keys=[] dic={} def rdic(): fr = open('dic.txt','r') for line in fr: line = line.replace("\n",'') v = line.split(':') dic[v[0]] = v[1] keys.append(v[0]) fr.close() def centre(): n = input("请输入进入相应模块(添加、查询、退出):") if n == "添加": key= input("plsease input English:") if key not in keys: value=input("please input Chinese:") dic[key]=value keys.append(key) else : t=input("如果添加新的意思请输入 Y,否则输入N:") if ( t=='Y'): temp="" temp=temp+dic[key] key1= input("请输入中文") temp=temp+","+key1 print(temp) #keys.append(temp) dic[key]=temp print(dic) return 0 else: return 0 elif n== "查询": key= input("plsease input English:") print(keys) print(dic) if key not in keys: print("the english not in the dic.") else : print(dic[key]) elif n == "退出" : return 1 else : print("输入有误") return 0 def wdic(): #print("!") with open('dic.txt','w') as fw: for k in keys: fw.write(k+':'+dic[k]+'\n') def main(): rdic() while True: print(keys) print(dic) n=centre() print(keys) print(dic) if n==1: break if n==0: continue wdic() main()