EXT富客户端后台管理系统 初步代码
EXT富客户端后台管理系统 初步代码提供给大家
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%$extjs_res%>" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%$extjs_adapter%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%$extjs_laction%>"></script>
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<%*执行块的JS区域 -- 开始*%>
<script type="text/javascript">
//具体开发 -- BJExtreme类
BJExtreme= function(){} ;
BJExtreme.prototype.getAuthor = function(){
return '许消寒' ;
BJExtreme.prototype.getVersion = function(){
return '2008年08月13日 17:00' ;
BJExtreme.prototype.getController = function(){
return 'index.php' ;
BJExtreme.prototype.buildLinkStr = function(ctl,act){
if (ctl == undefined)
return BJExtreme.prototype.getController() ;
if (act == undefined)
act = null ;
return BJExtreme.prototype.getController() + '?ctl=' + ctl + '&act=' + act ;
BJExtreme.prototype.showWindow = function(title1,width1,height1,html1){
if (this.win == undefined){
this.win = new Ext.Window({
title: title1,
width: width1 ,
height: height1 ,
html: html1
else {
this.win = new Ext.Window({
title: title1,
width: width1 ,
height: height1 ,
html: html1
BJExtreme.prototype.ui = function(){} ;
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.mainTopic = {
title: 'Beijing Extreme 后台管理', region: 'north' ,
html: '<embed src="<%$prj_dir%>/swf/top_title.swf" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="50"></embed>'
/*左侧菜单项操作 -- 开始*/
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar = {
xtype: 'treepanel' ,
title: '菜单',region: 'west',width: 200 ,collapsible: true ,
loader: null , root: null ,rootVisible: true , listeners: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Traveling = {
text: '旅游' ,
leaf: false , // 这个设为false 则显示文件夹图标 , true 则显示单项图标
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Traveling.children = [
{text: '北京',leaf: true ,ctl: 'Peking',act: ''},
{text: '西藏' ,leaf: true ,ctl: 'Tibet' ,act: ''},
{text: '泰国' ,leaf: true},
{text: '香格里拉',leaf: true,ctl:'Shangrila',act: ''}
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mibetdoctor = {
text: '藏医' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mibetdoctor.children = [
{text: '藏医历史',leaf: true},
{text: '藏医理论' ,leaf: true},
{text: '诊断' ,leaf: true},
{text: '病症' ,leaf: true},
{text: '治疗',leaf: true}
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Diving = {
text: '潜水' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mountain = {
text: '登山' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Rockclimbe = {
text: '攀岩' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Onfoot = {
text: '徒步' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Motorcycle = {
text: '摩托车' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.ModuleInProject = {
text: '项目中集成的模块' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.ModuleInProject.children = [
text: '互动提示条',leaf: true,ctl: 'ExtjsStudy',act: 'linkTips',
listeners:{click: function (n){window.open(BJExtreme.prototype.buildLinkStr(n.attributes.ctl,n.attributes.act));return false ;}}
//初始化 菜单项元素 信息 -- 这个必须在 -- 当前菜单是使用异步树组件生成的 , 以后可以添加其他不同的实现
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.loader = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader();
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.root = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
expanded: true ,
children: [
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Traveling ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mibetdoctor ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Diving ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mountain ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Rockclimbe ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Onfoot ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Motorcycle ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.listeners = {
click: function (n) //n.attributes 可以获得AsyncTreeNode的children中的对象
if (n.attributes.leaf == true) //叶选项
//n.attributes.text n.attributes.leaf
var ctlStr = BJExtreme.prototype.buildLinkStr(n.attributes.ctl,n.attributes.act);
myextreme.showWindow('当前控制器',400,300,ctlStr) ;
else //包含子菜单
//not to do
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.contentPane = {
id: "main_content", xtype: "tabpanel" , region: 'center' ,items: [{title: '主内容面板'}]
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.statusBar = {
xtype: "tabpanel" , region: 'south' ,items: [{title: '状态条'}]
BJExtreme.prototype.buildMainPane = function(BJExtremeObj){
//Ext.Viewport 用来将对象渲染到页面中的body块中,会自动改变,每个页面仅限一个
this.mainPane = new Ext.Viewport({
enableTabScroll: true ,
layout: 'border', //设为fit则不能显示复合面板
items: [
BJExtremeObj.ui.menuBar ,
BJExtremeObj.ui.contentPane ,
}) ;
var myextreme = new BJExtreme() ;
//Ext.MessageBox.alert('BJExtreme Version',myextreme.getVersion());
//Ext.MessageBox.alert('BJExtreme Version',myextreme.buildLinkStr('t','b'));
myextreme.buildMainPane(myextreme) ;
<%*执行块的JS区域 -- 结束*%>
<!-- //页面中子导航菜单 -->
