'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = { sp: { input: { amountError: 'Incorrect amount format' }, table: { total: 'Total:', selected: 'Selected:', tableNoData: 'No data', tableNoDataSubtext: 'Tip: Suggest to recheck your filter.', tableLoadingData: 'Searching...' }, select: { placeholder: 'Select' }, preview: { button: 'View' } } };
'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = { sp: { input: { amountError: '金额格式不正确' }, table: { total: '共计:', selected: '已选择:', tableNoData: '暂无数据', tableNoDataSubtext: '提示:建议核实筛选条件', tableLoadingData: '搜索中...' }, select: { placeholder: '请选择' }, preview: { button: '查看' } } };
'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; exports.i18n = exports.use = exports.t = undefined; var _zhCN = require('./lang/zh-CN'); var _zhCN2 = _interopRequireDefault(_zhCN); var _vue = require('vue'); var _vue2 = _interopRequireDefault(_vue); var _deepmerge = require('deepmerge'); var _deepmerge2 = _interopRequireDefault(_deepmerge); var _format = require('element-ui/lib/locale/format'); var _format2 = _interopRequireDefault(_format); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var format = (0, _format2.default)(_vue2.default); var lang = _zhCN2.default; var merged = false; var i18nHandler = function i18nHandler() { var vuei18n = Object.getPrototypeOf(this || _vue2.default).$t; if (typeof vuei18n === 'function' && !!_vue2.default.locale) { if (!merged) { merged = true; _vue2.default.locale(_vue2.default.config.lang, (0, _deepmerge2.default)(lang, _vue2.default.locale(_vue2.default.config.lang) || {}, { clone: true })); } return vuei18n.apply(this, arguments); } }; var t = exports.t = function t(path, options) { var value = i18nHandler.apply(this, arguments); if (value !== null && value !== undefined) return value; var array = path.split('.'); var current = lang; for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) { var property = array[i]; value = current[property]; if (i === j - 1) return format(value, options); if (!value) return ''; current = value; } return ''; }; var use = exports.use = function use(l) { lang = l || lang; }; var i18n = exports.i18n = function i18n(fn) { i18nHandler = fn || i18nHandler; }; exports.default = { use: use, t: t, i18n: i18n };
import Vue from 'vue'; import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'; import elementLocale from 'element-ui/lib/locale'; import elementCnLocale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/zh-CN'; // element-ui lang import elementEnLocale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'; // element-ui lang import cnLocale from './lang/cn'; import enLocale from './lang/en'; import spuiEnLocale from 'lib/locale/lang/en'; import spuiCnLocale from 'lib/locale/lang/zh-CN'; import spuiLocale from 'lib/locale/index.js'; const messages = { en: { ...elementEnLocale, ...enLocale, ...spuiEnLocale }, cn: { ...elementCnLocale, ...cnLocale, ...spuiCnLocale } }; Vue.use(VueI18n); const i18n = new VueI18n({ locale: 'cn', fallbackLocale: 'cn', messages }); // fix element-ui language switching issue. elementLocale.i18n((key, value) => i18n.t(key, value)); spuiLocale.i18n(function(key, value) { return i18n.t(key, value); }); export default i18n;
export default { common: { merchantPlatform: '商户平台', search: '查询', clear: '清除', prev: '上一步', next: '下一步', done: '完成', batchCopy: '一键复制', currency: '币种', back: '返回', submit: '提交', confirm: '确认', add: '添加', delete: '删除', edit: '编辑', notify: '通知', noLoginName: '未登录', logout: '账号登出', changePwd: '修改密码', total: '总计', language: '语言设置', languageList: [ { value: 'en', label: 'English' }, { value: 'cn', label: '中文' } ], gotIt: '知道了', tableNoData: '暂无数据', tableNoDataSubtext: '提示:建议核实筛选条件', talbeLoadingData: '搜索中...', homeLoadingTitle: '正在加载资源', homeLoadingSubTitle: '初次加载资源可能需要较多时间 请耐心等待', action: '操作', save: '保存', cancel: '取消', saveSuccessTip: '保存成功!', deleteSuccessTip: '删除成功', yes: '是', no: '否', nonactivated: '未开通', required: '必填', view: '查看', agree: '同意', disagree: '不同意', notice: '公告通知', workOrderNotice: '工单通知', timeZone: '时区', mailLanguage: '邮件语言: ', mailLanguageTitle: '选择邮件语言', mailLanguageContent: '所有与您绑定的商户,都将以该语言给您发送邮件。', noContractSigned: '当前账户未开通该业务合同,请您联系PayerMax商务负责人获取进一步帮助', copySuccessfully: '复制成功', copyFailed: '复制失败:您可尝试单击右键进行复制', require: '必填', to: '-', today: '今天', yesterday: '昨天', last7Days: '过去7天', last30Days: '过去30天', placeholderStartDate: '开始日期', placeholderEndDate: '结束日期', applyRefundDes_1: '系统正在处理,请稍后查询。