支持800.000种软件产品升级更新工具 UpdateStar v1.0.100 Beta
支持800.000种软件产品升级更新工具 UpdateStar v1.0.100 Beta
UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software. Whether it be Freeware, Shareware and commercial software products, UpdateStar covers all of your software. UpdateStar knows more than 80.000 software products and lets you know once an update is available for you. No more wasted time reading hundreds of newsletters or searching websites for newly available updates. You want to stay up-to-date with your software? Use UpdateStar.
Stay up-to-date with your software
UpdateStar offers you a time-saving, one-stop information place for your software setup and makes your computer experience more productive. UpdateStar covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software, and includes special offers. Once an update for one of your programs is available, UpdateStar lets you know and offers you information and download options as well as licensing links in the case of a commercial product or update. UpdateStar puts an end to wasted time searching for possible updates. You want to stay up-to-date with your software? Use UpdateStar.
Protect yourself against outdated Software!
Old Software can lead to problems and system crashes. It can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside. UpdateStar puts a stop to all that! As soon as a new version is available, UpdateStar lets you know automatically, and you can download the update straight away!
Enhance your "Add or Remove Programs" experience
UpdateStar acts as your replacement for the well known "Add or Remove Programs" within your Windows Control Panel - well-known for its slowness. UpdateStar is much faster and additionally offers up-to-date information about your software setup. You receive program information as well as download and licensing links and special offers. With UpdateStar it's easy to download, install, uninstall or buy your software.
Personalize your updates
You can let UpdateStar deliver information regarding your complete software setup, or you may also choose to just let UpdateStar look for available update information regarding pre-selected programs you consider important. Simply configure UpdateStar according to your needs and it will only inform you about specific program updates available......
It's free
UpdateStar is Freeware. Feel free to download, install and make use of UpdateStar and let it ease your software life.
Optimal pricing for your software licenses
UpdateStar delivers important update information regarding your software setup, including product information, download and information links. Additionally it offers favorable licensing options for shareware and commercial products. UpdateStar has partnered with hundreds of software vendors and associated e-commerce partners to provide world-class services, competitive prices and special offers.
As a further service, UpdateStar brings you news and offers which focus specifically on software we are convinced you might be interested in. You not only receive competitive licensing options through UpdateStar, but the purchases made through UpdateStar allow us to keep UpdateStar a free service for it's millions of users worldwide.
How our users can support UpdateStar
The UpdateStar database is maintained by the users, for the users. Thousands of voluntary users help us to keep our database with tens of thousand of software products up-to-date. If you find an update that UpdateStar does not recognize, you can help updating the UpdateStar database by using the "Send Update" link in the product's details section within UpdateStar.
Simply fill-in the corrected data in the linked online form and submit it to the UpdateStar team. We will check your submission and update the database, so that all other users can also profit from your input. UpdateStar's art of social computing helps other users to stay updated with their software setup. The positive user feedback we receive every day show us just how much users world-wide love this idea of a self-maintained UpdateStar database.
UpdateStar is the program that lets you stay up-to-date with all of your personal software. Whether it be Freeware, Shareware and commercial software products, UpdateStar covers all of your software. UpdateStar knows more than 80.000 software products and lets you know once an update is available for you. No more wasted time reading hundreds of newsletters or searching websites for newly available updates. You want to stay up-to-date with your software? Use UpdateStar.
Stay up-to-date with your software
UpdateStar offers you a time-saving, one-stop information place for your software setup and makes your computer experience more productive. UpdateStar covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software, and includes special offers. Once an update for one of your programs is available, UpdateStar lets you know and offers you information and download options as well as licensing links in the case of a commercial product or update. UpdateStar puts an end to wasted time searching for possible updates. You want to stay up-to-date with your software? Use UpdateStar.
Protect yourself against outdated Software!
Old Software can lead to problems and system crashes. It can even leave you vulnerable to attacks from outside. UpdateStar puts a stop to all that! As soon as a new version is available, UpdateStar lets you know automatically, and you can download the update straight away!
Enhance your "Add or Remove Programs" experience
UpdateStar acts as your replacement for the well known "Add or Remove Programs" within your Windows Control Panel - well-known for its slowness. UpdateStar is much faster and additionally offers up-to-date information about your software setup. You receive program information as well as download and licensing links and special offers. With UpdateStar it's easy to download, install, uninstall or buy your software.
Personalize your updates
You can let UpdateStar deliver information regarding your complete software setup, or you may also choose to just let UpdateStar look for available update information regarding pre-selected programs you consider important. Simply configure UpdateStar according to your needs and it will only inform you about specific program updates available......
It's free
UpdateStar is Freeware. Feel free to download, install and make use of UpdateStar and let it ease your software life.
Optimal pricing for your software licenses
UpdateStar delivers important update information regarding your software setup, including product information, download and information links. Additionally it offers favorable licensing options for shareware and commercial products. UpdateStar has partnered with hundreds of software vendors and associated e-commerce partners to provide world-class services, competitive prices and special offers.
As a further service, UpdateStar brings you news and offers which focus specifically on software we are convinced you might be interested in. You not only receive competitive licensing options through UpdateStar, but the purchases made through UpdateStar allow us to keep UpdateStar a free service for it's millions of users worldwide.
How our users can support UpdateStar
The UpdateStar database is maintained by the users, for the users. Thousands of voluntary users help us to keep our database with tens of thousand of software products up-to-date. If you find an update that UpdateStar does not recognize, you can help updating the UpdateStar database by using the "Send Update" link in the product's details section within UpdateStar.
Simply fill-in the corrected data in the linked online form and submit it to the UpdateStar team. We will check your submission and update the database, so that all other users can also profit from your input. UpdateStar's art of social computing helps other users to stay updated with their software setup. The positive user feedback we receive every day show us just how much users world-wide love this idea of a self-maintained UpdateStar database.