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<%*加载的Extjs 资源文件 -- 开始*%>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<%$extjs_res%>" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%$extjs_adapter%>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%$extjs_laction%>"></script>
<%*加载的Extjs 资源文件 -- 结束*%>
<%*执行块的JS区域 -- 开始*%>
<script type="text/javascript">
//具体开发 -- BJExtreme类
BJExtreme= function(){} ;
BJExtreme.prototype.getAuthor = function(){
return '许消寒' ;
BJExtreme.prototype.getVersion = function(){
return '2008年08月13日 17:00' ;
BJExtreme.prototype.getController = function(){
return 'index.php' ;
BJExtreme.prototype.buildLinkStr = function(ctl,act){
if (ctl == undefined)
return BJExtreme.prototype.getController() ;
if (act == undefined)
act = null ;
return BJExtreme.prototype.getController() + '?ctl=' + ctl + '&act=' + act ;
BJExtreme.prototype.showWindow = function(title1,width1,height1,html1){
if (this.win == undefined){
this.win = new Ext.Window({
title: title1,
width: width1 ,
height: height1 ,
html: html1
else {
this.win = new Ext.Window({
title: title1,
width: width1 ,
height: height1 ,
html: html1
BJExtreme.prototype.ui = function(){} ;
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.mainTopic = {
title: 'Beijing Extreme 后台管理', region: 'north' ,
html: '<embed src="<%$prj_dir%>/swf/top_title.swf" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="50"></embed>'
/*左侧菜单项操作 -- 开始*/
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar = {
xtype: 'treepanel' ,
title: '菜单',region: 'west',width: 200 ,collapsible: true ,
loader: null , root: null ,rootVisible: true , listeners: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Traveling = {
text: '旅游' ,
leaf: false , // 这个设为false 则显示文件夹图标 , true 则显示单项图标
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Traveling.children = [
{text: '北京',leaf: true ,ctl: 'Peking',act: ''},
{text: '西藏' ,leaf: true ,ctl: 'Tibet' ,act: ''},
{text: '泰国' ,leaf: true},
{text: '香格里拉',leaf: true,ctl:'Shangrila',act: ''}
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mibetdoctor = {
text: '藏医' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mibetdoctor.children = [
{text: '藏医历史',leaf: true},
{text: '藏医理论' ,leaf: true},
{text: '诊断' ,leaf: true},
{text: '病症' ,leaf: true},
{text: '治疗',leaf: true}
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Diving = {
text: '潜水' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mountain = {
text: '登山' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Rockclimbe = {
text: '攀岩' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Onfoot = {
text: '徒步' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Motorcycle = {
text: '摩托车' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.ModuleInProject = {
text: '项目中集成的模块' ,
leaf: false ,
children: null
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.ModuleInProject.children = [
text: '互动提示条',leaf: true,ctl: 'ExtjsStudy',act: 'linkTips',
listeners:{click: function (n){window.open(BJExtreme.prototype.buildLinkStr(n.attributes.ctl,n.attributes.act));return false ;}}
//初始化 菜单项元素 信息 -- 这个必须在 -- 当前菜单是使用异步树组件生成的 , 以后可以添加其他不同的实现
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.loader = new Ext.tree.TreeLoader();
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.root = new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
expanded: true ,
children: [
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Traveling ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mibetdoctor ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Diving ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Mountain ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Rockclimbe ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Onfoot ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.Motorcycle ,
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.menuBar.listeners = {
click: function (n) //n.attributes 可以获得AsyncTreeNode的children中的对象
if (n.attributes.leaf == true) //叶选项
//n.attributes.text n.attributes.leaf
var ctlStr = BJExtreme.prototype.buildLinkStr(n.attributes.ctl,n.attributes.act);
myextreme.showWindow('当前控制器',400,300,ctlStr) ;
else //包含子菜单
//not to do
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.contentPane = {
id: "main_content", xtype: "tabpanel" , region: 'center' ,items: [{title: '主内容面板'}]
BJExtreme.prototype.ui.statusBar = {
xtype: "tabpanel" , region: 'south' ,items: [{title: '状态条'}]
BJExtreme.prototype.buildMainPane = function(BJExtremeObj){
//Ext.Viewport 用来将对象渲染到页面中的body块中,会自动改变,每个页面仅限一个
this.mainPane = new Ext.Viewport({
enableTabScroll: true ,
layout: 'border', //设为fit则不能显示复合面板
items: [
BJExtremeObj.ui.menuBar ,
BJExtremeObj.ui.contentPane ,
}) ;
var myextreme = new BJExtreme() ;
//Ext.MessageBox.alert('BJExtreme Version',myextreme.getVersion());
//Ext.MessageBox.alert('BJExtreme Version',myextreme.buildLinkStr('t','b'));
myextreme.buildMainPane(myextreme) ;
<%*执行块的JS区域 -- 结束*%>
<!-- //页面中子导航菜单 -->