全强度下降。
(2)加密/签名步骤,都需要先选取一个随机数 并计算 作为其密文的第一分量(这也是ElGamal的概率输出的原因所在)。不同点在于,加密算法后续采用 的方式产生密文第二分量,而签名算法采用了 作为其第二分量。
(3)解密/验证方面,解密算法采用 恢复明文,而签名验证算法采用公式 来验证签名是否吻合。