受理成功后,款项预计', applyRefundDes_2: '返回至原支付账户中。', approvalArrivalTimeMap: { 0: '将立刻', 1: '将在1天', 2: '将在10天内', 3: '' }, reupload: '重新上传', download: '导出', export: '导出', create: '创建', showDetail: '详情', pixiuDetail: '详情', success: '成功', unit: '笔', units: '笔', all: '全部', timeZoneSetting: '时区设置:', timeZoneDefault: '默认', timeZoneSelectHint: '时区筛选', platformTimeZoneList: [ { value: 'UTC', label: 'UTC +0:00', offset: 0, city: ' 世界标准时间', countryCode: 'UTC', zoneName: 'UTC' }, { value: 'UTC +4:00 GST', label: 'UTC +4:00', offset: 240, city: ' 迪拜(阿联酋)', countryCode: 'AE', zoneName: 'Asia/Dubai' }, { value: 'UTC +3:00 MSK', label: 'UTC +3:00', offset: 180, city: ' 莫斯科(俄罗斯)', countryCode: 'RU', zoneName: 'Europe/Moscow' }, { value: 'UTC +2:00 CAT', label: 'UTC +2:00', offset: 120, city: ' 开罗(埃及)', countryCode: 'EG', zoneName: 'Africa/Cairo' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 PHT', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' 马尼拉(菲律宾)', countryCode: 'PH', zoneName: 'Asia/Manila' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 MYT', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' 古晋(马来西亚)', countryCode: 'MY', zoneName: 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' }, { value: 'UTC +2:00 SAST', label: 'UTC +2:00', offset: 120, city: ' 约翰内斯堡(南非)', countryCode: 'ZA', zoneName: 'Africa/Johannesburg' }, { value: 'UTC +3:00 AST', label: 'UTC +3:00', offset: 180, city: ' 利雅得(沙特)', countryCode: 'SA', zoneName: 'Asia/Riyadh' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 SGT', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' 新加坡(新加坡)', countryCode: 'SG', zoneName: 'Asia/Singapore' }, { value: 'UTC +5:30 IST', label: 'UTC +5:30', offset: 330, city: ' 加尔各答(印度)', countryCode: 'IN', zoneName: 'Asia/Calcutta' }, { value: 'UTC +7:00 WIB', label: 'UTC +7:00', offset: 420, city: ' 雅加达(印度尼西亚)', countryCode: 'ID', zoneName: 'Asia/Jakarta' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 CST', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' 北京(中国)', countryCode: 'CN', zoneName: 'Asia/Shanghai' }, { value: 'UTC -3:00 BRT', label: 'UTC -3:00', offset: -180, city: ' 圣保罗(巴西)', countryCode: 'BR', zoneName: 'America/Sao_Paulo' }, { value: 'UTC +3:00 TRT', label: 'UTC +3:00', offset: 180, city: ' 伊斯坦布尔(土耳其)', countryCode: 'TR', zoneName: 'Europe/Istanbul' } ], faq: { label: '常见问题', testUrl: 'https://docs-dev.shareitpay.in/#/2?page_id=178&si=1&lang=zh-cn', prodUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/12?page_id=180&si=1&lang=zh-cn', }, helpList: [{ label: '文档中心', testUrl: 'https://docs-dev.shareitpay.in/#/2?page_id=4&si=1&lang=zh-cn', prodUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/30?page_id=580&si=1&lang=zh-cn', }, { label: '帮助中心', url: '', }], documentUrlInfo: { testUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/12?page_id=81&si=1&lang=cn', prodUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/30?page_id=580&si=1&lang=zh-cn', }, datePick: { tip: '时间跨度最大支持31天' }, downloadEmail: { title: '数据处理中', submit: '好的', message: '数据处理完成后,我们会将导出文件发送至您的邮箱 <span class="waring">%{email}</span>,请注意查收。' }, accountSubject: '账户主体', securityVerification: '用户安全登录验证', securityOpen: '已开启', securityClosed: '已关闭', deleteMerchantDes: '设为默认,账号登录后默认打开此商户号', defaultMerchantGroupsDes: '设为默认,账号登录后默认打开此商户群组', createGroup: '创建商户群组', switchTommc: '切换至商户平台运营', notification: '公告通知', documentCenter: '文档中心', paymentMethodType: '支付方式类型', }, route: { unknown: '未命名菜单', dashboard: '仪表盘', overview: '概览', group: '群组管理', banlnce: '账户余额', balanceTotal: '余额汇总', incomeDetail: '收支明细', merchant: 'merchant', report: '报告', disbursement: '出款查询', reportHistory: '导出记录', transaction: '收单管理', orderSearch: '订单查询', orderDetail: '订单详情', }, responseError: { error602: { title: '确定登出', content: '您已被登出,请重新登录', okStr: '重新登录', }, error603: { title: '提示', okStr: '重新登录', }, errorCodeList: [ { value: '600', label: '用户账号不存在' }, { value: '601', label: '账号名或密码错误' }, { value: '603', label: '获取权限异常,建议重新登录' }, { value: '604', label: '验证失败过多,账号已锁定,请重设密码' }, ], unknownError: '未知错误' } };
