Python MySQL进行数据库表变更和查询
这篇文章主要介绍了Python MySQL进行数据库表变更和查询的相关资料,需要的朋友可以参考下
python mysql insert delete query:
#!/usr/bin/python import MySQLdb def doInsert(cursor,db): #insert # Prepare SQL query to INSERT a record into the database. sql = "UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET AGE = AGE+1 WHERE SEX = '%c'" %('M') try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() except: db.rollback() def do_query(cursor,db): sql = "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE \ WHERE INCOME > '%d'" % (1000) try: # Execute the SQL command cursor.execute(sql) # Fetch all the rows in a list of lists. results = cursor.fetchall() print 'resuts',cursor.rowcount for row in results: fname = row[0] lname = row[1] age = row[2] sex = row[3] income = row[4] # Now print fetched result print "fname=%s,lname=%s,age=%d,sex=%s,income=%d" % \ (fname, lname, age, sex, income ) except: print "Error: unable to fecth data" def do_delete(cursor,db): sql = 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE AGE > {}'.format(20) try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() except: db.rollback() def do_insert(cursor,db,firstname,lastname,age,sex,income): sql = "INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE(FIRST_NAME, \ LAST_NAME, AGE, SEX, INCOME) \ VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%d', '%c', '%d' )" % \ (firstname,lastname,age,sex,income) try: cursor.execute(sql) db.commit() except: db.rollback() # Open database connection # change this to your mysql account #connect(server,username,password,db_name) db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost","root","root","pydb" ) # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor = db.cursor() do_query(cursor,db) doInsert(cursor,db) do_query(cursor,db) do_delete(cursor,db) do_query(cursor,db) do_insert(cursor,db,'hunter','xue',22,'M',2000) do_insert(cursor,db,'mary','yang',22,'f',5555) do_insert(cursor,db,'zhang','xue',32,'M',5000) do_insert(cursor,db,'hunter','xue',22,'M',333) do_query(cursor,db) # disconnect from server db.close()
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