export default { common: { merchantPlatform: 'Merchant Platform', search: 'Search', clear: 'Clear', prev: 'Back', done: 'Done', batchCopy: 'Copy All', currency: 'Currency', next: 'Next', back: 'Back', submit: 'Submit', confirm: 'Confirm', add: 'Add', delete: 'Delete', edit: 'Edit', notify: 'Notify', noLoginName: 'No Login', logout: 'Sign Out', changePwd: 'Change Password', total: 'Total', language: 'Language Settings', languageList: [ { value: 'en', label: 'English' }, { value: 'cn', label: '中文' } ], gotIt: 'Got it', tableNoData: 'No data', tableNoDataSubtext: 'Tip: Suggest to recheck your filter.', talbeLoadingData: 'Searching...', homeLoadingTitle: 'Loading...', homeLoadingSubTitle: 'It may take more time to load the resource for the first time. Please wait patiently.', action: 'Action', save: 'Save', cancel: 'Cancel', saveSuccessTip: 'Save successfully!', deleteSuccessTip: 'Delete successfully!', yes: 'Confirm', no: 'Cancel', nonactivated: 'Nonactivated', required: 'Required', view: 'View', agree: 'Agree', disagree: 'Disagree', notice: 'Notification', timeZone: 'Time Zone', mailLanguage: 'Email Language: ', mailLanguageTitle: 'Select Email Language', mailLanguageContent: 'All merchants that are bound to you will send you an email in this language.', noContractSigned: 'There is no contract under the current account, please contact the PayerMax business development for further assistance.', copySuccessfully: 'Copy successfully', copyFailed: 'Copy failed: Please try right-click and select Copy', require: 'Required', to: '-', today: 'Today', yesterday: 'Yesterday', last7Days: 'Last 7 days', last30Days: 'Last 30 days', placeholderStartDate: 'Start Date', placeholderEndDate: 'End Date', applyRefundDes_1: 'Wait for some time, system is processing. Once the refund is processed, the money will be sent to the original payment source', applyRefundDes_2: '.', approvalArrivalTimeMap: { 0: ' immediately', 1: ' within 1 working day', 2: ' within 10 working days', 3: '' }, reupload: 'Re-upload', download: 'Download', export: 'Export', create: 'Create', showDetail: 'Detail', pixiuDetail: 'Details', success: 'Success', unit: 'order', units: 'orders', all: 'All', timeZoneSetting: 'Timezone Setting: ', timeZoneDefault: 'Default', timeZoneSelectHint: 'Time Zone Filter', platformTimeZoneList: [ { value: 'UTC', label: 'UTC +0:00', offset: 0, city: ' Universal Time Coordinated', countryCode: 'UTC', zoneName: 'UTC' }, { value: 'UTC +4:00 GST', label: 'UTC +4:00', offset: 240, city: ' Dubai(United Arab Emirates)', countryCode: 'AE', zoneName: 'Asia/Dubai' }, { value: 'UTC +3:00 MSK', label: 'UTC +3:00', offset: 180, city: ' Moscow(Russia)', countryCode: 'RU', zoneName: 'Europe/Moscow' }, { value: 'UTC +2:00 CAT', label: 'UTC +2:00', offset: 120, city: ' Cairo(Egypt)', countryCode: 'EG', zoneName: 'Africa/Cairo' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 PHT', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' Manila(Philippines)', countryCode: 'PH', zoneName: 'Asia/Manila' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 MYT', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' Kuching(Malaysia)', countryCode: 'MY', zoneName: 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' }, { value: 'UTC +2:00 SAST', label: 'UTC +2:00', offset: 120, city: ' Johannesburg(South Africa)', countryCode: 'ZA', zoneName: 'Africa/Johannesburg' }, { value: 'UTC +3:00 AST', label: 'UTC +3:00', offset: 180, city: ' Riyadh(Saudi Arabia)', countryCode: 'SA', zoneName: 'Asia/Riyadh' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 SGT', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' Singapore(Singapore)', countryCode: 'SG', zoneName: 'Asia/Singapore' }, { value: 'UTC +5:30 IST', label: 'UTC +5:30', offset: 330, city: ' Kolkata(India)', countryCode: 'IN', zoneName: 'Asia/Calcutta' }, { value: 'UTC +7:00 WIB', label: 'UTC +7:00', offset: 420, city: ' Jakarta(Indonesia)', countryCode: 'ID', zoneName: 'Asia/Jakarta' }, { value: 'UTC +8:00 CST', label: 'UTC +8:00', offset: 480, city: ' Beijing(China)', countryCode: 'CN', zoneName: 'Asia/Shanghai' }, { value: 'UTC -3:00 BRT', label: 'UTC -3:00', offset: -180, city: ' Sao Paulo(Brazil)', countryCode: 'BR', zoneName: 'America/Sao_Paulo' }, { value: 'UTC +3:00 TRT', label: 'UTC +3:00', offset: 180, city: ' Istanbul(Turkey)', countryCode: 'TR', zoneName: 'Europe/Istanbul' } ], faq: { label: 'FAQ', testUrl: 'https://docs-dev.payermax.com/#/2?page_id=178&si=1&lang=en', prodUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/12?page_id=180&si=1&lang=en', }, helpList: [{ label: 'Documents', testUrl: 'https://docs-dev.payermax.com/#/2?page_id=4&si=1&lang=en', prodUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/30?page_id=580&si=1&lang=zh-en', }, { label: 'Support', url: '', hidden: true }], documentUrlInfo: { testUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/30?page_id=580&si=1&lang=zh-en', prodUrl: 'https://docs.payermax.com/#/30?page_id=580&si=1&lang=zh-en', }, datePick: { tip: 'Date range up to 31 days' }, downloadEmail: { title: 'Data processing', submit: 'OK', message: 'We will send the export to <span class="waring">%{email}</span> when it\'s completed, please check it later.' }, accountSubject: 'Account Subject', securityVerification: 'User security login verification', securityOpen: 'Enabled', securityClosed: 'Closed', deleteMerchantDes: 'Set as default, this merchant account will be displayed after account login', defaultMerchantGroupsDes: 'Set as default, this merchant group account will be displayed after account login', createGroup: 'Create Group', switchTommc: 'Switch to Merchant Platform', notification: 'Notification', documentCenter: 'Document Center', paymentMethodType: 'Payment Method Type', }, route: { unknown: 'unknown menu', dashboard: 'Dashboard', overview: 'Dashboard', banlnce: 'Banlnce', balanceTotal: 'Balance Summary', incomeDetail: 'Account Turnover', group: 'Group', report: 'Report', disbursement: 'Disbursement', reportHistory: 'Export Records', merchant: 'merchant', transaction: 'Payment', orderSearch: 'Order Search', orderDetail: 'Order Detail', }, responseError: { error602: { title: 'Logout', content: 'Your session has expired, please login again.', okStr: 'Click to Sign in', }, error603: { title: 'Hint', okStr: 'Click to Sign in', }, errorCodeList: [ { value: '600', label: 'The user account is not exits.' }, { value: '601', label: 'User ID or Password is incorrect.' }, { value: '603', label: 'Something wrong with accessing permission. Suggest to sign in again.' }, ], unknownError: 'Unknown error.' } };
三、在VUE中引入 main.js
import i18n from './i18n'; const vue = new Vue({ router, store, i18n, created() { injectBeyla(); }, mounted() { util.init(); }, render: h => h(App), }).$mount('#app');
<ProblemDescription :title="$t(`workOrderInfo.yourLocalReceivingAccountNumber`)" /> <el-button @click="goBack">{{ $t('workOrderInfo.return') }}</el-button> { prop: 'status', labelKey: 'workOrderInfo.workOrderStatus', minWidth: 130, render(h, row) { const type = setStatus(row.status, this.language) || ''; return <div> {row.status == 'PROCESS' && <div style='color: rgba(251, 151, 1, 1);padding: 4px 12px;border-radius: 14px;background: rgba(255, 241, 215, 1);'>{type || '-'}</div>} {row.status == 'FINISHED' && <div style='color: rgba(0, 195, 82, 1);padding: 4px 12px;border-radius: 14px;background: rgba(230, 249, 239, 1);'>{type || '-'}</div>} </div>; } }, import local from './local'; const SCOPE_NAME = 'workOrderInfo'; created() { if (!this.$i18n.getLocaleMessage('en')[SCOPE_NAME]) { this.$i18n.mergeLocaleMessage('en', local.en); this.$i18n.mergeLocaleMessage('cn', local.cn); } }, this.tipMessage(this.$t('workOrderInfo.orderExisting'));
export default { cn: { workOrderInfo: { orderExisting: '该订单已经创建咨询,请刷新页面', mustSelectAContent: '必须选择一项内容', fileCount: '当前限制最多上传 5 个文件!', } }, en: { workOrderInfo: { orderExisting: 'The order has been created, please refresh the page', mustSelectAContent: 'One item must be selected', fileCount: 'The current limit allows for a maximum of 5 files to be uploaded!', } } };